10 research outputs found

    Controling the robotic arm using human machine interface and plc modicon m340

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    Remote cotrol management has enabled engineers to easily and quickly operate the facility management directly from their work place, making it possible to connect production facilities in large systems (which are localized at a distance of several hundred kilometers). Placing the observed object into the network with the computer that manages that object (PLC) data acquisition is achieved and thus the management is realized. For monitoring these systems there are multiple ways, depending on the management (parameters that govern). Monitoring can be realized by using video surveillance or collecting data / telemetry parameters (liquid level, temperature of the manufacturing process, the position of measuring by the encoder, etc.) which offers one of the most important systems for managing and monitoring, today's SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquistion) system. Our work is based precisely on these three areas: management, communication with the user and the monitoring of one production process12th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, PES 2015, August 31-September 02, 2015, NiÅ”, Serbi

    QFD tools efficiency in business excellence related to small-scale production

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    An overview of the application of QFD tools through the application of modular architecture in the new product realization is presented in this paper. The QFD application can be considered as an engineering method in the analysis of the buyer's desires and business opportunities in business excellence. The application of modular architecture in product design provides the realization of new and diverse products suitable for re-use as well as for materials recycling. From this point of view, we have tried to explain the significance of the new Lean philosophy from the aspect of re-use of products, reduction of waste and employeesā€™ efficiency increase. In this regard, the QFD tool represents the link between design and production process improvement

    Značenje i primena inteligentnih senzora

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    In this work is defined by the sensor. It is made the division of the sensors and their application. Technology development is very complex. Without the use of sensors is impossible to perform the simplest activities. The paper deals with examining what are the possibilities of production in the domestic market. The introduction of intelligent sensors, sensor is attached to the sophisticated skills, such as compatibility with communications systems improve the logical possibilities.U ovom radu je definisan senzor. Napravljena je podela senzora i njihova primena. TehnoloÅ”ki razvoj je vrlo složen. Bez upotrebe senzora nemoguće je obavljati najjednostavnije aktivnosti. Rad se bavi ispitivanjem kakve su mogućnosti proizvodnje i na domaćem tržiÅ”tu. Uvođenjem inteligentnih senzora senzoru se pridodaju sofisticirane sposobnosti, kao Å”to je kompatibilnost sa komunikacionim sistemima, unapređenje logičke mogućnosti

    Značenje i primena inteligentnih senzora

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    In this work is defined by the sensor. It is made the division of the sensors and their application. Technology development is very complex. Without the use of sensors is impossible to perform the simplest activities. The paper deals with examining what are the possibilities of production in the domestic market. The introduction of intelligent sensors, sensor is attached to the sophisticated skills, such as compatibility with communications systems improve the logical possibilities.U ovom radu je definisan senzor. Napravljena je podela senzora i njihova primena. TehnoloÅ”ki razvoj je vrlo složen. Bez upotrebe senzora nemoguće je obavljati najjednostavnije aktivnosti. Rad se bavi ispitivanjem kakve su mogućnosti proizvodnje i na domaćem tržiÅ”tu. Uvođenjem inteligentnih senzora senzoru se pridodaju sofisticirane sposobnosti, kao Å”to je kompatibilnost sa komunikacionim sistemima, unapređenje logičke mogućnosti

    Novi proizvodi kao odgovor tehnoloŔkim promenama na tržiŔtu

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    The paper presents and analyzes a new product CMTM's. Selection and evaluation of new products that will succeed in the market depends on the product development process and management companies. Development, testing and marketing a new product is certainly a big undertaking for a company. Production SMART transmitter is an example of how local companies can respond to the demands of competition in the domestic and foreign markets.U radu su prikazani i analizirani novi proizvodi CMTM-a. Izbor novih proizvoda i ocena da će uspeti na tržiÅ”tu zavisi od procesa razvoja samog proizvoda i menadžmenta preduzeća. Razvoj, ispitivanje i plasman novog proizvoda je svakako veliki poduhvat za jedno preduzeće. Proizvodnja SMART transmitera je primer kako domaća preduzeća mogu da odgovore na zahteve konkurenata na domaćem i stranim tržiÅ”tima

    Novi proizvodi kao odgovor tehnoloŔkim promenama na tržiŔtu

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    The paper presents and analyzes a new product CMTM's. Selection and evaluation of new products that will succeed in the market depends on the product development process and management companies. Development, testing and marketing a new product is certainly a big undertaking for a company. Production SMART transmitter is an example of how local companies can respond to the demands of competition in the domestic and foreign markets.U radu su prikazani i analizirani novi proizvodi CMTM-a. Izbor novih proizvoda i ocena da će uspeti na tržiÅ”tu zavisi od procesa razvoja samog proizvoda i menadžmenta preduzeća. Razvoj, ispitivanje i plasman novog proizvoda je svakako veliki poduhvat za jedno preduzeće. Proizvodnja SMART transmitera je primer kako domaća preduzeća mogu da odgovore na zahteve konkurenata na domaćem i stranim tržiÅ”tima

    Designing by CAD application software in order to improve production process

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    U ovom radu dat je prikaz reÅ”enja koje je projektovano pomoću CAD aplikativnih softvera. Rad je koncipiran da pokaže kakav je značaj upotrebe aplikativnog softvera u domenu: racionalne potroÅ”nje materijala, analize ponovne upotrebe proizvoda i elemenata zaÅ”tite životne sredine. U cilju optimizacije celokupnog procesa projektovanja, razvoja i/ili održavanja sistema u različitim granama industrije (gradjevina, maÅ”instvo). Dakle, posredstvom istih u značajnoj meri se pojednostavljuje: 3D modelovanje kako pojedinačnih maÅ”inskih komponenti, tako i podsklopova i sklopova, izrada prateće 2D tehničke dokumentacija, izrada komponenti na CNC maÅ”inama, proračun čvrstoće, odnosno radnog veka i integriteta konstrukcije. Ključne reči: Proizvod, projektovanje, CAD aplikativni softver, materijal, strategije, zaÅ”tita životne sredine.This work contains a display of solutions which is projected using CAD applicable software. The Study is designed to show what is the meaning of usage of applicable software within the following domain: rational consumption of material, analysis of reuse of products and elements of environmental protection, in order to optimize the complete process of designing, development and/or sustaining systems in different industry branches (construction, machinery). Therefore, by means of aforementioned, comes to considerable simplicity of 3D modeling of, forasmuch as individual machinery components, as much as subassemblies and assemblies, creation of following 2D technical documentation, creation of components on CNC machines, forecast of solidity, operating time and construction integrity

    The importance of new product development in Serbian small-scale manufacturing enterprises

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    ā€Market pullā€ strategy is dominating in small scale manufacturing enterprises in the Republic of Serbia. The research whose results are presented in this work has determined the significance of this strategy from the aspect of developing new products. The strategy is reflected in close collaboration of enterprises and their customers, from the idea to the final product, including R & D activities. Beside customers, the main sources of ideas are: competitors and fairs. It has been also determined that marketing activities related to introduction of new products are limited and in comparison to the results from surrounding countries Serbia doesnā€™t lag behind. However, in order to improve the activities related to the development of new products in Serbian small-scale manufacturing enterprises we have suggested two strategies in this work: ā€open innovationā€ in making closer collaboration with external knowledge sources and the creation of ā€innovative networksā€ with partners in this concept usage. Limitations of this research are: weak feedback from respondents (the questionnaire was sent by e-mail), geographical limitations of the sample and the lack of homogenious sample group in the analysis of certain parameters.VI International Symposium Engineering Management and Competitiveness 2016 (EMC 2016), June 17-18, 2016, Kotor, Montenegr

    A model for introducing strategies in sustainable development of small-scale enterprises in Serbia

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    This paper presents the algorithm for introducing the strategies ensuring the sustainable development of enterprises, but also provides improvement of small-scale manufacturing process. Three strategies are given in the algorithm: Remanufacturing, modification and 4R. Credibility of the algorithm is reflected in: defining the basic input and output elements, defining the important environmental factors, importance of resources and in defining a sustainable production process. The combination of the aforementioned strategies enables local enterprises to perceive easily the importance of achievements in developed countries. Reuse of products is implemented through: verification, disassembling, replacement of parts, installation of modified parts and components, cleaning, re-assembling and testing. The algorithm gives an example of how to save materials and energy appearing as huge losses in manufacturing process

    Značaj reproizvodnje u proizvodnji transmitera

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    This paper presents a algorithm for the improvement of the manufacturing process developed and tested for small-scale enterprise. The validity of the algorithm can be seen through: defining basic elements, defining environmental factors, the importance of resources, and the analysis of input and output in the manufacturing process. The algorithm incorporates implemented strategies: remanufacturing and 4Rs. The paper analyzed the temperature transmitter at the end of its life circle. Reuse transmitter is realized through: checking, disassembly, replacement parts, cleaning, re-assembling and testing. The work provides an example of how to save energy and materials which appear as large losses in the manufacturing process.ovom radu prikazan je algoritam za obezbeđenje unapređenja procesa proizvodnje u preduzeću maloserijskog tipa proizvodnje. Verodostojnost algoritma se ogleda kroz: definisanje osnovnih elemenata, definisanje faktora okruženja, značaj resursa, analizu ulaza i izlaza u procesu proizvodnje. Algoritam u sebi sadrži implementirane strategije: reproizovdnju i 4R. U radu analiziran je transmiter temperature na kraju životnog veka. Ponovna upotreba transmitera se realizuje kroz: proveru, rastavljanje, zamenu delova, čiŔćenje, ponovno sastavljenje i testiranje. Rad daje primer kako uÅ”tedeti na materijalu i energiji koji se javljaju kao veliki gubici u procesu proizvodnje