431 research outputs found

    Factors affecting paddy farmers to procure farm inputs in debt

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    The aim of this study deals with reasons that almost paddy farmers in Mekong River Delta have to procure farm inputs in debt. With 216 households interviewed by questionnaires in An Giang province and using regression model, the study has found that the lack of capital for rice production and the cost of farm inputs are key elements to impact positively on paddy farmers who procure inputs in debt. Furthermore, householder’s paddy growing experience, rice selling price, residential area, and value of the property affect negatively inputs procurement in debt of rice farmers. In addition, household size, farm size, and interest of purchase of inputs in debt influence positively on rice farmers when they purchase inputs on credit

    Adaptive resilience in a post-pandemic era: A case of Vietnamese organizations

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has been fading gradually, but another problematic phase has begun for organizations in the post-Covid-19 era in Vietnam. This study aims to examine the direct impact of transformational leadership on adaptive resilience, the indirect impact of transformational leadership on adaptive resilience via psychological and employee resilience, and the interactions between the levels of resilience. Quantitative research was used to analyze data from 324 employees chosen via convenient sampling in Vietnam. The findings indicated that transformational leadership directly impact adaptive resilience (β = 0.559, p < 0.000), psychological resilience (β = 0.361, p < 0.000), and employee resilience (β = 0.292, p < 0.000) and also indirectly impact adaptive resilience via psychological and employee resilience (β = 0.135, p < 0.000), and employee resilience via psychological resilience (β = 0.130, p < 0.000). Furthermore, there was also the direct influence of psychological resilience on adaptive resilience (β = 0.135, p < 0.005) and the indirect influence of psychological resilience on adaptive resilience via employee resilience (β = 0.073, p < 0.000). The other direct significant relations, such as between psychological resilience and employee resilience, and between employee resilience and adaptive resilience, were also confirmed (β = 0.360, p < 0.000; β = 0.204, p < 0.000)

    Embedding Sustainable Consumption into Higher Education in Vietnam

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    Changing in the way that human produces and consumes are indispensable to achieve sustainable consumption. All of the countries in developed economies, economies in transition and developing economies should promote sustainable consumption. This will require larger changes in society. Higher education plays a vital role in promoting understanding, awareness of professors, staff members and students of sustainable consumption. Through higher education, these people would be positively change their mind about this issue. National Economics University (NEU) is one of the leading university in economics in Vietnam as a case study. Students graduated from the university will be future experts, leaders and businessmen. After graduation, as academic citizens with acquainted knowledge and skills, they will influence the economic and social changes though their business and private purchasing habits and decisions. Using data from the University, this paper will reveal the current landscape of sustainable consumption at National Economics University through the years. In order to embed this issues into education, the university should incorporate sustainable consumption into the curriculum, create and implement a sustainability plan and adjust teaching method to encourage students asking questions, analyzing, thinking critically and making decisions toward sustainable consumption. Keywords: Embedding sustainable consumption, higher education DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-18-12 Publication date:June 30th 201

    The Impact of FDI, International Trade, and National Economy on People’s Standard of Living in ASEAN Countries

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    This research paper analyzes the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI), international trade, and national economy on the standard of living of people in ASEAN member countries, using data from 2012-2021. The study uses data from this period to examine the effects of these variables on the standard of living in ASEAN member countries. The results indicate that international trade and national economy have a significant influence on people's standard of living in the region. However, the effect of FDI varies depending on the level of development of the country. While FDI doesn't have much effect on developing countries, it has a negative impact on developed countries. The study also provides insights for policymakers on how to promote economic growth and improve the quality of life for people in the ASEAN. Keywords: FDI, international trade, national economy, the standard of living, ASEAN DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-6-10 Publication date:March 31st 2023

    Management and monitoring of air and water pollution by using GIS technology: Research article

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    The need for a green clean living environment is increasing today, with the boom of the socioeconomic development, educational level. However, the environmental pollution becomes an alerted global issue due to the large amount of wastes discharged making this need to be not easily met at the moment. Greenhouse gas emission mainly from energy, transport and agricultural land use is causing climate change because of their long atmospheric lifetime and trapping the heat in the atmosphere. Harmful effects and damages caused by environment pollution and climate change are unpredictable. It was reported that every year millions of people die because of fine particles when exposing to air pollution and other millions die from water-born diseases. Management and monitoring of air and water pollution by using GIS technology is an effective method. The measured data can be obtained continuously, quickly and accurately at stations in any regions even with complex terrain. This helps reduce the required number of employees, manage automatically and continuously a large number of data.Ngày nay nhu cầu về một môi trường sống xanh, sạch đang gia tăng, với sự bùng nổ của phát triển kinh tế - xã hội và trình độ dân trí. Tuy nhiên, ô nhiễm môi trường đang trở thành một vấn đề cảnh báo toàn cầu do số lượng lớn các chất thải được xả ra môi trường làm cho nhu cầu này không dễ dàng được đáp ứng tại thời điểm này. Phát thải khí nhà kính chủ yếu là từ sử dụng năng lượng, giao thông vận tải và đất nông nghiệp đang gây ra biến đổi khí hậu vì thời gian tồn tại của cúng dài và giữ nhiệt trong khí quyển. Các ảnh hưởng xấu và thiệt hại gây ra bởi ô nhiễm môi trường và biến đổi khí hậu là không thể đoán trước. Thông tin báo cáo chỉ ra rằng mỗi năm có hàng triệu người chết vì hít các hạt bụi mịn khi tiếp xúc với ô nhiễm không khí; và hàng triệu người khác chết vì bệnh do nước sinh ra. Quản lý và giám sát ô nhiễm không khí và nước bằng cách sử dụng công nghệ GIS là một phương pháp hiệu quả. Các dữ liệu đo có thể được lấy liên tục, nhanh chóng và chính xác tại các trạm ở bất kể khu vực nào, ngay cả nơi có địa hình phức tạp. Điều này giúp làm giảm số lượng lao động cần thiết, quản lý tự động và liên tục một số lượng lớn dữ liệu


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Relationship between clinicopathologic factors and FDG avidity in radioiodine-negative recurrent or metastatic differentiated thyroid carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: In this study, we investigated the relationship between clinicopathologic factors, BRAF METHODS: From 2015 to 2018 all patients with suspected recurrent or metastatic radioiodine-negative DTC patients who underwent FDG positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) were retrospectively reviewed. Suspected lesions on FDG PET/CT were biopsied and underwent BRAF RESULTS: Sixty-three consecutive patients, 55 (87.3%) female, with median age of 48 (range 17-81) were included. The majority of patients had BRAF CONCLUSION: The majority of recurrent or metastatic RAI-negative DTC have BRA

    Chaotic Compressed Sensing and Its Application to Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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    Fast image acquisition in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is important, due to the need to find ways that help relieve patient’s stress during MRI scans. Methods for fast MRI have been proposed, most notably among them are pMRI (parallel MRI), SWIFT (SWeep Imaging with Fourier Transformation), and compressed sensing (CS) based MRI. Although it promises to significantly reduce acquisition time, applying CS to MRI leads to difficulties with hardware design because of the randomness nature of the measurement matrix used by the conventional CS methods. In this paper, we propose a novel method that combines the above-mentioned three approaches for fast MRI by designing a compound measurement matrix from a series of single measurement matrices corresponding to pMRI, SWIFT, and CS. In our method, the CS measurement matrix is designed to be deterministic via chaotic systems. This chaotic compressed sensing (CCS) measurement matrix, while retaining most features of the random CS matrix, is simpler to realize in hardware. Several compound measurement matrices have been constructed and examined in this work, including CCS-MRI, CCS-pMRI, CCS-SWIFT, and CCS-pSWIFT. Simulation results showed that the proposed method allows an increase in the speed of the MRI acquisition process while not compromising the quality of the acquired MR images