637 research outputs found

    CasGCN: Predicting future cascade growth based on information diffusion graph

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    Sudden bursts of information cascades can lead to unexpected consequences such as extreme opinions, changes in fashion trends, and uncontrollable spread of rumors. It has become an important problem on how to effectively predict a cascade' size in the future, especially for large-scale cascades on social media platforms such as Twitter and Weibo. However, existing methods are insufficient in dealing with this challenging prediction problem. Conventional methods heavily rely on either hand crafted features or unrealistic assumptions. End-to-end deep learning models, such as recurrent neural networks, are not suitable to work with graphical inputs directly and cannot handle structural information that is embedded in the cascade graphs. In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning architecture for cascade growth prediction, called CasGCN, which employs the graph convolutional network to extract structural features from a graphical input, followed by the application of the attention mechanism on both the extracted features and the temporal information before conducting cascade size prediction. We conduct experiments on two real-world cascade growth prediction scenarios (i.e., retweet popularity on Sina Weibo and academic paper citations on DBLP), with the experimental results showing that CasGCN enjoys a superior performance over several baseline methods, particularly when the cascades are of large scale

    Partition-based K-space Synthesis for Multi-contrast Parallel Imaging

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    Multi-contrast magnetic resonance imaging is a significant and essential medical imaging technique.However, multi-contrast imaging has longer acquisition time and is easy to cause motion artifacts. In particular, the acquisition time for a T2-weighted image is prolonged due to its longer repetition time (TR). On the contrary, T1-weighted image has a shorter TR. Therefore,utilizing complementary information across T1 and T2-weighted image is a way to decrease the overall imaging time. Previous T1-assisted T2 reconstruction methods have mostly focused on image domain using whole-based image fusion approaches. The image domain reconstruction method has the defects of high computational complexity and limited flexibility. To address this issue, we propose a novel multi-contrast imaging method called partition-based k-space synthesis (PKS) which can achieve super reconstruction quality of T2-weighted image by feature fusion. Concretely, we first decompose fully-sampled T1 k-space data and under-sampled T2 k-space data into two sub-data, separately. Then two new objects are constructed by combining the two sub-T1/T2 data. After that, the two new objects as the whole data to realize the reconstruction of T2-weighted image. Finally, the objective T2 is synthesized by extracting the sub-T2 data of each part. Experimental results showed that our combined technique can achieve comparable or better results than using traditional k-space parallel imaging(SAKE) that processes each contrast independently

    Meta-KD: A Meta Knowledge Distillation Framework for Language Model Compression across Domains

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    Pre-trained language models have been applied to various NLP tasks with considerable performance gains. However, the large model sizes, together with the long inference time, limit the deployment of such models in real-time applications. One line of model compression approaches considers knowledge distillation to distill large teacher models into small student models. Most of these studies focus on single-domain only, which ignores the transferable knowledge from other domains. We notice that training a teacher with transferable knowledge digested across domains can achieve better generalization capability to help knowledge distillation. Hence we propose a Meta-Knowledge Distillation (Meta-KD) framework to build a meta-teacher model that captures transferable knowledge across domains and passes such knowledge to students. Specifically, we explicitly force the meta-teacher to capture transferable knowledge at both instance-level and feature-level from multiple domains, and then propose a meta-distillation algorithm to learn single-domain student models with guidance from the meta-teacher. Experiments on public multi-domain NLP tasks show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed Meta-KD framework. Further, we also demonstrate the capability of Meta-KD in the settings where the training data is scarce
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