18 research outputs found

    How to survive selling scoreboard

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    This research located in Sleman, Indonesia, is a case study based on entrepreneurship, called Selling Scoreboard supplies electronic sport scoreboard. This case study chronicled the way taken by the owner’s Selling Scoreboard, indicating accurately how the entrepreneurship stretched the surviving stature that it presently detains. Personality can be especially important as the reason that relationship with quality types of produces are building more blocks of producers and market needs. Interview and observation the owner’s Selling Scoreboard was achieved to get this data information. The interview and observation helped me to determine the story of business transection from the day it was early instigated just before nowadays. This case study spectacles the progresses, favorable outcome, and bankruptcies of business running, and conclusively contributes tackle or hopeful entrepreneur advice on way to improve his performance to reach his own chances of survival business

    The price dynamics of hand sanitizers for covid-19 in Indonesia: exponential and cobweb forms

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    This study aims to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on changes in handsanitizer prices in Indonesia. This study is motivated by the increasing demand for handsanitiz-ers which has had an impact on price ratings. The method used is an explanatory survey with an exponential form approach for the demand function and Linear Cobweb Form for the supply function. The structure of the hand sanitizer market is assumed to be a perfectly competitive market. The re-sults of the study indicate that despite changes in prices, the numerical analysis shows that prices are stable. The entry and exit of companies in the market does not affect price stability. This finding implies that after the pandemic the prices of handsanitizers will return to normal, so producers and consumers must remain rational

    Factors limiting policy recognition of the new innovation approaches

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    There is a growing body of literature in the field of new innovation approaches, which importance has also garnered the interest of policymakers around the world. Various policy initiatives have been introduced, and some of them have proven to be successful, reaching millions of people worldwide. The primary motive of implementing these initiatives is to generate more effective and sustainable solutions to cater to the increasingly complex socio-economic challenges. However, despite the significant contributions, previous studies revealed that these innovations received comparatively less attention in public policy as compared to conventional innovations, resulting in limited prioritisation in public policy agenda. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the factors behind the low policy recognition of new innovation approaches. Based on the literature review carried out, several factors limiting the policy recognition have been identified, in which, to some extent, have consequently limited the potential of such innovations to thrive. The role of the government, particularly the policymakers, is to respond to current issues and chart future directions supported by other stakeholders. Henceforth, their commitment to developing more balanced policy measures is indeed imperative to optimise the benefits of innovations to society and tailor them to the Sustainable Development Goals

    Quality assurance in higher education, a global perspective

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    The purpose of this research study is to measure quality assurance in higher education from a global perspective. Quality assurance is based on two phases: IQA and EQA in any organization. The IQA controls the quality level within the organization in the internal quality assurance, including self-analysis of the organization, the quality plan related to quality assurance, the monitoring process of performance, and the evaluation process. On the other hand, external quality assurance is based on the organization's benchmarking, the audit process, the assessment, and quality reviews. This research study used primary research data analysis to measure the data used smart PLS software. Data gathered through questions and different websites related to the selected organizations. Data was collected from the organization's managers, employees, and front desk officers regarding QA in higher education. Results founded that QA shows a significant and positive influence on higher education from a global perspective. Quality assurance (QA) performance is also based on Leadership & management, Stakeholder engagement, and Corporation & collaboration. The research study described that quality assurance based on three perspectives is accreditation, including all programs and institutional, secondly based on accountability. The last one is quality assurance and its performance based on continuous improvement of the organization

    Improving university competitiveness through blue ocean strategy based co creation strategy

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    Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia University of Education or later be called UPI) as PT PKBLU (Tertiary Education Institution with Financial Management of Public Service Body) needs to act and to position the institution effectively, efficiently and with accountability. To get effective and efficient work, UPI must develop a careful strategy. Therefore, UPI must think far ahead towards the alternative strategies, which are radically able to maximize the opportunities that exist and at the same time minimize the risk to achieve the best goals and objectives and to benefit UPI itself. Thus, this study examines innovative and creative strategies with the Co Creation Strategy approach that creates new market spaces without competitors and leaves competition irrelevant. The results of this study are innovative strategic models through a model that can be integrated and applied to the measurement of educational organizations' competitiveness through academic activities and encourage the quality of education as a whole and sustainably

    Development of interactive multimedia to overcome difficulties in isomorphous binary phase diagram learning materials

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    This research is motivated by the difficulties faced by students in the learning process of the Engineering Materials subject, which is shown by preliminary data that 63% of 30 students have difficulty in learning the subject of phase diagrams, of 63% of students by 50% have difficulty in mastering the material for the calculation of phase diagrams, as many as 30% of students have difficulty in drawing phase diagrams, and 20% have difficulty in others. This is due to the difficulty of understanding abstract, complex and dynamic concepts, so that it impacts on the low student learning outcomes due to the ineffective mastery of concepts. The purpose of this research is to produce interactive multimedia that is suitable to be used as learning media for Isomorphous Binary Phase Diagrams to facilitate students in overcoming the difficulty of concept mastery. Interactive Multimedia development method uses the DBR method and the research method used was a quasi-experimental research method with one group pretest-posttest design. The sample used in this study was 45 students as an experimental class. The results showed that interactive multimedia was feasible to use and could overcome the difficulty of mastering the concepts of students in Isomorphous Binary Phase Diagramsh

    Teaching in automotive practical work: Three major themes from experts view

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    This paper will discuss about an analysis based on interview session in teaching Automotive Practical Work for Vocational Colleges. Six teachers who are expert in Automotive were interviewed and the three major themes discussed to analyze teachers’ feedback. The interview was categorized into three major themes of teaching methods which are: introduction, body and conclusion. In discussion of how to start their teaching, teachers prefer to use demonstration, sketching and questioning technique in introduction. They chose demonstration, question and answer, hands-our and problem solving approach while teaching body or content of Automotive Practical Work. At the end of teaching session teachers prefer to summarize the topic and ask students to write a report. All teachers agreed that they cannot deliver in a variety of methods or creative teaching methods because of time constraints, as students have to complete the task within two hours. But from the answers in teaching the bodies of teaching practical work some teachers give students other problems and let students solve it with their creativity. To enhance students’ knowledge and give them the opportunity to explore current situations of automotive development in the reflection and conclusion session, respondents were asked how they encourage students in a particular way. In summary, teachers applied the method of teaching based on what the curriculum need and students need based on the level of difficulties in the task given

    Simulation of oil pipeline shutdown and restart modes

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    The paper is devoted to the simulating of non-stationary processes of shutdown and restart on the example of a section of the Zhetybai-Uzen "hot" oil pipeline. A mathematical model of thermal-hydraulic calculation is given taking into account the rheological properties of the pumping oil. The special module of the SmartTran software developed by the work's authors carried out the calculations. In the calculations, the decrease in time of oil temperature in the pipeline during cooling and the increase in oil pressure, temperature, velocity after the restart are determined. In addition, the calculations determine the power of pumping units, heating furnaces and the power consumption, which are necessary for restart of the pipeline after the shutdown. Simulation the processes of the pipeline cooling and restart after a shutdown makes it possible choosing the optimum parameters of pumping units at pumping stations and the time of safe shutdown of the oil pipeline

    Future jobs in coming of industry revolution 4.0

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    The presence of the industry revolution 4.0 is inevitable in today's society. This paper aims at elaborating the jobs and skills in related with coming this era. We did a literature survey from reputed journal databases. The jobs still appearing and disappearing are revealed in this study including the challenges of Industry 4.0 in the field of social, qualification, and skills. We conclude that it is very important for people to have an awareness and readiness to face this era

    The root of student admission information system problem: evidence for Indonesia

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    Information systems are an essential element to support the success of organizations, and especially educational institutions. Some scholars explain the positive benefits of the application of information systems in education services management, especially to improve the work productivity of education services. Nevertheless, the information system of education service still has many weaknesses, and not according to user needs. This study aims to evaluate the shortcomings of the implementation of students' admission information systems using the waterfall model approach, the DeLone & McLean model, and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) model. This study involves expert judgment in the information systems field. Qualitative analysis through focus group discussion was used in this study. The results of the study revealed that in the waterfall approach, the weaknesses were shown on the communication stage, and the developer was not optimal in identifying user needs. The DeLone & McLean model plan shows that the user does not yet fully trust to use the information system of student admission. While the TAM model approach shows that information systems of student admission are still considered difficult to use by users, however, users still use the online system as a registration requirement. This study recommends that in developing information systems of student admission, it is necessary to pay attention to the needs of users and related stakeholders