63 research outputs found

    Gradability and intensification of the language quantity (on the materials of English, Russian and Japanese)

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    The languages under consideration possess numerous lexical as well as grammatical groups of quantity representation. English, Russian and Japanese are exuberant in pure quantification markers and markers of gradability which do not have pure quantitative meaning, but correlate with it. Gradability is connected with norm aberration, marking a 'more than the norm' or 'less than the norm' situation. Intensification is not only norm deflection, but also a kind of evaluation. The role of context is by all means of paramount importance when defining positive or negative types of evaluation

    The verb-noun agreement in english and arabic

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    © Journal of Language and Literature. This article deals with comparing two quite different languages - English and Arabic - in the field of the verb quantity. Our research involves morphology, syntax and semantics. The hypothesis that richer morphology reduces notional effects during agreement production within and across languages is the central idea of this study. In the course of time the English language has changed from grammatical into lexical one and currently has few morphological means to express different grammatical meanings but more hidden notional features involved in subject-verb agreement. The notional features are manifested in the so-called "agreement attraction", the cases of imbalance in subject-predicate and collective-verb agreement. The graphic style of thinking of the Arabs penetrates into the verb number category, displayed by the diversity of morphological markers and peculiar full person-number-gender or partial person-gender agreement depending on the sentence word order and subject's belonging to the category of Human or non-Human nouns. Verb number phenomenon is highly complex, but despite this complexity it is systematic

    Lexical and semantic potential of emotionally expressive sentences in the tatar and French languages

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    The article deals with the problem of peculiarities of the expressive syntax in the Tatar and French languages. The expressive syntax has a large and varied inventory of linguistic resources among which an important place belongs to the lexical content of emotionally expressive sentences in the compared languages. The choice of specific lexical and syntactic means depends in each individual case on the situation, the subject of emotional evaluation itself, the relationship with the person or persons to whom the sentence is addressed. The expressive possibilities of the sentences appear brighter when they don't only characterize a phenomenon, but also transmit a special attitude of the subject of the speech towards it. The emotionally expressive sentences in the Tatar and French languages represent specialized syntactic means that are used to implement the category of emotional expression

    Lake water quality of Kazan city (Russia) Kaban lake in the anthropogenic pollution conditions and improving actions implementation

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    © Research India Publications. Researches of lake water quality for the Kaban system in Kazan are conducted. Lakes Lower and Mid Kaban in the past were suitable for city water supply, but because of the trade and household sewage intake, by 1970th it became strongly polluted. For the purpose of water quality improvement the project of improvement, according to which the majority of the sewage production earlier dumped to lakes was taken away on treatment facilities, was developed and realized, cleaning was carried out for bottom of lakes L. Kaban and M. Kaban from the polluted ground deposits, the collecting pipe for collecting the emergency sewer waters is constructed, coasts are well arranged. Improvement of water quality turned out to be consequence of the held events. However, the anthropogenic impact remains rather high. The researches of water we conducted in Kaban Lake showed its low quality. In this regard, for each of the studied lakes the main sources of pollution were revealed. On the basis of impact level assessment on lakes and their current state, the set of measures for improvement of water quality is offered

    Quantitative background of pronouns in English, Arabic and Tatar: Structural approach

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    This paper deals with analyzing the contrasts in the ways of expressing quantity of the pronouns in three quite different languages, belonging to different language families: English (Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family), Arabic (southern branch of the Semitic language family) and Tatar (Turkic branch of the Altai language family). Contrastive typology is the area of this research. Pronouns as a part of the nominal group have specific grammatical characteristics and correspondingly share them with nouns, adjectives and numerals. For instance, English personal pronouns have person, number, gender and case categories. There are two elements of meaning in the semantics of Arabic personal pronouns: person-number-gender and case. Tatar personal pronouns possess person, number and case characteristics. Apart from the other nominal parts of speech, there are specific ways of expressing them. The number phenomenon, being highly complex, penetrates the pronouns as well. In this article we support the idea that the richer the morphological means of the language the more grammatical characteristics the pronouns possess

    The semantic morphological category of noun number in structurally different languages

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    © 2016 The Author(s).The article represents structural semantic analysis of the grammatical number of nouns in the Indo-European (English, German), Semitic (Arabic, Hebrew), and Altai (Tatar, Japanese) languages. The category of number comprises numerous phenomena, including some transitive and historical aspects, which complicate and enrich the system of language. Several controversial features of the category may be pointed out, especially those concerning the phenomena of collectiveness, duality, segmentation, etc. The idea of plurality is reflected in the mind of different people in the many-sided way. In the Indo-European languages there are mass nouns that occur only in the singular. Also, there are countable nouns that occur only in the plural. The special attitude of the Semitic languages towards the category of number can be noticed in the formal interpretation of the concept “singularity - plurality”. Their graphic style of thinking penetrates the grammar of Arabic and Hebrew and is reflected in the category of number. In Tatar the singular and plural forms are distinguished. There are a lot of number affixes. Japanese does not grammatically differentiate between singular and plural forms. So, the isomorphic and allomorphic traits of the number category reflect universal and unique language verbalization of different cultures, revealing people’s world outlook, their traditions and history

    The development of the literatures of the people of the volga region in multi-ethnic Russia

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    © Journal of Language and Literature. The article reveals the literary works and events of the XX - XXI centuries in which the interaction and the dialogue of cultures and literatures of the people of the Volga region in Russia are pronounced. The Russian Federation has a lot of large regions in which many nations for centuries lived in the vicinity, interacting and enriching material and spiritual values. One of these regions is the Volga region, where Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Mari people understand each other perfectly, and on weekdays, and holidays are always together and maintain friendly relations. Such Tatar poets as G. Tukay, Kh. Taktash, Kh. Tufan, R. Kharis, Chuvash writers as I. Ya. Yakovlev, Tikhon Pederki, Michael Sespel, I. Maximov, A. Alga, B. Uhli, S. Timbay, Peder Huzangay, M. Fedorov, Vasley Mitta, Mari writers as Vladimir Vasiliev, S. Chavayn, N. Mukhin, G. Evayn, V. Ipatov and the others demonstrate the ways of harmonizing the relationship in the sphere of functioning and development of the literatures of the Volga region. True literature and art have always been so high, served universal and humane purposes of the people rapprochement with the help of the artistic means, harmony and beauty

    Tatar and French: Interest and language

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    The current stage of linguistics development is characterized by an increased interest to the comparative study of languages. The problem of the language comparative study is the subject of linguistic research in many works of domestic and foreign scientists. The purpose of this study is the comparative analysis of emotional and expressive sentences in Tatar and in French, and the determination of similarities and differences. We used a set of linguistic methods and factual material analysis methods in accordance with the set goal and the objectives of the article, the main ones of which are comparative-typological, universallydifferential and descriptive linguistics methods. The article reveals the peculiarities of Tatar and French language expressive syntax realization. The emotionally expressive sentences with the value of interest are used for the implementation of emotional expression category on the syntactic level in the form of a special atmosphere of trust, secrecy or mystery. For the first time the emotional and expressive Tatar and French sentences were compared at the synchronous level. The study revealed the existence of similar typological features which, in its turn, shows a certain similarity between Tatar and French languages belonging to different linguistic families. The existing differences are manifested mainly in the field of studied sentence structure in the compared languages, whereas in the field of semantics, these sentences show a lot of similarities, which is conditioned by the commonality of a man's mind

    Assessing economic losses of lake Kaban (Kazan, RUSSIA) ecosystem and developing of compensation measures within the framework of sports facilities construction

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    © MCSER-Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. We have calculated the environmental losses arising in the course of preparation and construction activities on the lake Kaban. The size of environmental damage caused under construction was evaluated in a total of $ 273,863 USA. Developed compensatory measures that reduce the effects of damage caused by the construction work. We have developed a concept of biological rehabilitation of the lake and we have made prediction of change in the state of the lake ecosystem as a result of rehabilitation measures

    Assessing economic losses of the small river ecosystems and developing of compensation measures within the framework of sports facilities construction

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    The article describes the basic theoretical principles that underpin the economic calculation of environmental damage in the course of human economic activity. As an example the assessing of the losses from the impact of the construction of sports facilities in the floodplain of a small river. We have calculated the environmental losses arising in the course of preparation and construction activities. Developed compensatory measures that reduce the effects of damage caused by the construction work