79 research outputs found

    Syriac influence of the style of the Ḳurʾān

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    by A. MinganaTeilw. in arab., syr., hebr. Schrift, arab., syr., hebr.Aus: Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Vol. 11, No. 1, January 192

    Catalogue of the Arabic manuscripts in the John Rylands Library, Manchester

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    by A. MinganaTeilw. in arab. Schr., arab

    Vaftizci Yahya'nın Yeni Bir Hayat Hikâyesi

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    Hz. Yahya gerek İslam gerekse Hıristiyan kaynaklarında hakkında bilgi verilenbir peygamberdir. O ve babası Hz. Zekeriya İsrail oğullarına peygamber olarakgönderilmiş, ancak her ikisi de devrin şehit edilen peygamberleri arasında yerlerinialmışlardır. Hz. Yahya’nın çocukluğu ile ilgili teferruatlı bilgi İncillerde verilmemeklebirlikte onun Herod tarafından nasıl şehit edildiği anlatılmaktadır. 4. yüzyılda yaşamışolan Mısır’lı din adamı olan Serapion tarafından kaleme alınan Hz. Yahya’nın Hayatıisimli kayıtlarda Hz. Yahya’nın çocukluğu, mücadelesi, Hz. Zekeriya’nın şehadeti ileilgili bilgiler verilmekte, Hz. Yahya’nın vefatından sonra kesilen başı ile ilgili bir efsanede dile getirilmektedir

    Some early Judaeo-Christian documents in the John Rylands library;

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    "Reprinted from the Bulletin of the John Rylands library, v. 4, no. 1, April-August, 1917."Mode of access: Internet

    Jean Pierre Part 2

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    Indigenous musi

    Islamic Arabic 1651

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    Poem Ali ibn Abi Talib 'Qasida' with Persian interlinear translation. Arabic text written in Nashi in golden and blue letters, fully vowelled; Persian translation in black Ta'liq; most elaborately illuminated in gold, red, blue and pink. 257x184 mm. This manuscript is contained within the The Mingana Collection of Middle Eastern Manuscripts, held at the Department of Special Collections, University of Birmingham. This collection was founded in Birmingham between 1925 and 1929 by Edward Cadbury, the Chairman of Council of Woodbrooke College and a founding member of the Selly Oak Colleges, who sponsored and financed the Collection, and housed it in the Selly Oak Colleges Library. He named the Collection after its collector, Alphonse Mingana. The Arabic manuscripts are the third largest collection in the UK. The content is mostly religious, mainly Islamic and early Near Eastern Christian