22,827 research outputs found

    Why are there strong radio AGNs in the center of "non-cool core" clusters?

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    Radio AGN feedback in X-ray cool cores has been proposed as a crucial ingredient in the evolution of baryonic structures. However, it has long been known that strong radio AGNs also exist in "noncool core" clusters, which brings up the question whether an X-ray cool core is always required for radio feedback. We present a systematic analysis of 152 groups and clusters to show that every BCG with a strong radio AGN has an X-ray cool core. Those strong radio AGNs in the center of the "noncool core" systems identified before are in fact associated with small X-ray cool cores with typical radii of < 5 kpc (we call them coronae). Small coronae are most likely of ISM origin and they carry enough fuel to power radio AGNs. Our results suggest that the traditional cool core/noncool core dichotomy is too simple. A better alternative is the cool core distribution function with the enclosed X-ray luminosity. Other implications of our results are also discussed, including a warning on the simple extrapolation of the density profile to derive Bondi accretion rate.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure, to appear in proceedings of the conference "The Monster's Fiery Breath: Feedback in Galaxies, Groups, and Clusters", June 2009, Madison, WI, Eds. S. Heinz & E. Wilcot

    Probing the topological charge in QCD matter via multiplicity up-down asymmetry

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    Relativistic heavy ion collisions provide the possibility to study the topological charge in QCD matter through the event-by-event fluctuating net axial charge or nonequal numbers of left- and right-handed quarks they generate in the produced quark-gluon plasma. Based on the chiral kinetic approach for nearly massless quarks and antiquarks in the strong vorticity field produced along the normal direction of the reaction plane of non-central heavy ion collisions, we show that a unique signal for the topological charge in QCD matter can be identified from the asymmetric distribution of particles with momenta pointing in the upper and lower hemispheres of the reaction plane as a result of the fluctuating net axial charge.Comment: 6 pages and 4 figure
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