10 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT. – Patterns utilized in the simulation of underground water flow and the transportation of pollutants in the Bahlui drainage basin. In the actual context of accelerate economic development, the excessive exploatation of water resources from the underground and the contamination of these with different water pollutants has become a major problem which has enetered the attention of many researchers. For the evaluation of an underground water flow and pollutants transport sistem we have chosen the package of programs MODFLOW which includes a whole series of applications,such as MOC3D, MT3D, MT3DMS, PEST, UCODE, PMPATH, which allow simulations and multiple recalibrations of the capacity of recharging of the aquifers, the flowing of the water towards wells and drillings the transport of a pollutant agent in the underground or the evaluation of the exchange of water between the hidrographic network and aquifers. The sistem targets both the evaluation of the modelation of the underground flowing and the simulation of a punctual polluation of the canvas of groundwater scenery, in the meadow of the river Bahlui, west from Letcani village

    Considerations on the hydro-geological characteristics of the surface aquifers from the Jijia-Prut confluence area

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    Consideraţii asupra caracteristicilor hidro-geologice a acviferelor de suprafaţă din aria de confluenţă Jijia-Prut. La nivelul Podişului Moldovei, zonele de confluenţă suscită un interes deosebit prin dinamica morfologică a reliefului şi caracteristicile hidrologice şi hidrogeologice diferite faţă de zonele din amonte. Zona de confluenţă Jijia-Prut se integrează în acest peisaj geomorfologic prin caracterul mobil al condiţiilor lito-geomorfologice şi hidrogeologice, în funcţie de factorii care au generat procesele hidrogeomorfologice locale. Fluxurile de substanţă şi energie, din cele două bazine hidrografice, al Jijiei şi al Prutului, modulate într-o multitudine de secvenţe, cu intensităţi diferite la scara timpului, au generat o mobilitate a zonei de confluenţă, în funcţie de condiţiile hidrologice conjuncturale. Plecând de la aceste premise ne-am propus o evaluare a caracteristicilor hidrogeologice ale acviferului din zona Cârniceni, aflată la 5km nord-vest de localitatea Sculeni (pe râul Prut).În urma analizei calitatea apelor subterane din este considerată nesatisfăcătoare datorită unor caracteristici fizico-chimice nefavorabile şi a condiţiilor şi proceselor hidrogeochimice naturale, care se desfăşoară în substrat, şi care favorizează trecerea în soluţie a diferiţilor anioni şi cationi; poluării apelor de suprafaţă şi schimbului hidrodinamic dintre acestea şi apele subterane, reintroducerea în activitatea agricolă a îngrăşămintelor pe bază de azot şi de fosfor, precum şi a pesticidelor; exploatarea necorespunzătoare a unor sisteme de irigaţii care au contribuit la mineralizarea materiei organice din sol şi la migrarea substanţelor rezultate din aceste procese spre adâncime

    Hydro-chemical characteristics of the underground water of the Bahlui river basin

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    Caracteristicile hidro-chimice ale apelor subterane din bazinul Bahlui. Condiţiile geologice (prezenţa în substrat a unor argile sarmaţiene cu intercalaţii de marne şi nisipuri, puţin favorabile formării unor strate acvifere bogate), geomorfologice (râurile prezintă lunci largi, şi numeroase terase, utilizate ca spaţii de rezidenţă, terenuri agricole sau în amplasarea unor obiective industriale ce implică o poluare accentuată a stratelor acvifere aferente), climatice (precipitaţii medii multianuale cuprinse între 500 şi 550 mm, temperaturi medii multianuale de 9-9,4ºC, caracteristice unui climat temperat continental cu nuanţe de excesivitate, cu perioade de secetă şi uscăciune frecvente) şi hidrologice (o scurgere de suprafaţă care prezintă variaţii mari ale debitelor râurilor) şi hidrogeologice (coeficienţi de infiltraţie cu valori reduse, capacitate de acumularea a apei de asemenea redusă), la care se adaugă şi o activitate umană susţinută (în special în agricultură şi în industrie), constiuie premise esenţiale în generarea unor caracteristici hidrochimice deosebite ale apelor subterane din bazinul hidrografic Bahlui. Parametrii analizaţi în pentru evaluarea caracteristicilor hidrochimice ale apelor subterane din acest bazin hidrografic au vizat variaţia concentraţiei ionilor de hidrogen (pH-ul), gradul de duritate (totală şi temporară), conţinutul de reziduu fix şi substanţe organice şi o serie de anioni ( -ionul hidrocarbonat, -ionul sulfat, Cl- ionul de clor), şi cationi (Ca++, Mg++, Na++K+).In funcţie de parametrii chimici analizati, apele subterane din cadrul bazinului hidrografic Bahlui se în cadrează în clasa apelor clorurat-sodice, sau parţial în clasa bicarbonatat-sodice sau sulfatat-sodice cu mineralizare ridicată, prezentând valori moderate ale cantitaţii de substanţe organice şi reziduu fix, valori ridicate ale pH-ului şi durităţii totale şi temporare, condiţionate, în special, de caracteristicile hidrochimice ale depozitelor geologice, valori normale ale cantităţilor de Fe şi amoniac, însă cu unele abateri faţă de limita maximă, în funcţie de poziţia forajelor hidorgeologice faţă de sursele de poluare

    Assessment of waste dumping practices in mountain creeks

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    The paper examines the exposure of mountain creeks towards illegal waste disposal practices related to the lack of waste collection services in rural areas of Romania prior to EU accession and the low waste collection efficiency following the closure of rural wild dumps in 2009-2010. The paper estimates the amounts of household waste uncollected and disposed in selected small Carpathian rivers in the North-East development region. The expansion of built-up areas along the water courses leads to waste dumping practices across mountain villages in the context of poor waste management facilities. Particular morphology of villages and hydrological characteristics of the creeks may influence the magnitude of such bad practices. The paper points out the role of flash floods in cleaning upstream catchments from debris, thus, polluting the downstream rivers and human settlements. An efficient waste collection system in mountain areas has a crucial role to play in mitigating and ultimately preventing the waste dumping practices in water bodies

    Assessment of waste dumping practices in mountain creeks

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    The paper examines the exposure of mountain creeks towards illegal waste disposal practices related to the lack of waste collection services in rural areas of Romania prior to EU accession and the low waste collection efficiency following the closure of rural wild dumps in 2009-2010. The paper estimates the amounts of household waste uncollected and disposed in selected small Carpathian rivers in the North-East development region. The expansion of built-up areas along the water courses leads to waste dumping practices across mountain villages in the context of poor waste management facilities. Particular morphology of villages and hydrological characteristics of the creeks may influence the magnitude of such bad practices. The paper points out the role of flash floods in cleaning upstream catchments from debris, thus, polluting the downstream rivers and human settlements. An efficient waste collection system in mountain areas has a crucial role to play in mitigating and ultimately preventing the waste dumping practices in water bodies

    Assessment of waste dumping practices in mountain creeks

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    The paper examines the exposure of mountain creeks towards illegal waste disposal practices related to the lack of waste collection services in rural areas of Romania prior to EU accession and the low waste collection efficiency following the closure of rural wild dumps in 2009-2010. The paper estimates the amounts of household waste uncollected and disposed in selected small Carpathian rivers in the North-East development region. The expansion of built-up areas along the water courses leads to waste dumping practices across mountain villages in the context of poor waste management facilities. Particular morphology of villages and hydrological characteristics of the creeks may influence the magnitude of such bad practices. The paper points out the role of flash floods in cleaning upstream catchments from debris, thus, polluting the downstream rivers and human settlements. An efficient waste collection system in mountain areas has a crucial role to play in mitigating and ultimately preventing the waste dumping practices in water bodies

    Book review of “Essentials of Oceanography,” 4th edition (Tom Garrison)

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    Sustainable Alternative Routes versus Linear Economy and Resources Degradation in Eastern Romania

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    This paper reveals the linear economy contribution to resource degradation and environmental pollution in eastern Romania that could further feed environmental crimes and conflicts, such as in the Pungesti shale gas case. Preservation of material and water resources in the region is required through various circular mechanisms under a cross-sectoral approach including solid waste as a material resource for industry and agriculture; wastewater treatment and water reuse; composting and organic agriculture; and using renewables. Six non-conflictual sustainable alternative routes related to circular economy mechanisms, water preservation, and to the clean energy transition are proposed in this paper, which are further examined through key statistics and indicators, current best practices, and local development pathways in both urban and rural communities


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    International audienceThe paper examines the exposure of mountain creeks towards illegal waste disposal practices related to the lack of waste collection services in rural areas of Romania prior to EU accession and the low waste collection efficiency following the closure of rural wild dumps in 2009-2010. The paper estimates the amounts of household waste uncollected and disposed in selected small Carpathian rivers in the NorthEast development region. The expansion of built-up areas along the water courses leads to waste dumping practices across mountain villages in the context of poor waste management facilities. Particular morphology of villages and hydrological characteristics of the creeks may influence the magnitude of such bad practices. The paper points out the role of flash floods in cleaning upstream catchments from debris, thus, polluting the downstream rivers and human settlements. An efficient waste collection system in mountain areas has a crucial role to play in mitigating and ultimately preventing the waste dumping practices in water bodies


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    International audienceThe paper examines the exposure of mountain creeks towards illegal waste disposal practices related to the lack of waste collection services in rural areas of Romania prior to EU accession and the low waste collection efficiency following the closure of rural wild dumps in 2009-2010. The paper estimates the amounts of household waste uncollected and disposed in selected small Carpathian rivers in the NorthEast development region. The expansion of built-up areas along the water courses leads to waste dumping practices across mountain villages in the context of poor waste management facilities. Particular morphology of villages and hydrological characteristics of the creeks may influence the magnitude of such bad practices. The paper points out the role of flash floods in cleaning upstream catchments from debris, thus, polluting the downstream rivers and human settlements. An efficient waste collection system in mountain areas has a crucial role to play in mitigating and ultimately preventing the waste dumping practices in water bodies