20 research outputs found


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    東海地方には東海丘陵要素として知られる特徴的な植生がある。この東海丘陵要素のひとつである交雑起源種トウカイコモウセンゴケ(Drosera tokaiensis)とその両親種であるモウセンゴケ(D. rotundifolia)及びコモウセンゴケ(D. spatulata)のモウセンゴケ属内での系統学的位置づけを明らかにするため,葉緑体DNA を用いた分子系統解析を行った。その結果,4 つの領域(petB 遺伝子イントロン,rbcL 遺伝子,rpl 16-rpl 14 遺伝子間領域及びtrnW-trnP 遺伝子間領域)において,トウカイコモウセンゴケとコモウセンゴケのDNA 配列が一致した。このことは,コモウセンゴケがトウカイコモウセンゴケの唯一の母親種であることを示唆する。また,rbcL 遺伝子配列を用いたベイズ法による系統解析を行い,現在のモウセンゴケ属の分布域を反映した系統樹を構築することができた。この系統樹から,トウカイコモウセンゴケの両親種であるモウセンゴケとコモウセンゴケは同じ単一系統群に属し,モウセンゴケ属内で近縁な関係であることが明らかになった。以上から,トウカイコモウセンゴケは遺伝的に近縁な両親種から起源したと考えられる


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    摘要 プマユムツォ湖は,中国・チベット高原南東部の北緯28°34\u27,東経90°24\u27,標高 5,030 m に位置する淡水湖で,標高5,000m 以上にある湖としては世界最大規模である。この湖は非常に高所にあり,軍事制限地域になっているため,これまでに湖周辺のフロラについての詳細な調査はされてこなかった。2006 年本湖周辺15 ヶ所でフロラ調査を行なった結果,24 科79 種(7 種が未同定)が確認され,そのうちキク科(11 種),カヤツリグサ科(8 種),ゴマノハグサ科(8 種),イネ科(6 種),アブラナ科(5 種)及びリンドウ科(5 種)が多数の種を含む主要な科で,残りの科はいずれも4 種以下であった。フロラ調査を行なった15 ヶ所について二元指標種分析(TWINSPAN)を行なった結果,指標種と植生の相違から以下の4 グループに分割できた。グループA は湖の島の湖岸を除く砂礫斜面全域と頂上のみで,乾生植物のArtemisia brevifolia, Corydalis hookeri 及びDelphinium caeruleum が指標種となる高山荒原であった。グループB は湖周辺に広く分布する腐食質が堆積しない比較的乾燥した場所に成立し,Androsace tapete が指標種となる高山ステップであった。グループC は未腐食質が堆積し,Pachypleurum nyalamenseが指標種となる高山草原であった。グループD は湖畔の土壌水分が飽和した湖岸で,湿生植物の Polygonum周辺の植生の違いは,土壌水分の違いと放牧による採食圧の違いによるものと推測された

    Impurity emission characteristics of long pulse discharges in Large Helical Device

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    Line spectra from intrinsic impurity ions have been monitored during the three kinds of long-pulse discharges (ICH, ECH, NBI). Constant emission from the iron impurity shows no preferential accumulation of iron ion during the long-pulse operations. Stable Doppler ion temperature has been also measured from Fe XX, C V and C III spectra

    Variations in Flowering Date, Shoot Growth and Contents of Choleretic Substances in Capitulum in Artemisia capillaris Collected from Various Locations in Japan

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    Capitulum of Artemisia capillaris is used as a crude drug in the Kampo medicines. Ten accessions of A. capillaris collected from various locations in Japan were examined for their flowering date, shoot growth and contents of choleretic substances i.e. capillarisin (GAP) and 6, 7-dimethylesculetin (DME), to select the important characters for capitulum yield and quality, and to characterize each accession. The experiment was conducted at the Tsukuba Medicinal Plant Research Station, Ibaraki, Japan. Accessions collected from higher latitude flowered earlier than those from lower latitude. Accordingly, dry weights of capitula, stems plus leaves and whole shoot in the accessions collected from higher latitudes were lower than those collected from lower latitudes. Larger shoot biomass, the consequence of longer vegetative growth period, was found to be important for higher capitula yield. Shoot length and contents of GAP and DME were not related with flowering date and the latitude of habitats. The results of principal component analysis (PGA) revealed that each accession from various locations was characterized by shoot length, shoot biomass and contents of CAP and DME and that the intra-accessional variations of shoot growth and contents of GAP and DME in the accessions collected from lower latitudes were greater than those from higher latitudes. Based on the results of PCA, the ten accessions were grouped into four types

    Utilization and summary of “Model place made with forest and green in Aichi< as the environmental study field in Chubu University

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    A New 14

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    From the 20th International Radiocarbon Conference held in Kona, Hawaii, USA, May 31-June 3, 2009.A new continuous sediment core (PY608W-PC; 3.8 m length) for reconstruction of climatic and environmental changes in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau was taken from the eastern part of Lake Pumoyum Co in August 2006. Sediment layers of the lower part of PY608W-PC (380-300 cm depth) were composed mainly of relatively large plant residues (up to ~3 cm in length) with an admixture of fine sand and sandy silt. The large plant residues disappeared at ~300-290 cm depth in core PY608W-PC and were replaced by silt-silty clay. The large plant residues from the lower part of PY608W-PC could be aquatic, because the plant residues were extremely enriched in 13C (up to -3.0‰, -5.6 +/- 2.3‰ on average). On the other hand, the plant residue concentrates (PRC fractions) from the upper part of the core (290-0 cm in depth) could be terrestrial C3 plants (delta-13C = -21.8 +/- 1.7 on average). Radiocarbon dating was performed on the large plant residues and PRC fractions from the PY608W-PC sediment core, which represented the chronology from ~19,000 cal BP to present.The Radiocarbon archives are made available by Radiocarbon and the University of Arizona Libraries. Contact [email protected] for further information.Migrated from OJS platform February 202