7,044 research outputs found

    Scaling behavior of online human activity

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    The rapid development of Internet technology enables human explore the web and record the traces of online activities. From the analysis of these large-scale data sets (i.e. traces), we can get insights about dynamic behavior of human activity. In this letter, the scaling behavior and complexity of human activity in the e-commerce, such as music, book, and movie rating, are comprehensively investigated by using detrended fluctuation analysis technique and multiscale entropy method. Firstly, the interevent time series of rating behaviors of these three type medias show the similar scaling property with exponents ranging from 0.53 to 0.58, which implies that the collective behaviors of rating media follow a process embodying self-similarity and long-range correlation. Meanwhile, by dividing the users into three groups based their activities (i.e., rating per unit time), we find that the scaling exponents of interevent time series in three groups are different. Hence, these results suggest the stronger long-range correlations exist in these collective behaviors. Furthermore, their information complexities vary from three groups. To explain the differences of the collective behaviors restricted to three groups, we study the dynamic behavior of human activity at individual level, and find that the dynamic behaviors of a few users have extremely small scaling exponents associating with long-range anticorrelations. By comparing with the interevent time distributions of four representative users, we can find that the bimodal distributions may bring the extraordinary scaling behaviors. These results of analyzing the online human activity in the e-commerce may not only provide insights to understand its dynamic behaviors but also be applied to acquire the potential economic interest

    Current status and countermeasures of diagnosis and treatment of mild bronchial asthma in China

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    In China, bronchial asthma has emerged as the second most prevalent respiratory disease, with mild asthma constituting 50%-70% of the reported cases. The challenges in diagnosing mild asthma arise from the subtle or atypical symptoms exhibited by patients, coupled with the absence of characteristic wheezing sounds. Notably, pulmonary function tests frequently yield normal indices for large airway functions, contributing to a significant misdiagnosis rate exceeding 70%. This high misdiagnosis rate results in patients seeking medical care repeatedly, and some cases receiving inappropriate treatments, with incresed the risk of progressing to moderate or severe asthma, experiencing acute attacks, and facing the potential threat of mortalitydeath. About one-third of asthma deaths occur in mild asthma. Furthermore, the predominant focus on symptom relief rather than the effective control of airway inflammation raises significant concerns regar-ding the diagnosis and treatment of mild asthma in China. In response, the "Expert consensus on the diagnosis, treatment and management of mild bronchial asthma in China (2023 edition)" introduces two diagnostic pathways, namely definitive and presumptive diagnosis, with the aim of enhancing diagnostic accuracy and standardizing treatment approaches. Based on the limitations associated with methods for definitive diagnosis (such as a bronchodilator test's positive rate less than 10% in mild asthma patients and the low clinical implementation rate of bronchial provocation tests), and an understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of small airway dysfunction, a presumptive diagnosis pathway to address these inherent shortcomings is proposed. Initially, a singular pulmonary function test is employed for presumptive diagnosis, integrating small airway function with airway inflammation indices. The model is fine-tuned based on age and gender considerations. The assessment of large and small airway reversibility in patients with negative bronchodilator tests serves as a pivotal guide for diagnostic treatment, minimizing the risks of misdiagnosis and overdiagnosis. Treatment and management strategies are selected based on the level of symptom control, with an emphasis on anti-inflammatory approaches. Employing a patient-centered shared decision-making model and implementing an "assessment-adjustment-review" asthma management cycle to individualize precision management is executed to establish diagnostic and treatment strategies for mild asthma, enhancing the overall standard of care for mild asthma

    The functional genomic response of developing embryonic submandibular glands to NF-kappaB inhibition

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    BACKGROUND: The proper balance between epithelial cell proliferation, quiescence, and apoptosis during development is mediated by the specific temporal and spatial appearance of transcription factors, growth factors, cytokines, caspases, etc. Since our prior studies suggest the importance of transcription factor NF-κB during embryonic submandibular salivary gland (SMG) development, we attempted to delineate the emergent dynamics of a cognate signaling network by studying the molecular patterns and phenotypic outcomes of interrupted NF-κB signaling in embryonic SMG explants. RESULTS: SN50-mediated inhibition of NF-κB nuclear translocation in E15 SMG explants cultured for 2 days results in a highly significant increase in apoptosis and decrease in cell proliferation. Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) analyses of transcriptomic and proteomic assays identify specific transcripts and proteins with altered expression that best discriminate control from SN50-treated SMGs. These include PCNA, GR, BMP1, BMP3b, Chk1, Caspase 6, E2F1, c-Raf, ERK1/2 and JNK-1, as well as several others of lesser importance. Increased expression of signaling pathway components is not necessarily probative of pathway activity; however, as confirmation we found a significant increase in activated (phosphorylated/cleaved) ERK 1/2, Caspase 3, and PARP in SN50-treated explants. This increased activity of proapoptotic (caspase3/PARP) and compensatory antiapoptotic (ERK1/2) pathways is consistent with the dramatic cell death seen in SN50-treated SMGs. CONCLUSIONS: Our morphological and functional genomic analyses indicate that the primary and secondary effects of NF-κB-mediated transcription are critical to embryonic SMG developmental homeostasis. Relative to understanding complex genetic networks and organogenesis, our results illustrate the importance of evaluating the gene, protein, and activated protein expression of multiple components from multiple pathways within broad functional categories
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