16,623 research outputs found

    Correlation Assisted Phonon Softenings and the Mott-Peierls Transition in VO2_{2}

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    To explore the driving mechanisms of the metal-insulator transition (MIT) and the structural transition in VO2, we have investigated phonon dispersions of rutile VO2 (R-VO2) in the DFT and the DFT+U (U : Coulomb correlation) band calculations. We have found that the phonon softening instabilities occur in both cases, but the softened phonon mode only in the DFT+U describes properly both the MIT and the structural transition from R-VO2 to monoclinic VO2 (M1-VO2). This feature demonstrates that the Coulomb correlation effect plays an essential role of assisting the Peierls transition in R-VO2. We have also found from the phonon dispersion of M1-VO2 that M1 structure becomes unstable under high pressure. We have predicted a new phase of VO2 at high pressure that has a monoclinic CaCl2-type structure with metallic nature

    Time dependent behavior of a localized electron at a heterojunction boundary of graphene

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    We develop a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method for simulating the dynamics of graphene electrons, denoted GraFDTD. We then use GraFDTD to study the temporal behavior of a single localized electron wave packet, showing that it exhibits optical-like dynamics including the Goos–Hänchen effect [ F. Goos and H. Hänchen, Ann. Phys. 436, 333 (1947)] at a heterojunction, but the behavior is quantitatively different than for electromagnetic waves. This suggests issues that must be addressed in designing graphene-based electronic devices analogous to optical devices. GraFDTD should be useful for studying such complex time-dependent behavior of a quasiparticle in graphene

    Kinetic stabilization of Fe film on (4 by 2)-GaAs(100)

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    We grow Fe film on (4 by 2)-GaAs(100) at low temperature, (~ 130 K) and study their chemical structure by photoelectron spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation. We observe the effective suppression of As segregation and remarkable reduction of alloy formation near the interface between Fe and substrate. Hence, this should be a way to grow virtually pristine Fe film on GaAs(100). Further, the Fe film is found stable against As segregation even after warmed up to room temperature. There only forms very thin, ~ 8 angstrom thick interface alloy. It is speculated that the interface alloy forms via surface diffusion mediated by interface defects formed during the low temperature growth of the Fe film. Further out-diffusion of both Ga and As are suppressed because it should then proceed via inefficient bulk diffusion.Comment: 4 figure

    Electronic modulation of infrared emissivity in graphene plasmonic resonators

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    Electronic control of blackbody emission from graphene plasmonic resonators on a silicon nitride substrate is demonstrated at temperatures up to 250 C. It is shown that the graphene resonators produce antenna-coupled blackbody radiation, manifest as narrow spectral emission peaks in the mid-IR. By continuously varying the nanoresonators carrier density, the frequency and intensity of these spectral features can be modulated via an electrostatic gate. We describe these phenomena as plasmonically enhanced radiative emission originating both from loss channels associated with plasmon decay in the graphene sheet and from vibrational modes in the SiNx.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Angle Dependence of Landau Level Spectrum in Twisted Bilayer Graphene

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    In the context of the low energy effective theory, the exact Landau level spectrum of quasiparticles in twisted bilayer graphene with small twist angle is analytically obtained by spheroidal eigenvalues. We analyze the dependence of the Landau levels on the twist angle to find the points, where the two-fold degeneracy for twist angles is lifted in the nonzero modes and below/above which massive/massless fermion pictures become valid. In the perpendicular magnetic field of 10\,T, the degeneracy is removed at θdeg3\theta_{{\rm deg}}\sim 3^\circ %angles around 3 degrees for a few low levels, specifically, θdeg2.56\theta_{\rm deg}\simeq 2.56^\circ for the first pair of nonzero levels and θdeg3.50\theta_{\rm deg}\simeq 3.50^\circ for the next pair. Massive quasiparticle appears at θ<θc1.17\theta<\theta_{{\rm c}}\simeq 1.17^\circ in 10\,T, %angles less than 1.17 degrees. which match perfectly with the recent experimental results. Since our analysis is applicable to the cases of arbitrary constant magnetic fields, we make predictions for the same experiment performed in arbitrary constant magnetic fields, e.g., for B=40\,T we get θc2.34\theta_{\rm c}\simeq 2.34^\circ and the sequence of angles θdeg=5.11,7.01,8.42,...\theta_{\rm deg} = 5.11, 7.01, 8.42,... for the pairs of nonzero energy levels. The symmetry restoration mechanism behind the massive/massless transition is conjectured to be a tunneling (instanton) in momentum space.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, version to appear in PR

    Waiting time dynamics of priority-queue networks

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    We study the dynamics of priority-queue networks, generalizations of the binary interacting priority queue model introduced by Oliveira and Vazquez [Physica A {\bf 388}, 187 (2009)]. We found that the original AND-type protocol for interacting tasks is not scalable for the queue networks with loops because the dynamics becomes frozen due to the priority conflicts. We then consider a scalable interaction protocol, an OR-type one, and examine the effects of the network topology and the number of queues on the waiting time distributions of the priority-queue networks, finding that they exhibit power-law tails in all cases considered, yet with model-dependent power-law exponents. We also show that the synchronicity in task executions, giving rise to priority conflicts in the priority-queue networks, is a relevant factor in the queue dynamics that can change the power-law exponent of the waiting time distribution.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, minor changes, final published versio

    Ultralow threshold on-chip microcavity nanocrystal quantum dot lasers

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    Chemically synthesized nanocrystal, CdSe/ZnS (core/shell), quantum dots are coated on the surface of an ultrahigh-Q toroidal microcavity and the lasing is observed at room and liquid nitrogen temperature by pulsed excitation of quantum dots, either through tapered fiber or free space. Use of a tapered fiber coupling substantially lowered the threshold energy when compared with the case of free space excitation. The reason for the threshold reduction is attributed to the efficient delivery of pump pulses to the active gain region of the toroidal microcavity. Further threshold reduction was possible by quantum dot surface-coverage control. By decreasing the quantum dot numbers on the surface of the cavity, the threshold energy is further decreased down to 9.9 fJ