21,665 research outputs found

    The role of quantum-confined excitons vs defects in the visible luminescence of SiO2 films containing Ge nanocrystals

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    Synthesis of Ge nanocrystals in SiO2 films is carried out by precipitation from a supersaturated solid solution of Ge in SiO2 made by Ge ion implantation. The films exhibit strong room-temperature visible photoluminescence. The measured photoluminescence peak energy and lifetimes show poor correlations with nanocrystal size compared to calculations involving radiative recombination of quantum-confined excitons in Ge quantum dots. In addition, the photoluminescence spectra and lifetime measurements show only a weak temperature dependence. These observations strongly suggest that the observed visible luminescence in our samples is not due to the radiative recombination of quantum-confined excitons in Ge nanocrystals. Instead, observations of similar luminescence in Xe+ -implanted samples and reversible PL quenching by hydrogen or deuterium suggest that radiative defect centers in the SiO2 matrix are responsible for the observed luminescence

    Defect-related versus excitonic visible light emission from ion beam synthesized Si nanocrystals in SiO2

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    Two sources of room temperature visible luminescence are identified from SiO2 films containing ion beam synthesized Si nanocrystals. From a comparison of luminescence spectra and photoluminescence decay lifetime measurements between Xe + -implanted SiO2 films and SiO2 films containing Si nanocrystals, a luminescence feature attributable to defects in the SiO2 matrix is unambiguously identified. Hydrogen passivation of the films selectively quenches the matrix defect luminescence, after which luminescence attributable to Si nanocrystals is evident, with a lifetime on the order of milliseconds. The peak energy of the remaining luminescence attributable to Si nanocrystals ``redshifts'' as a function of different processing parameters that might lead to increased nanocrystal size and the intensity is directly correlated to the formation of Si nanocrystals. Upon further annealing hydrogen-passivated samples at low temperatures (< 500 °C), the intensity of nanocrystal luminescence increases by more than a factor of 10

    A Tractable Model of the LTE Access Reservation Procedure for Machine-Type Communications

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    A canonical scenario in Machine-Type Communications (MTC) is the one featuring a large number of devices, each of them with sporadic traffic. Hence, the number of served devices in a single LTE cell is not determined by the available aggregate rate, but rather by the limitations of the LTE access reservation protocol. Specifically, the limited number of contention preambles and the limited amount of uplink grants per random access response are crucial to consider when dimensioning LTE networks for MTC. We propose a low-complexity model of LTE's access reservation protocol that encompasses these two limitations and allows us to evaluate the outage probability at click-speed. The model is based chiefly on closed-form expressions, except for the part with the feedback impact of retransmissions, which is determined by solving a fixed point equation. Our model overcomes the incompleteness of the existing models that are focusing solely on the preamble collisions. A comparison with the simulated LTE access reservation procedure that follows the 3GPP specifications, confirms that our model provides an accurate estimation of the system outage event and the number of supported MTC devices.Comment: Submitted, Revised, to be presented in IEEE Globecom 2015; v3: fixed error in eq. (4

    A Note on the Slim Accretion Disk Model

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    We show that when the gravitational force is correctly calculated in dealing with the vertical hydrostatic equilibrium of black hole accretion disks, the relationship that is valid for geometrically thin disks, i.e., cs/ΩKH=c_s/\Omega_K H = constant, where csc_s is the sound speed, ΩK\Omega_K is the Keplerian angular velocity, and HH is the half-thickness of the disk, does not hold for slim disks. More importantly, by adopting the correct vertical gravitational force in studies of thermal equilibrium solutions, we find that there exists a maximally possible accretion rate for each radius in the outer region of optically thick accretion flows, so that only the inner region of these flows can possibly take the form of slim disks, and strong outflows from the outer region are required to reduce the accretion rate in order for slim disks to be realized.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap

    Controlled polarization rotation of an optical field in multi-Zeeman-sublevel atoms

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    We investigate, both theoretically and experimentally, the phenomenon of polarization rotation of a weak, linearly-polarized optical (probe) field in an atomic system with multiple three-level electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) sub-systems. The polarization rotation angle can be controlled by a circularly-polarized coupling beam, which breaks the symmetry in number of EIT subsystems seen by the left- and right-circularly-polarized components of the weak probe beam. A large polarization rotation angle (up to 45 degrees) has been achieved with a coupling beam power of only 15 mW. Detailed theoretical analyses including different transition probabilities in different transitions and Doppler-broadening are presented and the results are in good agreements with the experimentally measured results.Comment: 28pages, 12figure

    Effects of Dissipation on Quantum Phase Slippage in Charge Density Wave Systems

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    We study the effect of the dissipation on the quantum phase slippage via the creation of ``vortex ring'' in charge density wave (CDW) systems. The dissipation is assumed to come from the interaction with the normal electron near and inside of the vortex core. We describe the CDW by extracted macroscopic degrees of freedom, that is, the CDW phase and the radius of the ``vortex ring'', assume the ohmic dissipation, and investigate the effect in the context of semiclassical approximation. The obtained results are discussed in comparison with experiments. It turns out that the effect of such a dissipation can be neglected in experiments.Comment: 9 pages (revtex), 2 figures, using epsf.st

    Quantization of Gauge Field Theories on the Front-Form without Gauge Constraints I : The Abelian Case

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    Recently, we have proposed a new front-form quantization which treated both the x+x^{+} and the x−x^{-} coordinates as front-form 'times.' This quantization was found to preserve parity explicitly. In this paper we extend this construction to local Abelian gauge fields . We quantize this theory using a method proposed originally by Faddeev and Jackiw . We emphasize here the feature that quantizing along both x+x^+ and x−x^- , gauge theories does not require extra constraints (also known as 'gauge conditions') to determine the solution uniquely.Comment: 18 pages, phyzz

    Black Holes and Large Order Quantum Geometry

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    We study five-dimensional black holes obtained by compactifying M theory on Calabi-Yau threefolds. Recent progress in solving topological string theory on compact, one-parameter models allows us to test numerically various conjectures about these black holes. We give convincing evidence that a microscopic description based on Gopakumar-Vafa invariants accounts correctly for their macroscopic entropy, and we check that highly nontrivial cancellations -which seem necessary to resolve the so-called entropy enigma in the OSV conjecture- do in fact occur. We also study analytically small 5d black holes obtained by wrapping M2 branes in the fiber of K3 fibrations. By using heterotic/type II duality we obtain exact formulae for the microscopic degeneracies in various geometries, and we compute their asymptotic expansion for large charges.Comment: 42 pages, 20 eps figures, small correction
