75 research outputs found
The Impact of Dance on the Development of Coping Mechanisms for Narcolepsy: A Narrative Analysis
The purpose of this study was to highlight the experiences of dance as an approach to give optimism in reducing the difficulties of narcoleptic patients that stem close to normal social functioning, and to explore the consequences of dance on narcoleptic patients in physiological, environmental and interpersonal aspects. A semi-structured interview was conducted to 3 selected narcoleptics, age ranging from 30 to 45 years, with at least 6 months of dance experience, using a purposive sampling procedure. Thematic analysis enabled the identification of key components of the impacts of dance and its coping mechanisms as the generated themes from the two research questions to include; 1) Dance as a form of Expression, Being Mindful, Decreased Symptoms, Self-achievement, Self-Enjoyment, Satisfaction level, Self-contentment, Stress-release and Balance of health, 2) Flexibility in Dance Style, Wider perspective in Dance Style, Social Functioning, Attention Skills, Emotion Management, Positive mind-set, Time management, and Intra-Familial relation. The finding from the two research questions was identified across the generated themes. The findings were expected to increase awareness among people in the issue of narcolepsy and its consequences for the purpose of mental health and well-being to promote a healthy lifestyle and better quality of life. Research Implications for the improvement of narcoleptics were also discussed for the purpose of module developments and interventions
AbstractThe background of this research is the formulation of the problem, namely how the ability of basic badminton techniques for beginners at Asjad Club Pontianak. The goal to be achieved is to determine the basic technical ability of badminton in beginner athletes at Asjad Club Pontianak. The research method used is descriptive quantitative method in the form of survey research. The sample used in this study were 30 beginner athletes at Asjad Club Pontianak.Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the value of 30 athletes for long service obtained an average value of 46.47, while in the good category as many as 22 athletes with a percentage of 73.33% and 8 athletes can be categorized as sufficient with a percentage of 26.67%. The backhand short serve value obtained an average value of 52.33 and from 30 athletes all of them could be categorized as good with a percentage of 100%. The average value for the basic technical ability of badminton over lob obtained an average value of 52.37 with a good category obtained by 26 athletes with a percentage of 86.67%, a sufficient category with a percentage of 6.67% with 2 athletes and for the very good category a percentage value of 6.67% with 2 athletes. As for the value of basic smash ability, the average value is 56.70 with a sufficient category obtained by 2 athletes with a percentage of 6.67% and a good category obtained a percentage of 93.33% with 28 novice athletes at Asjad Club Pontianak. The results of the research above can be concluded that the overall basic technical ability of badminton in 30 beginner athletes at Asjad Club Pontianak can be categorized as good.Keywords: Basic Technique Ability, Badminton Strokea
The problem in this research is whether there is an effect of circuit training on the maximum oxygen volume of the Women's Futsal Club Laddy Phantom Fc Pontianak athlete. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of circuit training on the maximum oxygen volume of women's futsal athletes. The method used in this study was an experimental one group pre-test post-test design. The population and sample in this study were 15 athletes of the Women's Futsal Club Laddy Phantom Fc Pontianak. Data analysis using a computerized system and analysis using t-test. The results showed that the pretest value was 0.200> 0.05 and the posttest value was 0.200> 0.05 with the value of Unstandarized 0.132 greater than 0.05. The data analysis showed that the t value was 4.757. The degrees of freedom db = (N-1) are 15 - 1 = 14 and the significance level of 0.05 is obtained by the value of t table = 1.753, meaning that the hypothesis is accepted, which means that there is an effect of Circuit Training on the maximum oxygen volume of Women's Futsal Athletes Club Laddy Phantom Fc Pontianak.Keywords: Circuit training, Maximum Oxygen Volum
AbstractThe problem of this research is that students do not understand the basic technique of basketball, namely shooting, students cannot shoot basketball correctly and students cannot understand the material presented by the physical education teacher. This research is a classroom action research. First cycle and the second cycle. As in the cycle, there are steps the researcher takes, namely planning, acting, observing and reflecting. In this study, the subjects used were students of class XI MIA 3 at SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Raya which were taken from the cluster sampling method and the instrument used in this study was the rubric for the assessment of the basketball shooting test results. The results of the research obtained from students where it can be seen that those who got a score above the KKM in cycle I were 47.12% or as many as 17 students, then increased in cycle II by 72.22% or as many as 26 students. This classroom action research stopped in the second cycle because 75% of the research success indicators had been achieved.Keywords: learnings, shooting, audiovisua
Abstract:The problem in this research is how to improve learning outcomes passing under volleyball through variation of learning in class VII students SMP Negeri 1 MeliauSanggau District Academic Year 2016/2017 ?. The purpose of this study is to improve the effectiveness in the learning process passing under the volley through variations of learning.This study uses classroom action research which is the basis for improving the learning that will be produced, with the following steps: 1) Planning; 2) implementation; 3) observation; 4) reflection; Subjects in use as many as 40 students. Data were collected by questionnaire / questionnaire and test each cycle. From the results of the research In the preliminary test before the action was seen that the value of learning passing below the average volleyball class 50.05 and the number of percentage of classical completeness only reached 30%. In the first cycle action with learning method using learning variation on learning passing under volleyball obtained grade average grade 68,3 percentage of classical completeness 62,5%. In the second cycle action with learning method using learning variation on learning passing under volleyball obtained grade average value that is 81,05 the percentage of classical completeness also increase until reach 85% and observation value of student activity is better. Keywords : Learning, Passing Down, Volleyball, Variations
Keragaman sudah menjadi sebuah keniscayaan yang tidak dapat dielakkan oleh siapapun, baik berupa agama, budaya, bahasa daerah, suku, ras, golongan dan adat istiadat. Kampus sebagai kawah candradimuka melahirkan banyak mahasiswa terdidik serta terpelajar. Lingkungan pendidikan tinggi memiliki sivitas akademika yang terdiri dari berbagai macam latar belakang yang beragam. Maka, urgensi kebinekaan harus terus dipupuk serta dirawat sebagai bagian dari jati diri bangsa Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, perlunya peran aktif warga untuk menjaga dan merawat kebinekaan era new normal terutama di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi dengan tindakan nyata dan bukan sekedar retorika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep dan aktualisasi kebinekaan era new normal di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan kajian kepustakaan. Data penelitian diperoleh dari sumber literatur dengan memilih referensi yang berasal dari buku dan jurnal yang terkait kebinekaan di perguruan tinggi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi dokumentasi dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama aktulisasi kebinekaan era new normal di lingkungan pendidikan tinggi diwujudkan dalam tindakan nyata dan kedua kebinekaan era new normal di pendidikan tinggi dengan saling menjaga, menghargai sesama
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