290 research outputs found

    Witnessing of Cheating-in-Exams Behavior and Factors Sustaining Integrity

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    This-study is a-fraction of a-larger-research on cheating, at the-School of Engineering (SOE). The study-design used a-descriptive-survey-approach and a-document-analysis. A-designed-confidential self-report-questioner was used as the main-instrument, for this-study, with the-sample-size of 100-subjects and response-rate of 95%. The-tool was pre-tested, to-ensure its-validity and reliability. The-study focused on the-Classical-Test-Theory and on the-Theory of Reasoned-Action. The-data collection-instrument was subjected to the-statistical-analysis to-determine its-reliability via Cronbach’s alpha-coefficient, and found high inter-item consistency (a > 0.9). The-results of the-survey revealed that only 18% of the-respondents admitted that they-have-never cheated; however, they have-witnessed an-array of cheating-techniques used by their-classmates, which illustrates, that students are exceedingly-inventive and opportunistic, in-nature, and they are ready-to-use any-method, to-achieve their-ultimate-goals (mainly, good-grades). 22% of those never-cheated, confessed that they-were-afraid of being caught by the-invigilators; while only 6% stated that ‘I was afraid of being reported by my fellow-classmates’. The-absence of ‘risk’ (fear of penalties), is above all, attention-grabbing, to this-study, as it implies that SOE’ students do-not bothered-much about getting-caught cheating. Recommendations on-measures, to-be applied, to-fight cheating-menace, were presented, in-conjunction-with suggestions, for further-research, in this-area. In-synopsis, the-maintenance of academic-integrity, by all-stakeholders, is a-continuing and enduring-task, which will bring-in rewards, but only if attentively-managed. Keywords: academic misconduct, engineering undergraduate, students, questioner, peer-pressure


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    El patrimonio turístico está constituido por bienes tangibles e intangibles que tienen cierto significado social, cultural, de identidad e incluso económico para una localidad o sector de la sociedad. En ocasiones este patrimonio es utilizado para generar un desarrollo económico a partir de su adecuado aprovechamiento, sin embargo el deterioro de éste, es un problema latente cuando se ve relacionado con el turismo. La interpretación del patrimonio es una herramienta importante para la educación de los visitantes, con la cual se pueden compartir la importancia y el valor de los recursos Tilden (2006). Esta herramienta tiene por característica dar un seguimiento al cumplimiento de sus objetivos mediante la evaluación constante que permita conocer las posibles áreas de mejora. El caso de estudio abordado en esta investigación se desarrolló en el Parque Xcaret, municipio de Solidaridad en el Estado de Quintana Roo, y tuvo por objetivo principal analizar las bases teóricas de la interpretación del patrimonio turístico y los resultados de su aplicación en Xcaret; empleando un diseño metodológico con base en los elementos principales de la interpretación para investigar su efectividad como herramienta de conservación. El desarrollo de investigaciones sobre este tema permite resaltar su importancia al comprobar los beneficios de poner en práctica estas herramientas en el sector turístico. Como resultado de la investigación se postuló una propuesta de evaluación

    Brown Beauty: Body Image, Latinas, and the Media

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    This paper examines the understudied Latina population and the effects of media on their body image. To date, research has ignored this population or aggregated all Latin-American sub-cultures into one general category, missing the nuances of each culture. A review of current literature utilizing cultivation theory and social comparison theory is offered. Important findings suggest that social support and ethnic identity may offer a buffering effect between media exposure and body dissatisfaction, but more research needs to clarify this process. The effects of media and the internalization of the ‘thin ideal’ become stronger the longer Latina women live in the United States and acculturate to mainstream culture. Implications for body image research include psychological issues, such as lower self-esteem, depression, and anxiety, and can often lead to disordered eating. Future directions for studies are discussed

    Mammals of Cabo Blanco: History, diversity, and conservation after 45 years of regrowth of a Costa Rican dry forest

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    Reserva Natural Absoluta Cabo Blanco, a strongly seasonal deciduous forest located at the southernmost tip of northwestern Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula, was established in 1963 and is the country's oldest nationally protected reserve. The peninsula has been occupied for millennia and is a heavily impacted landscape, and, unfortunately, its biotic diversity is among the most poorly studied in Central America. As part of multiyear studies of the flora and fauna of the region, we assess the changes in vegetation and the terrestrial mammal community from earlier times to the present day. Through historical records, interviews with long-term residents of the area, and our studies over the past decade, we document changes in forest cover, settlement, and land use, and assess the changes in species diversity and in mammal species’ abundance. We then discuss the ecology of the mammal species on the peninsula, emphasizing the role that humans have played in influencing population levels. After 45 years of protection, the forest structure of the 3100 ha reserve differs markedly from that observed in the early 20th Century and it is quite heterogeneous. Species diversity of both the native vegetation and the mammals is substantial in the regenerating forest. The known mammal fauna included at least 37 species of non-flying mammals and 39 species of bats. Six species (Geoffroy's Spider Monkey, Giant Anteater, White-lipped Peccary, Central American Red Brocket Deer, Baird's Tapir, and Jaguar) have been extirpated from the reserve. Poaching of game species continues and will be difficult to eliminate completely. Nevertheless, with regenerating habitats, coupled with protection of wildlife, reestablishment of the reserve's native species has been dramatic both in terms of species diversity and abundance. The reserve is not in a defaunated condition. Many mammalian frugivores, seed dispersers, and/or seed predators are common and most top mammalian predators are present. We present several testable hypotheses regarding the significance of this mammalian community in the context of other Neotropical forest mammal and plant communities. Rapid expansion of tourism in this region has the potential to affect the reserve adversely. In recent years, the reserve has served as an important site for teaching tropical biology courses. Small reserves, such as Cabo Blanco, even if not connected to larger protected areas through corridors, provide critical habitat for native flora and fauna, a source of genetic stock, and valuable regional teaching and research sites

    Effect of Wakame and Carob Pod Snacks on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

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    Snacks combining different functional ingredients could represent a useful therapeutic strategy against NAFLD. The present study aimed to analyze the effect of two snack formulations based on carob and wakame flour in the treatment for NAFLD in rats. For this purpose, metabolic syndrome was induced in 50 adult rats by a high-fat high-fructose diet over eight weeks. After this period, rats were fed either normal calorie diets supplemented or not with snack A (1/50 wakame/carob pod) and snack B (1/5 wakame/carob pod) for four additional weeks. After sacrifice, liver composition and serum parameters were analyzed. Different pathways of triacylglycerol metabolism in liver were studied including fatty acid oxidation, fatty acid synthesis, triglyceride assembly and release, fatty acid uptake and glucose uptake. Oxidative stress was also measured. Snack treatment, and mainly B snack, reduced liver triacylglycerol levels by increasing fat oxidation. Moreover, this snack reduced oxidative stress. Therefore, this snack formulation could represent an interesting tool useful for fatty liver treatment.This study has been supported by the National Institute for Agricultural and Food Research and Technology of Spain (INIA: RTA2014-0037-C02), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CIBERobn) and Basque Government (IT-572-13)

    Diagnóstico sobre la atención a la mujer víctima de violencia de género en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali

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    En este artículo de investigación se expone el resultado de un estudio de sondeo realizado a mujeres víctimas de violencia de género, usuarias de instituciones estatales, tales como ICBF, Defensoría, Fiscalía y Procuraduría, con el fin de verificar el nivel de cumplimiento en la aplicación de la normatividad interna que busca garantizar el ejercicio pleno de los derechos humanos de las mujeres, así como su derecho de acceso a la justicia

    Test Psicofísico Para Clasificar Turistas de Alta, Media y Baja Montaña: Una Propuesta Metodológica

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    El presente trabajo consistió en diseñar un test psicofísico que evalué las condiciones médicas, psicológicas, técnicas y físicas de un turista, previo al ascenso a la montaña. Con base en la ponderación de los factores (médico, psicológico, técnico y físico) del test antes mencionado, se clasifica a los turistas en alta, media y baja montaña. Posterior a la clasificación de los turistas, se procede a la fase de aclimatación y /o capacitación. Para la elaboración del test psicofísico se entrevistó a médicos deportólogos y a guías especializados de la Unión Internacional de Asociaciones de Guías de Montaña (UIAGM), y de la Asociación Ecuatoriana de Guías de Montaña (ASEGUIM). El estudio tuvo como propósito, minimizar el riesgo de sufrir accidentes en la montaña, ocasionados por factores como: el clima, desprendimientos de roca o de índole humana provocados por la falta de conocimiento, mal estado de salud o falta de preparación técnica y/o física. The present work consisted of designing a psychophysical test that evaluated the medical, psychological, technical and physical conditions of a tourist, prior to the ascent to the mountain. Based on the weighting of the factors(medical, psychological, technical and physical) of the aforementioned test, tourists are classified as high, medium and low mountain. After the classification of tourists, the acclimatization and / or training phase proceeds. For the preparation of the psychophysical test, sports physicians and specialized guides from the International Union of Associations of Mountain Guides (UIAGM), and the Ecuadorian Association of Mountain Guides (ASEGUIM) were interviewed. The purpose of the study was to minimize the risk of accidents in the mountains, caused by factors such as: the climate, rockfalls or of a human nature caused by lack of knowledge, poor health or lack of technical preparation and / or physical

    Diagnóstico Situacional PEST-LA para Identificar los Problemas Turísticos de la Provincia de Cotopaxi, Ecuador

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    El turismo es una actividad económica en crecimiento en el mundo, que genera múltiples impactos positivos y negativos, para su crecimiento necesita el buen funcionamiento de los factores del macro-entorno, por lo que, el presente trabajo modificó la matriz PEST-LA y analizó los factores; político, económico, social-cultural, tecnológico, legal y ambiental de los cantones; La Mana, Salcedo, Saquisilí, Latacunga y Pujilí. Para su análisis se trabajó con 116 elementos y cada elemento analizado se subdividió en variables que fueron valoradas y calificadas con base en las evidencias encontradas, a través de información segundaria e información primaria (entrevistas a actores claves), obteniendo así; 74 elementos valorados como negativos (catalogados como problemas turísticos) y 42 elementos valorados como positivos, correspondientes al diagnóstico situacional de los problemas que no están permitiendo el desarrollo turístico en la provincia de Cotopaxi. Tourism is a growing economic activity in the world, which generates multiple positive and negative impacts, for its growth it needs the proper functioning of the macro-environment factors, therefore, this work modified the PEST-LA matrix and analyzed the facts; political, economic, socialcultural, technological, legal and environmental of the cantons; La Mana, Salcedo, Saquisilí, Latacunga and Pujilí. For its analysis we worked with 116 elements and each element analyzed was subdivided into variables that were assessed and qualified based on the evidence found, through secondary information and primary information (interviews with key actors), thus obtaining; 78 elements valued as negative (cataloged as tourist problems) and 38 elements valued as positive, corresponding to the situational diagnosis of problems that are not allowing tourism development in the province of Cotopaxi


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    Se realizará el desarrollo de un complejo educativo integral que supla las necesidades de los estudiantes de Miraflores, evidenciadas en el deteriorode las diferentes desdes del actual colegio, especialmente en su sede principal institucion educativa Sergio Camargo, Además se plantea la unificación del sistema educativo del municipio a través de la construcción de un complejo educativo público y se brindarán de manera equitativa los implementos en cuestión de dotación y oportunidades para los estudiantes. Es pertinente crear espacios nuevos donde los niños puedan socializar, experimentar y desarrollarsu curiosidad, llevando a cabo no solo sus actividades académicas y deportivas, sino que también puedan completar su parte creativa, artística y hasta sus aptitudes individuales, se enfatiza en espacios multiusos donde el niño pueda aprender, descansar y jugar a través de un diseño amigable y flexible que le apunta a la apertura de los espacios académicos y sociales respondiendo de esta manera a las necesidades individuales de los alumnos.Posibilitando un aprendizaje y desarrollo más libre y así los niños aumenten su autorregulación. Se Implementa el uso de Mobiliario ajustable y se incluyen muebles multifuncionales, así como también sofás y pufs para modificar los ambientes y romper con el prototipo de las escuelas de pupitres que la mayoría de nosotros conocemos, en las cuales se piensa básicamente en los profesores, diseñando para su comodidad y dejando de lado a las estudiantes,son zonas que fomenten la sana convivencia, la inclusión de nuevos espacios debe inspirar el aprendizaje tanto en interiores como en exteriores, relacionando a las estudiantes con la naturaleza y su entorno en general. &nbsp

    Mental Illness Sexual Stigma: Implications for Health and Recovery

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    The majority of people in psychiatric care worldwide are sexually active, and studies have revealed sharply elevated rates of HIV infection in that group compared with the general population. Recovery-oriented treatment does not routinely address sexuality. We examined the relationship between gender, severe mental illness diagnosis, and stigma experiences related to sexuality among people in psychiatric outpatient care. Method: Sexually active adults attending 8 public outpatient psychiatric clinics in Rio de Janeiro (N = 641) were interviewed for psychiatric diagnosis and stigma experiences. Stigma mechanisms well-established in the literature but not previously examined in relation to sexuality were measured with the Mental Illness Sex Stigma Questionnaire, a 27-item interview about stigma in sexual situations and activities. Results: Experiences of stigma were reported by a majority of participants for 48% of questionnaire items. Most people reported supportive attitudes toward their sexuality from providers and family members. Those with severe mental illness diagnoses showed greater stigma on individual discrimination and structural stigma mechanisms than did those with nonsevere mental illness diagnoses, whereas there was no difference on the social psychological processes (internalized stigma) mechanism. Regardless of diagnosis or gender, a majority of participants devalued themselves as sexual partners. Conclusions and Implications for Practice: Adults in psychiatric outpatient care frequently reported stigma experiences related to aspects of their sexual lives. From the perspectives of both HIV prevention and recovery from mental illness, examinations of the consequences of stigma in the sexual lives of people in psychiatric care and improving their measurement would have wide applicability