171 research outputs found

    Magnetic domain walls displacement : automotion vs. spin-transfer torque

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    The magnetization dynamics equation predicts that a domain wall that changes structure should undergo a displacement by itself - automotion - due to the relaxation of the linear momentum that is associated with the wall structure. We experimentally demonstrate this effect in soft nanostrips,transforming under spin transfer torque a metastable asymmetric transverse wall into a vortex wall. Displacements more than three times as large as under spin transfer torque only are measured for 1~ns pulses. The results are explained by analytical and numerical micromagnetics. Their relevance to domain wall motion under spin transfer torque is emphasized

    Phase Coherent Precessional Magnetization Reversal in Micro-scopic Spin Valve Elements

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    We study the precessional switching of the magnetization in microscopic spin valve cells induced by ultra short in-plane hard axis magnetic field pulses. Stable and highly efficient switching is monitored following pulses as short as 140 ps with energies down to 15 pJ. Multiple application of identical pulses reversibly toggles the cell's magnetization be-tween the two easy directions. Variations of pulse duration and amplitude reveal alter-nating regimes of switching and non-switching corresponding to transitions from in-phase to out-of-phase excitations of the magnetic precession by the field pulse. In the low field limit damping becomes predominant and a relaxational reversal is found allowing switching by hard axis fields below the in-plane anisotropy field threshold.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Current-Driven Magnetic Excitations in Permalloy-Based Multilayer Nanopillars

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    We study current-driven magnetization switching in nanofabricated Ni84Fe16/Cu/Ni84Fe16 trilayers at 295 K and 4.2 K. The shape of the hysteretic switching diagram at low magnetic field changes from 295 K to 4.2 K. The reversible behavior at higher field involves two phenomena, a threshold current for magnetic excitations closely correlated with the switching current, and a peak in differential resistance characterized by telegraph noise, with average period that decreases exponentially with current and shifts with temperature. We interpret both static and dynamic results at 295 K and 4.2 K in terms of thermal activation over a potential barrier, with a current dependent effective magnetic temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Figure

    Brownian motion of magnetic domain walls and skyrmions, and their diffusion constants

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    Extended numerical simulations enable to ascertain the diffusive behavior at finite temperatures of chiral walls and skyrmions in ultra-thin model Co layers exhibiting symmetric - Heisenberg - as well as antisymmetric - Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya - exchange interactions. The Brownian motion of walls and skyrmions is shown to obey markedly different diffusion laws as a function of the damping parameter. Topology related skyrmion diffusion suppression with vanishing damping parameter, albeit already documented, is shown to be restricted to ultra-small skyrmion sizes or, equivalently, to ultra-low damping coefficients, possibly hampering observation

    Domain wall structure in magnetic bilayers with perpendicular anisotropy

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    We study the magnetic domain wall structure in magnetic bilayers (two ultrathin ferromagnetic layers separated by a non magnetic spacer) with perpendicular magnetization. Combining magnetic force and ballistic electron emission microscopies, we are able to reveal the details of the magnetic structure of the wall with a high spatial accuracy. In these layers, we show that the classical Bloch wall observed in single layers transforms into superposed N\'eel walls due to the magnetic coupling between the ferromagnetic layers. Quantitative agreement with micromagnetic calculations is achieved.Comment: Author adresses AB, SR, JM and AT: Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, CNRS, Universit\'e Paris Sud, UMR 8502, 91405 Orsay Cedex, France ML : Laboratoire PMTM, Institut Galil\'ee, CNRS, Universit\'e Paris-13, UPR 9001, 93430 Villetaneuse, Franc

    Fast magnetization switching of Stoner particles: A nonlinear dynamics picture

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    The magnetization reversal of Stoner particles is investigated from the point of view of nonlinear dynamics within the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert formulation. The following results are obtained. 1) We clarify that the so-called Stoner-Wohlfarth (SW) limit becomes exact when damping constant is infinitely large. Under the limit, the magnetization moves along the steepest energy descent path. The minimal switching field is the one at which there is only one stable fixed point in the system. 2) For a given magnetic anisotropy, there is a critical value for the damping constant, above which the minimal switching field is the same as that of the SW-limit. 3) We illustrate how fixed points and their basins change under a field along different directions. This change explains well why a non-parallel field gives a smaller minimal switching field and a short switching time. 4) The field of a ballistic magnetization reversal should be along certain direction window in the presence of energy dissipation. The width of the window depends on both of the damping constant and the magnetic anisotropy. The upper and lower bounds of the direction window increase with the damping constant. The window width oscillates with the damping constant for a given magnetic anisotropy. It is zero for both zero and infinite damping. Thus, the perpendicular field configuration widely employed in the current experiments is not the best one since the damping constant in a real system is far from zero.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. submitted to PR
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