1,872 research outputs found
Geometric sigma model of the Universe
The purpose of this work is to demonstrate how an arbitrarily chosen
background of the Universe can be made a solution of a simple geometric sigma
model. Geometric sigma models are purely geometric theories in which spacetime
coordinates are seen as scalar fields coupled to gravity. Although they look
like ordinary sigma models, they have the peculiarity that their complete
matter content can be gauged away. The remaining geometric theory possesses a
background solution that is predefined in the process of constructing the
theory. The fact that background configuration is specified in advance is
another peculiarity of geometric sigma models. In this paper, I construct
geometric sigma models based on different background geometries of the
Universe. Whatever background geometry is chosen, the dynamics of its small
perturbations is shown to posses a generic classical stability. This way, any
freely chosen background metric is made a stable solution of a simple model.
Three particular models of the Universe are considered as examples of how this
is done in practice.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figure
Pseudo-Riemannian Universe from Euclidean bulk
I develop the idea that our world is a brane-like object embedded in
Euclidean bulk. In its ground state, the brane constituent matter is assumed to
be homogeneous and isotropic, and of negligible influence on the bulk geometry.
The analysis of this paper is model independent, in the sense that action
functional of bulk fields is not specified. Instead, the behavior of the brane
is derived from the universally valid conservation equation of the bulk stress
tensor. The present work studies the behavior of a -sphere in the
-dimensional Euclidean bulk. The sphere is made of bulk matter characterized
by the equation of state . It is shown that stability of brane
vibrations requires . Then, the stable brane perturbations obey
Klein-Gordon-like equation with an effective metric of Minkowski signature. The
argument is given that it is this effective metric that is detected in physical
measurements. The corresponding effective Universe is analyzed for all the
values of . In particular, the effective metric is shown to be a
solution of Einstein's equations coupled to an effective perfect fluid. The
effective energy density and pressure at the present epoch are calculated. So
are the age of the Universe, and the effective cosmological constant. All the
results are presented in two tables. As an illustration, one simple choice of
the brane constituent matter is studied in detail.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure
A class of regular bouncing cosmologies
In this paper, I construct a class of everywhere regular geometric sigma
models that possess bouncing solutions. Precisely, I show that every bouncing
metric can be made a solution of such a model. My previous attempt to do so by
employing one scalar field has failed due to the appearance of harmful
singularities near the bounce. In this work, I use four scalar fields to
construct a class of geometric sigma models which are free of singularities.
The models within the class are parametrized by their background geometries. I
prove that, whatever background is chosen, the dynamics of its small
perturbations is classically stable on the whole time axes. Contrary to what
one expects from the structure of the initial Lagrangian, the physics of
background fluctuations is found to carry 2 tensor, 2 vector and 2 scalar
degrees of freedom. The graviton mass, that naturally appears in these models,
is shown to be several orders of magnitude smaller than its experimental bound.
I provide three simple examples to demonstrate how this is done in practice. In
particular, I show that graviton mass can be made arbitrarily small.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure
String background fields and Riemann-Cartan geometry
We study classical dynamics of cylindrical membranes wrapped around the extra
compact dimension of a -dimensional Riemann-Cartan spacetime. The
world-sheet equations and boundary conditions are obtained from the universally
valid conservation equations of the stress-energy and spin tensors.
Specifically, we consider membranes made of macroscopic matter with maximally
symmetric distribution of spin. In the narrow membrane limit, the dimensionally
reduced theory is obtained. It describes how effective strings couple to the
effective -dimensional geometry. The striking coincidence with the string
theory -model is observed. In this correspondence, the string
background fields , , and are related
to the metric and torsion of the Riemann-Cartan spacetime.Comment: 15 pages, JHEP styl
Numerical Search for Periodic Solutions in the Vicinity of the Figure-Eight Orbit: Slaloming around Singularities on the Shape Sphere
We present the results of a numerical search for periodic orbits with zero
angular momentum in the Newtonian planar three-body problem with equal masses
focused on a narrow search window bracketing the figure-eight initial
conditions. We found eleven solutions that can be described as some power of
the "figure-eight" solution in the sense of the topological classification
method. One of these solutions, with the seventh power of the "figure-eight",
is a choreography. We show numerical evidence of its stability.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical
Dirac particle in gravitational field
Classical dynamics of spinning zero-size objects in an external gravitational
field is derived from the conservation law of the stress-energy and spin
tensors. The resulting world line equations differ from those in the existing
literature. In particular, the spin of the Dirac particle does not couple to
the background curvature. As a check of consistency, the wave packet solution
of the free Dirac equation is considered. The resulting equations are shown to
include a constraint that relates the wave packet spin to its orbital angular
momentum. In the zero-size limit, both contributions to the total angular
momentum disappear simultaneously.Comment: 4 page
Topological Dependence of Kepler's Third Law for Collisionless Periodic Three-Body Orbits with Vanishing Angular Momentum and Equal Masses
We present results of numerical calculations showing a three-body orbit's
period's dependence on its topology. This dependence is a simple linear
one, when expressed in terms of appropriate variables, suggesting an exact
mathematical law. This is the first known relation between topological and
kinematical properties of three-body systems. We have used these results to
predict the periods of several sets of as yet undiscovered orbits, but the
relation also indicates that the number of periodic three-body orbits with
periods shorter than any finite number is countable.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure
Counterexamples to conjectures on graph distance measures based on topological indexes
In this paper we disprove three conjectures from [M. Dehmer, F.
Emmert-Streib, Y. Shi, Interrelations of graph distance measures based on
topological indices, PLoS ONE 9 (2014) e94985] on graph distance measures based
on topological indices by providing explicit classes of trees that do not
satisfy proposed inequalities. The constructions are based on the families of
trees that have the same Wiener index, graph energy or Randic index - but
different degree sequences.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure
Can Human-Like Bots Control Collective Mood: Agent-Based Simulations of Online Chats
Using agent-based modeling approach, in this paper, we study self-organized
dynamics of interacting agents in the presence of chat Bots. Different Bots
with tunable ``human-like'' attributes, which exchange emotional messages with
agents, are considered, and collective emotional behavior of agents is
quantitatively analysed. In particular, using detrended fractal analysis we
determine persistent fluctuations and temporal correlations in time series of
agent's activity and statistics of avalanches carrying emotional messages of
agents when Bots favoring positive/negative affects are active. We determine
the impact of Bots and identify parameters that can modulate it. Our analysis
suggests that, by these measures, the emotional Bots induce collective emotion
among interacting agents by suitably altering the fractal characteristics of
the underlying stochastic process.Positive-emotion Bots are slightly more
effective than the negative ones. Moreover, the Bots which are periodically
alternating between positive and negative emotion, can enhance fluctuations in
the system leading to the avalanches of agent's messages that are reminiscent
of self-organized critical states.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures (multiple) colo
Generalizations of Wiener polarity index and terminal Wiener index
In theoretical chemistry, distance-based molecular structure descriptors are
used for modeling physical, pharmacologic, biological and other properties of
chemical compounds. We introduce a generalized Wiener polarity index
as the number of unordered pairs of vertices of such that the
shortest distance between and is (this is actually the
-th coefficient in the Wiener polynomial). For , we get standard
Wiener polarity index. Furthermore, we generalize the terminal Wiener index
as the sum of distances between all pairs of vertices of degree .
For , we get standard terminal Wiener index. In this paper we describe a
linear time algorithm for computing these indices for trees and partial cubes,
and characterize extremal trees maximizing the generalized Wiener polarity
index and generalized terminal Wiener index among all trees of given order .Comment: 3pages, 4 figure
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