102 research outputs found

    Neposredno elektrohemijsko taloženje prevlaka bakra na aluminijum

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    The deposition of copper coatings has been done by direct electrochemical deposition from the solution: CuSO4 (55 g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 - CH2OH (100 g/dm3) + (NH4)2SO4 (30 g/dm3) + Na2SO4*10H2O (75 g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3 g/dm3), room temperature, j = 0.3 - 0.8 A/dm2, pH = 10.3. The coatings obtained from this electrolyte have very good adhesion if they are followed by quality chemical preparation of the surface. The removal of the oxide film from the aluminum surface has been chemically done in solutions 1 - 4. The influence of current density and deposition time on the structure of copper coatings has been also examined. The morphology and the structural characteristics of copper coatings on aluminum were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Taloženje prevlaka bakra na aluminijumu i njegovim legurama vršeno je neposredno elektrohemijskim putem iz rastvora: CuSO4 (55g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 CH2OH (100g/dm3) + (NH4)2SO4 (30g/dm3) + Na2SO4*10H2O (75g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3g/dm3), temperatura sobna, gustina struje j = 0.3 A/dm2, pH = 10.3. Prevlake bakra dobijene iz ovog elektrolita, uz kvalitetnu hemijsku pripremu površine, imaju dobru adheziju. Uklanjanje oksidne opne sa površine aluminijuma vršeno je hemijskim putem u rastvorima 1-4. Takođe je ispitivan i uticaj gustine struje i vremena taloženja na strukturu prevlaka bakra. Morfologija i strukturne karakteristike prevlaka bakra na aluminijumu ispitivane su skenirajućim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM)

    Neposredno elektrohemijsko taloženje prevlaka bakra na aluminijum

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    The deposition of copper coatings has been done by direct electrochemical deposition from the solution: CuSO4 (55 g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 - CH2OH (100 g/dm3) + (NH4)2SO4 (30 g/dm3) + Na2SO4*10H2O (75 g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3 g/dm3), room temperature, j = 0.3 - 0.8 A/dm2, pH = 10.3. The coatings obtained from this electrolyte have very good adhesion if they are followed by quality chemical preparation of the surface. The removal of the oxide film from the aluminum surface has been chemically done in solutions 1 - 4. The influence of current density and deposition time on the structure of copper coatings has been also examined. The morphology and the structural characteristics of copper coatings on aluminum were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).Taloženje prevlaka bakra na aluminijumu i njegovim legurama vršeno je neposredno elektrohemijskim putem iz rastvora: CuSO4 (55g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 CH2OH (100g/dm3) + (NH4)2SO4 (30g/dm3) + Na2SO4*10H2O (75g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3g/dm3), temperatura sobna, gustina struje j = 0.3 A/dm2, pH = 10.3. Prevlake bakra dobijene iz ovog elektrolita, uz kvalitetnu hemijsku pripremu površine, imaju dobru adheziju. Uklanjanje oksidne opne sa površine aluminijuma vršeno je hemijskim putem u rastvorima 1-4. Takođe je ispitivan i uticaj gustine struje i vremena taloženja na strukturu prevlaka bakra. Morfologija i strukturne karakteristike prevlaka bakra na aluminijumu ispitivane su skenirajućim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM)

    The Inhibitive Effect of Vitamin-C on the Corrosive Performance of Steel in HCl Solutions - Part II

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    The inhibitive behaviour of Vitamin C, as a type of green inhibitor, on the corrosive behaviour of stainless-steel (SS) X4Cr13 within an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl) was studied at concentration of c= (0.01, 0.1 and 1.0) mol L-1. Potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), was used for the measurements at 25 degrees C. To observe the morphology and microstructures of sample surfaces, after the electrochemical measurements a Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used. On the basis of the EDAX analysis within the solution of hydrochloric acid (0.01 mol L-1) with addition of Vitamin-C (0.005 mol L-1) the presence of the feri-chelates on the metal surface could be confirmed. The polarization curves revealed that the studied mixtures of the chosen inhibitor represented mixed-type of the inhibitor. The results show that the inhibition efficiency increases with the increase of the inhibitor concentration. This valid especially in the case of the lowest concentration of HCl (c= 0.01 mol L-1). In addition to this at higher HCl concentration (c= 1.0 mol L-1) the immersion time has a noticeable influence on the inhibitive response. Furthermore, the results obtained in this study showed that the inhibitory effect of Vitamin-C to a great extent on electrode potential

    Uticaj fluorida i pH vrednosti elektrolita na strukturu prevlaka bakra istaloženih na aluminijumu

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    The copper coatings were electrodeposited directly onto aluminum from the following solution: CuSO4-⋅5H2O (55 g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 - CH2OH (100 g/dm3) (NH4)2SO4 (30 g/dm3) + Na2SO4 - 10H2O (75 g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3g/dm3), room temperature, current density j = 0.6 A/dm2 at pH = 10.3-8.5. It is shown in this paper that by lowering the pH value, the coverage of the base metal is decreasing and the coating is continuing its growth on the already created centers of crystallization. The fluorides in the form of NaF, concentration varying from 0.5 to 3 g/dm3, were added to the electrolyte for copper electrochemical deposition. Increasing the concentration of the fluorides the structure of the copper coating is changing; crystalline grains are larger, the coating is more porous and the coverage of the base metal is smaller, but the growth of the new layers of coating onto already existing centers of crystallization is more intense.Prevlake bakra taložene su elektrohemijskim putem neposredno na aluminijum iz elektrolita sastava: CuSO4-5H2O (55g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 - CH2OH (100g/dm3) (NH4)2SO4(30g/dm3) + Na2SO4-10H2O (75g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3g/dm3), temperatura sobna, gustina struje j = 0,6 A/dm2 i pri pH vrednosti 10.3 - 8.5. U radu je pokazano da sa smanjenjem pH vrednosti ispod 10.3 opada i pokrivenost osnovnog metala i da prevlaka nastavlja rast na već stvorenim centrima kristalizacije. U elektrolit za taloženje prevlaka bakra dodavani si fluoridi u obliku NaF u koncentraciji od 0.5 do 3 g/dm3. Sa povećanjem koncentracije fluorida menja se struktura prevlake bakra; kristalna zrna su krupnija, prevlaka postaje poroznija, pokrivenost osnovnog metala je sve manja, ali je intezivnije narastanje novih slojeva prevlake na već stvorevim centrima kristalizacije

    Uticaj gustine struje, vremena taloženja i pH – vrednosti elektrolita na hrapavost prevlaka bakra

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    The copper coatings were electrodeposited directly onto aluminium from the bath: (CuSO4 (55 g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 - CH2OH (100g/ dm3) + (NH4)2SO4 (30 g/dm3) + Na2SO4(10H2O (75g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3g/dm3), room temperature, j = 0.3 - 0.8 A/dm2, pH = 10.3-8.5. The copper coatings deposited onto Al show good adhesion. Removal of passive oxide film from aluminium surface was chemically accomplished in solutions 1-4. The effect of current density, deposition time and electrolytic pH on roughness of copper coatings were studied. Roughness of Cu coatings was measured by TR200.Prevlake bakra taložene su neposredno galvanostatskim putem na aluminijum iz kupatila sastava: [CuSO4 (55 g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 - CH2OH (100 g/dm3) + (NH4)2SO4 (30 g/ dm3) + Na2SO4(10H2O (75 g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3 g/dm3], temperatura sobna j =0,3-0,8A/dm2, pH = 10,3-8.5. Istaložene prevlake bakra na aluminijumu imaju dobru adheziju. Uklanjanje pasivne oksidne opne sa površine aluminijuma vršeno je hemijski u rastvorima 1-4. Ispitivan je uticaj gustine struje vremena taloženja i pH-vrednosti elektrolita na hrapavost prevlaka bakra. Merenje hrapavosti prevlaka bakra vršeno je pomoću uređaja TR200

    Uticaj fluorida i pH vrednosti elektrolita na strukturu prevlaka bakra istaloženih na aluminijumu

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    The copper coatings were electrodeposited directly onto aluminum from the following solution: CuSO4-⋅5H2O (55 g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 - CH2OH (100 g/dm3) (NH4)2SO4 (30 g/dm3) + Na2SO4 - 10H2O (75 g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3g/dm3), room temperature, current density j = 0.6 A/dm2 at pH = 10.3-8.5. It is shown in this paper that by lowering the pH value, the coverage of the base metal is decreasing and the coating is continuing its growth on the already created centers of crystallization. The fluorides in the form of NaF, concentration varying from 0.5 to 3 g/dm3, were added to the electrolyte for copper electrochemical deposition. Increasing the concentration of the fluorides the structure of the copper coating is changing; crystalline grains are larger, the coating is more porous and the coverage of the base metal is smaller, but the growth of the new layers of coating onto already existing centers of crystallization is more intense.Prevlake bakra taložene su elektrohemijskim putem neposredno na aluminijum iz elektrolita sastava: CuSO4-5H2O (55g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 - CH2OH (100g/dm3) (NH4)2SO4(30g/dm3) + Na2SO4-10H2O (75g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3g/dm3), temperatura sobna, gustina struje j = 0,6 A/dm2 i pri pH vrednosti 10.3 - 8.5. U radu je pokazano da sa smanjenjem pH vrednosti ispod 10.3 opada i pokrivenost osnovnog metala i da prevlaka nastavlja rast na već stvorenim centrima kristalizacije. U elektrolit za taloženje prevlaka bakra dodavani si fluoridi u obliku NaF u koncentraciji od 0.5 do 3 g/dm3. Sa povećanjem koncentracije fluorida menja se struktura prevlake bakra; kristalna zrna su krupnija, prevlaka postaje poroznija, pokrivenost osnovnog metala je sve manja, ali je intezivnije narastanje novih slojeva prevlake na već stvorevim centrima kristalizacije

    Uticaj gustine struje, vremena taloženja i pH – vrednosti elektrolita na hrapavost prevlaka bakra

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    The copper coatings were electrodeposited directly onto aluminium from the bath: (CuSO4 (55 g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 - CH2OH (100g/ dm3) + (NH4)2SO4 (30 g/dm3) + Na2SO4(10H2O (75g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3g/dm3), room temperature, j = 0.3 - 0.8 A/dm2, pH = 10.3-8.5. The copper coatings deposited onto Al show good adhesion. Removal of passive oxide film from aluminium surface was chemically accomplished in solutions 1-4. The effect of current density, deposition time and electrolytic pH on roughness of copper coatings were studied. Roughness of Cu coatings was measured by TR200.Prevlake bakra taložene su neposredno galvanostatskim putem na aluminijum iz kupatila sastava: [CuSO4 (55 g/dm3) + CH2 NH2 - CH2OH (100 g/dm3) + (NH4)2SO4 (30 g/ dm3) + Na2SO4(10H2O (75 g/dm3) + Na2CO3 (3 g/dm3], temperatura sobna j =0,3-0,8A/dm2, pH = 10,3-8.5. Istaložene prevlake bakra na aluminijumu imaju dobru adheziju. Uklanjanje pasivne oksidne opne sa površine aluminijuma vršeno je hemijski u rastvorima 1-4. Ispitivan je uticaj gustine struje vremena taloženja i pH-vrednosti elektrolita na hrapavost prevlaka bakra. Merenje hrapavosti prevlaka bakra vršeno je pomoću uređaja TR200

    Elektrohemijsko taloženje prevlaka srebra na aluminijum i njegove legure

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    In this paper the structural characteristics of silver coatings electrodeposited as final coatings onto aluminum were shown. The copper coating was electrodeposited as a basic coating directly onto aluminum. Afterward, nickel and copper coatings from acidic bath were deposited. Silver was electrodeposited on the acidic bath copper coating. Also the influence of fluorides in the solution for direct electrodepositing of basic copper coating on the structure of the final silver coatings was investigated. Structural characteristics of basic copper coatings and final silver coatings were examined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Silver coatings can be successfully electrodeposited as a final coating onto aluminum with nickel and copper inter coatings.U ovom radu su prikazani morfologija i strukturne karakteristike elektrohemijski istaloženih prevlaka srebra, kao završnih prevlaka, na aluminiju i njegovim legurama. Bakarna prevlaka je elektrohemijski taložena neposredno na aluminijum kao osnovna prevlaka. Nakon toga, prevlaka nikla i prevlaka bakra iz kiselog kupatila je takođe elektrohemijski taložena. Na ovaj sistem prevlaka taložena je prevlaka srebra. U radu je takođe je ispitivan uticaj fluorida и elektrolitu za direktno taloženje prevlaka bakra na strukturu završne prevlake srebra. Morfologija i strukturne karakteristike istaloženih prevlaka su ispitivane skenirajućom elektronskom mikroskopijom (SEM). Pokazano je da se srebrne prevlake mogu uspešno nanositi kao završne prevlake na aluminijum i njegove legure sa međuprevlakama bakra i nikla

    Electrodeposition of iron powder particles of different characteristics

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    Iron deposits obtained at high current densities and overpotentials are very important from a technological point of view. It has been stated that the open and porous structures of copper or iron deposits obtained at high current densities were ideally suited for use as electrodes in electrochemical devices such as fuel cells, batteries and chemical sensors, while the extremely high surface area is relevant for evaluating some electrochemical reactions. Mainly two types of electrolytes were investigated and these were based on sulfate and chloride electrolytes. With increasing duration of electrolysis, dendrites merge, which is unacceptable for the case of further application. These deposits must be grinded in order to obtain powders. However, in the range of lower acidity the deposits become powdery and, in some cases, may be spongy and sticky. Generally, up to now research indicates that electrodeposition of Fe powders have two steps, deposition of fragile film and grinding. It must be emphasized that we tried and succeeded to obtain Fe powders without grinding process. The aim of this work was to investigate electrodeposition processes of Fe powders from sulfate and chloride electrolytes and morphologies of powder as a function of type of electrolyte and current density.Belgrade, Serbia, June 6-10, 201

    Electrodeposition of iron powder particles of different characteristics

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    Iron deposits obtained at high current densities and overpotentials are very important from a technological point of view. It has been stated that the open and porous structures of copper or iron deposits obtained at high current densities were ideally suited for use as electrodes in electrochemical devices such as fuel cells, batteries and chemical sensors, while the extremely high surface area is relevant for evaluating some electrochemical reactions. Mainly two types of electrolytes were investigated and these were based on sulfate and chloride electrolytes. With increasing duration of electrolysis, dendrites merge, which is unacceptable for the case of further application. These deposits must be grinded in order to obtain powders. However, in the range of lower acidity the deposits become powdery and, in some cases, may be spongy and sticky. Generally, up to now research indicates that electrodeposition of Fe powders have two steps, deposition of fragile film and grinding. It must be emphasized that we tried and succeeded to obtain Fe powders without grinding process. The aim of this work was to investigate electrodeposition processes of Fe powders from sulfate and chloride electrolytes and morphologies of powder as a function of type of electrolyte and current density.Belgrade, Serbia, June 6-10, 201