593 research outputs found

    The Localized Quantum Vacuum Field

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    A model for the localized quantum vacuum is proposed in which the zero-point energy of the quantum electromagnetic field originates in energy- and momentum-conserving transitions of material systems from their ground state to an unstable state with negative energy. These transitions are accompanied by emissions and re-absorptions of real photons, which generate a localized quantum vacuum in the neighborhood of material systems. The model could help resolve the cosmological paradox associated to the zero-point energy of electromagnetic fields, while reclaiming quantum effects associated with quantum vacuum such as the Casimir effect and the Lamb shift; it also offers a new insight into the Zitterbewegung of material particles.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Causality-based criteria for a negative refractive index must be used with care

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    Using the principle of causality as expressed in the Kramers-Kronig relations, we derive a generalized criterion for a negative refractive index that admits imperfect transparency at an observation frequency ω\omega. It also allows us to relate the global properties of the loss (i.e. its frequency response) to its local behaviour at ω\omega. However, causality-based criteria rely the on the group velocity, not the Poynting vector. Since the two are not equivalent, we provide some simple examples to compare the two criteria.Comment: slightly longer version of published PR

    Improving the sensitivity of FM spectroscopy using nano-mechanical cantilevers

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    It is suggested that nano-mechanical cantilevers can be employed as high-Q filters to circumvent laser noise limitations on the sensitivity of frequency modulation spectroscopy. In this approach a cantilever is actuated by the radiation pressure of the amplitude modulated light that emerges from an absorber. Numerical estimates indicate that laser intensity noise will not prevent a cantilever from operating in the thermal noise limit, where the high Q's of cantilevers are most advantageous.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Effects of electrostatic fields and Casimir force on cantilever vibrations

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    The effect of an external bias voltage and fluctuating electromagnetic fields on both the fundamental frequency and damping of cantilever vibrations is considered. An external voltage induces surface charges causing cantilever-sample electrostatic attraction. A similar effect arises from charged defects in dielectrics that cause spatial fluctuations of electrostatic fields. The cantilever motion results in charge displacements giving rise to Joule losses and damping. It is shown that the dissipation increases with decreasing conductivity and thickness of the substrate, a result that is potentially useful for sample diagnostics. Fluctuating electromagnetic fields between the two surfaces also induce attractive (Casimir) forces. It is shown that the shift in the cantilever fundamental frequency due to the Casimir force is close to the shift observed in recent experiments of Stipe et al. Both the electrostatic and Casimir forces have a strong effect on the cantilever eigenfrequencies, and both effects depend on the geometry of the cantilever tip. We consider cylindrical, spherical, and ellipsoidal tips moving parallel to a flat sample surface. The dependence of the cantilever effective mass and vibrational frequencies on the geometry of the tip is studied both numerically and analytically

    Electromagnetically induced transparency in an inverted Y-type four-level system

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    The interaction of a weak probe laser with an inverted-Y type four-level atomic system driven by two additional coherent fields is investigated theoretically. Under the influence of the coherent coupling fields, the steady-state linear susceptibility of the probe laser shows that the system can have single or double electromagnetically induced transparency windows depending on the amplitude and the detuning of the coupling lasers. The corresponding index of refraction associated with the group velocity of the probe laser can be controlled at both transparency windows by the coupling fields. The propagation of the probe field can be switched from superluminal near the resonance to subluminal on resonance within the single transparency window when two coupling lasers are on resonance. This provides a potential application in quantum information processing. We propose an atomic 87Rb^{87}Rb system for experimental observation

    No anomalous scaling in electrostatic calibrations for Casimir force measurements

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    In a recent paper (Phys.Rev.A78, 020101(R) (2008)), Kim at al. have reported a large anomaly in the scaling law of the electrostatic interaction between a sphere and a plate, which was observed during the calibration of their Casimir force set-up. Here we experimentally demonstrate that in proper electrostatic calibrations the scaling law follows the behavior expected from elementary electrostatic arguments, even when the electrostatic voltage that one must apply to minimize the force (typically ascribed to contact potentials) depends on the separation between the surfaces.Comment: Final versio

    Observation of atom wave phase shifts induced by van der Waals atom-surface interactions

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    The development of nanotechnology and atom optics relies on understanding how atoms behave and interact with their environment. Isolated atoms can exhibit wave-like (coherent) behaviour with a corresponding de Broglie wavelength and phase which can be affected by nearby surfaces. Here an atom interferometer is used to measure the phase shift of Na atom waves induced by the walls of a 50 nm wide cavity. To our knowledge this is the first direct measurement of the de Broglie wave phase shift caused by atom-surface interactions. The magnitude of the phase shift is in agreement with that predicted by quantum electrodynamics for a non-retarded van der Waals interaction. This experiment also demonstrates that atom-waves can retain their coherence even when atom-surface distances are as small as 10 nm.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR
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