862 research outputs found

    Evidence of the inhomogeneity of the stellar population in the differentially reddened globular cluster NGC 3201

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    We report on evidence of the inhomogeneity (multiplicity) of the stellar population in the Galactic globular cluster (GC) NGC 3201, which is irregularly reddened across its face. We carried out a more detailed and careful analysis of our recently published new multi-color photometry in a wide field of the cluster with particular emphasis on the U band. Using the photometric data corrected for differential reddening, we found for the first time two key signs of the inhomogeneity in the cluster's stellar population and of its radial variation in the GC. These are (1) an obvious trend in the color-position diagram, based on the (U-B) color-index, of red giant branch (RGB) stars, which shows that the farther from the cluster's center, the bluer on average the (U-B) color of the stars is; and (2) the dependence of the radial distribution of sub-giant branch (SGB) stars in the cluster on their U magnitude, where brighter stars are less centrally concentrated than their fainter counterparts at a confidence level varying between 99.2% and 99.9% depending on the color-index used to select the stars. The same effects were recently found by us in the GC NGC 1261. However, contrary to NGC 1261, we are not able to unambiguously suggest which of the sub-populations of SGB/RGB stars can be the progenitor of blue and red horizontal branch stars of the cluster. Apart from M4, NGC 3201 is another GC very probably with an inhomogeneous stellar population, which has essentially lower mass than the most massive Galactic GCs where multiple stellar populations were unambiguously detected for the first timeComment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Strong radial segregation between sub-populations of evolutionary homogeneous stars in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6752

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    We investigate the new and still poorly studied matter of so-called multiple stellar populations (MSPs) in Galactic globular clusters (GGCs). Studying MSPs and their accumulated data can shed more light on the formation and evolution of GGCs and other closely related fundamental problems. We focus on the strong relation between the radial distribution of evolutionary homogeneous stars and their U-based photometric characteristics in the nearby GGC NGC 6752 and compare this with a similar relation we found in NGC 3201 and NGC 1261. We use our new multi-color photometry in a fairly wide field of NGC 6752, with particular emphasis on the U band and our recent and already published photometry made in NGC 3201 and NGC 1261. We found and report here for the first time a strong difference in the radial distribution between the sub-populations of red giant branch (RGB) stars that are bluer and redder in color U-B, as well as between sub-giant branch (SGB) stars brighter and fainter in the U-magnitude in NGC 6752. Moreover, the fainter SGB and redder RGB stars are similarly much more centrally concentrated than their respective brighter and bluer counterparts. Virtually the same applies to NGC 3201. We find evidence in NGC 6752 as in NGC 3201 that a dramatic change in the proportion of the two sub-populations of SGB and RGB stars occurs at a radial distance close to the half-mass radius, R_h, of the cluster. These results are the first detections of the radial trend of the particular photometric properties of stellar populations in GGCs. They imply a radial dependence of the main characteristics of the stellar populations in these GGCs, primarily of the abundance, and (indirectly) presumably of the kinematics.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (Letters


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    Lo sviluppo dei sistemi di radio navigazione satellitare richiede lo studio di soluzioni nuove, in particolar modo per quanto riguarda l'integrazione di più sistemi satellitari. In numerosi lavori è stata studiata l'influenza che l'utilizzo congiunto dei sistemi satellitari GLONASS e GPS hanno in un rilievo topografico. Tuttavia, scopo di questo articolo scientifico non è tanto quello di valutare questa influenza, ma di dare un forte apporto allo sviluppo di un nuova metodologia, del tutto innovativa, denominata Multiconstellation. L'approccio Multiconstellation, come è noto in letteratura, è stato introdotto qualche anno or sono dai ricercatori dell'area Geomatica dell'Università La Sapienza di Roma; da allora sono stati compiuti alcuni lavori con tale approccio con sessioni limitata ad una durata di 30 minuti, su basi di lunghezza minima. Con questo nuovo metodo, modificando i files RINEX originali mediante l'utilizzo del software Multicon, è possibile raddoppiare il numero di basi linearmente indipendenti per sessione, dimezzando pertanto il numero di sessioni da utilizzare e quindi il tempo necessario per eseguire l'intero rilievo. Considerando che nella pratica professionale un topografo utilizza spesso strumenti noleggiati e software commerciali per le elaborazioni dei dati, dimezzare i tempi complessivi di un rilevo implica diminuire i costi complessivi dello stesso. Essendo quindi evidenti i vantaggi teorici di questo nuovo approccio rispetto a quello tradizionale, si è pensato di valutare la sua affidabilità in termini di precisioni raggiungibili con sessioni di durata più lunga di quelle utilizzate negli anni scorsi, cioè con durata temporale estesa tra le 3 e le 12 ore, considerando i dati provenienti dalla rete sperimentale gestita dal DICAM dell’Università di Palermo, mediante l’utilizzo dei principali software commerciali delle più prestigiose case produttrici mondiali (Leica LGO ver.8,0, Topcon Pinnacle ver 1.0, Topcon Tools ver. 8.0, Trimble Business Center)

    TASTE. III. A homogeneous study of transit time variations in WASP-3b

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    The TASTE project is searching for low-mass planets with the Transit Timing Variation (TTV) technique, by gathering high-precision, short-cadence light curves for a selected sample of transiting exoplanets. It has been claimed that the "hot Jupiter" WASP-3b could be perturbed by a second planet. Presenting eleven new light curves (secured at the IAC80 and UDEM telescopes) and re-analyzing thirty-eight archival light curves in a homogeneous way, we show that new data do not confirm the previously claimed TTV signal. However, we bring evidence that measurements are not consistent with a constant orbital period, though no significant periodicity can be detected. Additional dynamical modeling and follow-up observations are planned to constrain the properties of the perturber or to put upper limits to it. We provide a refined ephemeris for WASP-3b and improved orbital/physical parameters. A contact eclipsing binary, serendipitously discovered among field stars, is reported here for the first time.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in A&

    Energy Efficiency in Historic Architecture: The “Ex Institute of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy” in Palermo

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    In Italy, a large part of the buildings classified as historical-artistic heritage is in a state of degradation and requires urgent interventions. Among the needs, a reduction in the high energy consumption and an improvement of the indoor comfort are mandatory. The case study of the "Ex Institute of Zoology of Palermo" shows how it is possible to achieve a reduction in energy consumption and preserve the building's historicity through the estimation of energy loads and the subsequent processing. To quantify the energy savings of the structure, it was necessary to follow a few steps, namely an inspection of the building and an evaluation of its consumption. To elaborate a correct energy analysis, the thermal conductance was calculated by considering measurements over a period of 60 days and proceeding with the calculation of the transmittance. The resulting data are imported in the energy model developed with the TERMUS BIM software. In the case study, a potential energy saving equal to 35% of the current energy consumption can be avoided by replacing the lamps with LED ones, installing photovoltaic panels, replacing the heat pumps with a centralized system and the current fixtures with double thermal break fixtures. These interventions are implemented in compliance with the architectural peculiarities

    A decrease of calcitonin serum concentrations less than 50 percent 30 minutes after thyroid surgery suggests incomplete C-cell tumor tissue removal

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    The prognosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) depends on the completeness of the first surgical treatment. To date, it is not possible to predict whether the tumor has been completely removed after surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of an intraoperative calcitonin monitoring as a predictor of the final outcome after surgery in patients with MTC

    Danish values, the foundation of the Folkeskole

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    We have imaged with Hubble Space Telescope WFC3/UVIS the central 2′7 × 2′7 region of the giant elliptical galaxy M87, using the ultraviolet filter F275W. In combination with archival ACS/WFC data taken through the F606W and F814W filters, covering the same field, we have constructed integrated-light UV-optical colors and magnitudes for 1460 objects, most of which are believed to be globular clusters (GCs) belonging to M87. The purpose was to ascertain whether the multiple-populations syndrome, ubiquitous among Galactic GCs, also exists among the M87 family of clusters. To achieve this goal, we sought those GCs with exceptionally blue UV-to-optical colors because helium-enriched sub-populations produce a horizontal-branch morphology that is well populated at high effective temperature. For comparison, integrated, synthetic UV-optical and purely optical colors and magnitudes have been constructed for 45 Galactic GCs, starting from individual-star photometry obtained with the same instruments and the same filters. We identify a small group of M87 clusters exhibiting a radial UV-optical color gradient, representing our best candidate GCs hosting multiple populations with extreme helium content. We also find that the central spatial distribution of the bluer GCs is flattened in a direction parallel to the jet, while the distribution of redder GCs is more spherical. We release to the astronomical community our photometric catalog in F275W, F606W, and F814W bands and the high-quality image stacks in the same bands

    The influence of the C+N+O abundances on the determination of the relative ages of Globular Clusters: the case of NGC 1851 and NGC 6121 (M4)

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    The color magnitude diagram (CMD) of NGC 1851 presents two subgiant branches (SGB), probably due the presence of two populations differing in total CNO content. We test the idea that a difference in total CNO may simulate an age difference when comparing the CMD of clusters to derive relative ages. We compare NGC 1851 with NGC 6121 (M4), a cluster of very similar [Fe/H]. We find that, with a suitable shift of the CMDs that brings the two red horizontal branches at the same magnitude level, the unevolved main sequence and red giant branch match, but the SGB of NGC 6121 and its red giant branch "bump" are fainter than in NGC 1851. In particular, the SGB of NGC 6121 is even slightly fainter than the the faint SGB in NGC 1851. Both these features can be explained if the total CNO in NGC 6121 is larger than that in NGC 1851, even if the two clusters are coeval. We conclude by warning that different initial C+N+O abundances between two clusters, otherwise similar in metallicity and age, may lead to differences in the turnoff morphology that can be easily attributed to an age difference.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    An Economic Approach to Size of a Renewable Energy Mix in Small Islands

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    The importance of renewable energy exploitation reduces the energy dependence on fossil fuels. Despite technological progress, in several remote areas and small islands the energy production is nowadays dominated by the utilization of fossil fuels. With new, increasingly stringent laws on polluting emissions and the need to lower production costs, it is necessary to exploit as many renewable sources as possible. In order to implement these considerations, it was decided to study renewable energy production. The study was carried out by estimating the energy production on a monthly and annual basis considering a mix of three plants, namely marine, solar, and wind. Simulations on wave production were carried out on a new device developed by the research team at the University of Palermo. In order to be able to perform these simulations, input climate data are required. These data are normally available in literature or obtainable by using specific GIS tools. As criterium, the Levelized Cost of Energy, normally applied to a single technology, is extended to the entire energy mix. Minimizing this parameter, the best solution is individuated, and capable of supplying 50% of the summer electrical load with renewable energy sources. The results carried out from a case study based in aeolian islands show that the solar production reaches 10.2%, the wind production reaches 45.47% and sea wave production reaches 3.04%. In this way, the diesel production decreases to 41.29%. This method can be easily applied for several small islands, estimating for several sites the ability to reduce the energy production from fossil fuels