26 research outputs found

    Reversible and Irreversible Trees

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    A tree T=T{\mathbb T} =\langle T\leq \rangle is reversible iff there is no order     \preccurlyeq \;\varsubsetneq \;\leq such that TT,{\mathbb T} \cong \langle T ,\preccurlyeq\rangle. Using a characterization of reversibility via back and forth systems we detect a wide class of non-reversible trees: ``bad trees" (having all branches of height ht(T)=T=L0{\mathrm{ht}} ({\mathbb T})=|T|=|L_0|, where T|T| is a regular cardinal). Consequently, a countable tree of height ω\omega and without maximal elements is reversible iff all its nodes are finite. We show that a tree T{\mathbb T} is non-reversible iff it contains a ``critical node" or an ``archetypical subtree" (parts of T{\mathbb T} with some combinatorial properties). In particular, a tree with finite nodes T{\mathbb T} is reversible iff it does not contain archetypical subtrees. Using that characterization we prove that if for each ordinal α[ω,ht(T))\alpha \in [\omega ,{\mathrm{ht}} ({\mathbb T})) all nodes of height α\alpha are of the same size, or the sequence N,N:N(T)NLα\langle \langle |N|,|N\uparrow|\rangle : {\mathcal{N}} ({\mathbb T}) \ni N\subset L_\alpha \rangle is finite-to-one, then T{\mathbb T} is reversible. Consequently, regular nn-ary trees are reversible, reversible Aronszajn trees exist and, if there are Suslin or Kurepa trees, there are reversible ones. Also we show that for cardinals λ>1\lambda >1 and μ>0\mu >0 and ordinal α>0\alpha >0 we have: the tree μ<αλ\bigcup _\mu {}^{<\alpha }\lambda is reversible iff min{α,λμ}<ω\min\{\alpha ,\lambda\mu\} <\omega.Comment: 22 page

    Splitting families and forcing

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    AbstractAccording to [M.S. Kurilić, Cohen-stable families of subsets of the integers, J. Symbolic Logic 66 (1) (2001) 257–270], adding a Cohen real destroys a splitting family S on ω if and only if S is isomorphic to a splitting family on the set of rationals, Q, whose elements have nowhere dense boundaries. Consequently, |S|<cov(M) implies the Cohen-indestructibility of S. Using the methods developed in [J. Brendle, S. Yatabe, Forcing indestructibility of MAD families, Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 132 (2–3) (2005) 271–312] the stability of splitting families in several forcing extensions is characterized in a similar way (roughly speaking, destructible families have members with ‘small generalized boundaries’ in the space of the reals). Also, it is proved that a splitting family is preserved by the Sacks (respectively: Miller, Laver) forcing if and only if it is preserved by some forcing which adds a new (respectively: an unbounded, a dominating) real. The corresponding hierarchy of splitting families is investigated