226 research outputs found

    The place and role of intellectual property in education

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    Modern times place great emphasis on workscreated as a product of the intellectual work of individuals orgroups. At the same time, there is an increasing abuse of bothintellectual property rights and the degree of protection thatintellectual property offers. The educational process as well asthe scientific research work which is an integral part of theeducational process in many cases form the basis for theemergence of new intellectual works. The acts thus createdremain in most cases the intellectual property of the educationalinstitutions within which they were created. The degree ofprotection introduced in this way is also a restriction for thepeople who worked to develop the work in question. It is for thesereasons that the aim of this paper is to look at the position ofintellectual property created in the education system, as well asthe advantages and disadvantages of such works

    Diversity, Distribution, Microhabitat Differentiation and Community Structure of Bryophytes of Fruška Gora Mountain

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    U  radu  je  analizirana  brioflora  Fruške  gore.  Cilj istraživanja bio je  utvrđivanje diverziteta, distribucije, uslova mikrostaništa i strukture zajednica mahovina na  različitim  tipovima  staništa  na  Fruškoj  gori. Takođe,  jedan  od  ciljeva  je  bio  i  testiranje  i optimizacija  metode  za  kvantitativna  uzorkovanja briofita  na  različitim  tipovima  staništa.  Terenska istraživanja su vršena u periodu 2013-2017 godine. Za potrebe florističkih istraživanja terenska uzorkovanja su  vršena  metodom  transekta  na  120  lokaliteta  na području  Fruške  gore.  Za  testiranje  i  optimizaciju metoda  za  kvantitativna  briološka  uzorkovanja korišćene  su  različite  varijante  metoda  „kvadrata“ (metod ugneždenih kvadrata za prizemnu briofloru i metod  postavljanja  mikroplotova  na  različitoj udaljenosti  za  epifitsku  briofloru).  Odgovarajuće metode  su  odabrane  na  osnovu  kriva  minimum areala  i  kriva  sličnosti  (eng.  species-area  curve, similarity  area  curve).  Odgovarajuće  metode  su primenjene za dalja uzorkovanja u ovom istraživanju. Na pojedinim lokalitetima (šumska i livadska staništa) vršeno je merenje nekoliko ekoloških parametara (pH zemljišta  i  kore  drveta,  vlažnost  zemljišta, temperatura zemljišta, pokrovnost stelje, pokrovnost zeljastih vaskularnih biljaka, udaljenost od potoka u šumskim staništima i udaljenost šumskih ekosistema na  livadskim  staništima)  u  cilju  utvrđivanja  uticaja merenih  ekoloških  parametara  na  diverzitet  i distribuciju briofita.  Briofitske zajednice su utvrđene na  različitim  tipovima  staništa  i  podloge  uz  pomoć „label  propagating  community  detection“  analize.Rezultati  ovog  istraživanja  su  pokazali  da  je  Fruška gora područje koje se odlikuje visokim diverzitetom briofita  i  ukupno  je  zabeleženo  235  briofitskih taksona (na osnovu literaturnih podataka i terenskih istraživanja).  73  taksona  briofita  je  prvi  put zabeleženo  na  području  Fruške  gore.  Od  ukupnog broja  taksona,  11%  je  pod  nekim  stepenom ugroženosti ili zakonske zaštite. Metoda mikrocenoze se  pokazala  kao  najadekvatniji  metod  za kvantitativna  uzorkovanja  prizemnih  briofita  (sa minimalnom adekvatnom veličinom kvadrata 0.5x0.5 m  u  šumskim  odnosno  1x1  m  na  livadskim staništima). Za epifitske briofite, kao najadekvatnija se  pokazale  metoda  postavljanja  mikroplotova dimenzija  10x10  cm  sa  sve  četiri  strane  stabla  na međusobnoj udaljenosti od 20 cm. Struktura staništa ima  značajno  veći  uticaj  na  diverzitet  prizemnih briofita  u  šumskim  staništima  u  odnosu  na karakteristike  zemljišta,  dok  je  na  livadskim staništima zabeležen obrnut slučaj.  Najveći uticaj na diverzitet epifitskih briofita ima visina na stablu kao i tip forofite. Na istraživanom području je detektovano devet  zajednica  u  prizemnoj  brioflori  šumskih staništa;  šest  epifitskih  zajednica;  pet  zajednica  na livadskim  staništima;  četiri  zajednice  na  trulim deblima  i  panjevima;  10  zajednica  na  stenama  i kamenju;  četiri  zajednice  u  potocima.  Dobijeni rezultati  predstavljaju  građu  za  dalja  briološka istraživanja, kako floristička tako i ekološka, i dopunu flore Srbije.In  this research, the bryophyte flora of Fruška gora Mountain was analyzed. The aim of this  research was to determine the diversity, distribution, microhabitat conditions  and  community  structure  of  bryophytes on different types of habitats on Fruška Gora. Also, one of the goals was testing and optimization of the method for  quantitative sampling  of bryophytes on different types of habitats. Field research was    carried out  in  the  period  2013-2017.  For  the  purposes  of floristic research, field sampling was carried out using the  transect  method  at  120  localities.  Different variants of the "quadrat" method (method of nested quadrats  for terrestrial bryophytes  and the method of  placing  microplots  at  different  distances  for  the epiphytic  byphytes)  were  used  for  testing  and optimization of methods for quantitative  bryophyte sampling. Appropriate methods were selected on the basis  species-area  curve  and  similarity-area  curve. Appropriate  methods  have  been  applied  to  further sampling in this study. On some localities (forest and meadow habitats) several  environmental parameters (pH  of  soil  and  bark  of  wood,  soil  moisture,  soil temperature,  roof  cover,  coverage  of  herbaceous vascular  plants,  distance  from  the  stream  in  forest habitats  and  distance  of  forest  ecosystems  in meadow  habitats)  were  measured  in  order  to determine their  impact  on  the  diversity  and distribution  of  bryophytes.  Bryophyte  communities were  identified  on  different  substrates  and  habitat types  using  "label  propagating  community detection"  analysis.  The  results  of  this  study  have shown that Fruška gora is an area characterized by a high  diversity  of  bryophytes  and  a  total  number  of 235 taxa  were recorded (based on literature data and field  research).  73  taxa  were  recorded  for  the  first time on this area. Of the total number of taxa, 11% is threatened  or  under  legislative  protection.  The microcenose  method  proved  to  be  the  most adequate  for  quantitative  sampling  of  terrestrial bryophytes (with a minimum quadrat size of  0.5x0.5 m in forests and 1x1 m in meadow habitats). For the epiphytic  bryophytes,  the  method  of  placing  the microplots (10x10 cm) on all four sides of the tree at a  distance  of  20  cm  is  most  suitable.  The  stand structure  has a significantly greater influence on the diversity of terrestrial  bryophytes  in  forest  habitats compared  to  soil   haracteristics,  while  in  the meadow  habitats  there  is  a  reverse  case.  The greatest  influence  on  the  diversity  of  epiphytic bryophytes has height on the tree as well as the type of  phorphyte.  In  the  investigated  area,  nine bryophyte  communities  were  detected  in  ground bryopyhte  flora  of  forest  habitats;  six  epiphytic communities; five communities in meadow habitats; four  communities  on  rotten  trunks  and  horns;  10 communities  on  the  rocks  and  stones;  four communities  in  streams.  The  obtained  results represent the  base  for  further  bryological  research, both floristic and ecological, and the addition  to the flora of Serbia

    Analytical determination of the availability of a rotary excavator as a part of coal mining system: Case study: Rotary excavator SchRs 800.15/1.5 of the Drmno open pit

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    Rotary excavators as the basic machines at the open pits of lignite operate in very difficult working conditions, where they are constantly expected to be highly productive, reliable, available and safe as the production carriers. Determining the availability as well as the duration and number of failures using the analytical methods allows to analyze the key influencing factors on their occurrence and values of these parameters and to determine the essential elements of system maintenance and management in order to optimize them

    Analytical determination of the availability of a rotary excavator as a part of coal mining system: Case study: Rotary excavator SchRs 800.15/1.5 of the Drmno open pit

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    Rotary excavators as the basic machines at the open pits of lignite operate in very difficult working conditions, where they are constantly expected to be highly productive, reliable, available and safe as the production carriers. Determining the availability as well as the duration and number of failures using the analytical methods allows to analyze the key influencing factors on their occurrence and values of these parameters and to determine the essential elements of system maintenance and management in order to optimize them

    Model-based stagnation pressure control in a supersonic wind tunnel

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    Upravljanje parametrima strujanja u aerotunelima je oblast intenzivnog istraživanja poslednjih godina, sa ciljem poboljšanja kvaliteta i efikasnosti rada aerotunelskih instalacija. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj da se doprinese boljem razumevanju upravljanja zaustavnim pritiskom u supersoničnim instalacijama prekidnog dejstva. Razmotrena je strategija upravljanja zaustavnim pritiskom u aerotunelu T-38 Vojnotehničkog instituta u Beogradu. Poboljšani matematički model supersoničnih aerotunelskih instalacija je predložen i primenjen na aerotunel T-38. Tačnost sa kojom matematički model predviđa odziv instalacije u uslovima supersoničnog strujanja demonstrirana je poređenjem podataka iz simulacija i eksperimenata. Matematički model je upotrebljen za uvođenje izmenjenog algoritma upravljanja u polazni upravljački sistem aerotunela T-38. Aerotunelski eksperimenti su potvrdili predviđanja modela u pogledu smanjenja vremena uspostavljanja strujanja i povećanja raspoloživog vremena za merenje, čime je postignuto značajno poboljšanje efikasnosti rada aerotunela.The flow parameters control in wind tunnels is an area of intense research in recent years, with the aim of improving quality and efficiency of the wind tunnel operation. In this paper, an attempt is made to contribute to a better understanding of the stagnation pressure control in supersonic blowdown-type facilities. The stagnation pressure control strategy in the VTI Belgrade T-38 wind tunnel is discussed. An improved mathematical model for a supersonic wind tunnel is suggested and applied to the T-38 facility. Comparisons of simulation and experimental data are made to demonstrate accurate prediction of the facility response in supersonic flow conditions by the mathematical model. The model is used to incorporate a modified feedforward control in the original T-38 wind tunnel control system. The actual wind tunnel tests confirm model-predicted decrease of flow stabilization time and increase of available measurement time, bringing significant improvement in the wind tunnel operation efficiency

    Model-based stagnation pressure control in a supersonic wind tunnel

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    Upravljanje parametrima strujanja u aerotunelima je oblast intenzivnog istraživanja poslednjih godina, sa ciljem poboljšanja kvaliteta i efikasnosti rada aerotunelskih instalacija. Ovaj rad predstavlja pokušaj da se doprinese boljem razumevanju upravljanja zaustavnim pritiskom u supersoničnim instalacijama prekidnog dejstva. Razmotrena je strategija upravljanja zaustavnim pritiskom u aerotunelu T-38 Vojnotehničkog instituta u Beogradu. Poboljšani matematički model supersoničnih aerotunelskih instalacija je predložen i primenjen na aerotunel T-38. Tačnost sa kojom matematički model predviđa odziv instalacije u uslovima supersoničnog strujanja demonstrirana je poređenjem podataka iz simulacija i eksperimenata. Matematički model je upotrebljen za uvođenje izmenjenog algoritma upravljanja u polazni upravljački sistem aerotunela T-38. Aerotunelski eksperimenti su potvrdili predviđanja modela u pogledu smanjenja vremena uspostavljanja strujanja i povećanja raspoloživog vremena za merenje, čime je postignuto značajno poboljšanje efikasnosti rada aerotunela.The flow parameters control in wind tunnels is an area of intense research in recent years, with the aim of improving quality and efficiency of the wind tunnel operation. In this paper, an attempt is made to contribute to a better understanding of the stagnation pressure control in supersonic blowdown-type facilities. The stagnation pressure control strategy in the VTI Belgrade T-38 wind tunnel is discussed. An improved mathematical model for a supersonic wind tunnel is suggested and applied to the T-38 facility. Comparisons of simulation and experimental data are made to demonstrate accurate prediction of the facility response in supersonic flow conditions by the mathematical model. The model is used to incorporate a modified feedforward control in the original T-38 wind tunnel control system. The actual wind tunnel tests confirm model-predicted decrease of flow stabilization time and increase of available measurement time, bringing significant improvement in the wind tunnel operation efficiency

    Iridium anomaly in the cretaceous-paleogene boundary at Højerup (Stevns Klint, Denmark) and Woodside Creek (New Zealand): The question of an enormous proportion of extraterrestrial component

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    The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary clays at Højerup and Woodside Creek show anomalous enrichments of iridium compared with the marine sedimentary rocks. For the average iridium content of 465 ppb in CI chondrite the estimate of the carbonaceous chondritic proportions in the decarbonated iridium-rich boundary layers, based on the integrated iridium fluencies, is about 26% at Højerup and 65% at Woodside Creek. These proportions are most likely too high due to a significant Ir influx from the nearby marine or continental site to these sections

    Appearance of high submerged cavitating jet: The cavitation phenomenon and sono-luminescence

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    In order to study jet structure and behaviour of cloud cavitation within time and space, visualization of highly submerged cavitating water jet has been done using Stanford Optics 4 Quick 05 equipment, through endoscopes and other lenses with Drello3244 and Strobex Flash Chadwick as flashlight stroboscope. This included obligatory synchronization with several types of techniques and lenses. Images of the flow regime have been taken, allowing calculation of the non-dimensional cavitation cloud length under working conditions. Consequently a certain correlation has been proposed. The influencing parameters, such as; injection pressure, downstream pressure and cavitation number were experimentally proved to be very significant. The recordings of sono-luminescence phenomenon proved the collapsing of bubbles everywhere along the jet trajectory. In addition, the effect of temperature on sono-luminescence recordings was also a point of investigation

    Role of β2 Integrins in the Binding of Thymocytes to Rat Thymic Macrophages

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    A role of β2 integrins and one of their ligands, ICAM-1, in thymic macrophage (TMF)/thymocyte interactions was studied. TMF were isolated as adherent cells from 4-day old culture of thymic-cell suspensions either from normal or hydrocortisone-treated rats. Adherent cells were 94-98% positive with ED1 (a pan-macrophage marker). The majority of them (75-95%) expressed the CD11b and CD18 molecules, and 60-70% expressed CD54 (ICAM-1). A low proportion of TMF (10-20%) expressed CDlla (LFA-1). The expression of all these antigens was upregulated by IFN-α and TNF-α. The effect of these mAbs on TMF/thymocyte binding was studied using a simple rosette assay by incubating unstimulated or IFN-γ or TNF-α stimulated TMF, grown on microscopic slides with resting or ConA +IL-2 activated thymocytes. It was found that LFA-1/CD18 and ICAM-1 play a significant role in the TMF/thymocyte adhesion. In addition, a LFA-l-dependent/ICAM- 1-independent adhesion pathway was observed, suggesting that LFA-1 might use another ligand. The inhibitory effect of anti-CD18 mAb (WT-3) was higher than the effect of anti-LFA-1 mAb (WT-1) and was a consequence of blocking the CD18 chain both on thymocytes and TMF. No significant difference in the expression and function of adhesion molecules was found between TMF obtained from normal or hydrocortisone-treated rats. The involvement of CD1 1b in these processes was of lesser importance than the role of the CD11a molecule. By using mAbs to different epitopes of the CD11b molecule, such as OX-42 (anti-CD11b/CD11c), ED7, and ED8 (anti-CD11b), it was found that they were either slightly or moderately inhibitory under certain experimental conditions or did not significantly modulate TMF/thymocyte binding. Oχ-42 was slightly stimulatory in some experiments. Cumulatively, these results show that 2 integrins play a significant role in TMF/thymocyte interactions and probably contribute to T-cell development in vivo