63 research outputs found

    Use of ANN model in economies

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    In this paper, the authors made their contribution by constructing a model for the forecast of average annual net earnings in the EU countries. The model is based on the artificial neural network (ANN) use and for the needs of its creation the authors have presented their proposal for a model entry ā€“ economic variables that determine earnings. Generally, implementing an economic policy aimed at preventing stagnation of earnings levels can be achieved by running a sustainable earnings policy and our model can be used as an acceptable tool in the function of keeping that policy

    Financial and socioeconomic analysis of waste management projects

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    U radu je provedena simulacija financijske i socioekonomske analize na hipotetskom primjeru projekta izgradnje regionalnog odlagaliÅ”ta. Analiza je pokazala da određeni investicijski projekti, posebno u zemljama u razvoju, zbog definiranja socioekonomski prihvatljivih cijena, imaju nisku ili negativnu stopu financijske rentabilnosti, pa se konačna odluka o realizaciji tih projekata donosi nakon provođenja socioekonomske analize. Projekti koje je moguće izvesti, financijsko održivi, ali ne i komercijalno isplativi, pogodni su za javno financiranje.A simulation of a financial and socio-economic analysis of a regional landfill construction project is conducted in the paper on a hypothetical example. The analysis showed that certain investment projects, particularly in developing countries, have a low or negative rate of financial profitability, due to the need to define a socio-economically acceptable price. The final decision on the implementation of these projects is taken after conducting an appropriate socioeconomic analysis. Projects that are technically feasible and financially sustainable, but not commercially profitable, are suitable for public funding

    Biological aspects of salivary hormones in male half-marathon performance

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    Physical effort is known to alter the blood levels of many hormones, but there are only a few studies about the biological changes of salivary hormones. The aim of this work was to determine whether salivary testosterone and salivary cortisol levels, measured two weeks before a half-marathon race, relate to running performance in male recreational athletes. A group of eleven male recreational athletes preparing for a half-marathon was included in the study. Saliva for testosterone and cortisol determinations was collected before and immediately after a 15-km training run, two weeks before the half-marathon. Individual official half-marathon times, expressed in hours, were used as a measure of performance. Mean testosterone concentrations were 1.07 +/- 0.33 nmol/l before the run and 0.88 +/- 0.35 nmol/l after the run (p lt 0.05). Mean cortisol concentrations were 12.28 +/- 8.46 nmol/l before the run and 38.08 +/- 19.63 nmol/l after the run (p lt 0.05). The pre-run salivary testosterone levels marginally correlated with the corresponding half-marathon running times (p=0.068, 95% bootstrap CI for slope -0.40 to -0.06). However, post-run salivary testosterone levels significantly correlated with the corresponding half-marathon running times (p=0.011, 95% bootstrap CI for slope -0.41 to -0.16), even considering correlations with the runners' age. Salivary cortisol levels, either pre- or post-run, did not correlate with the corresponding half-marathon running times. The results of this study suggest that post-exercise salivary testosterone levels could have the potential to predict performance in endurance running, at least in recreational athletes

    Assessment of Socio-Economic Benefits from the Construction of Bypasses of Transport Infrastructure

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    The aim of the study is to analyse the feasibility of the second phase of the construction of the Rožaje (Montenegro) bypass project. The objectives of the construction of this bypass are to eliminate or reduce existing problems by redirecting transit flows to the bypass. Based on the observed economic costs of construction and the expected economic benefits from the project in a 20-year period, by applying Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), the indicators of the project economic feasibility were determined. As part of the socio-economic analysis of the project feasibility, the expected benefits for transport users (savings in travel time and savings in the vehicle exploitation costs), as well as external impacts (impacts on safety and impacts on the environment) were assessed. The analysis showed the dominant savings are in travel time and vehicle exploitation costs. The economic net present value (ENPV) of this project is positive and amounts to EUR 55 054 502, the economic internal rate of return (EIRR) is 26.88% (with a discount rate of 5%), while the benefit-cost ratio (B/CR) is 4.96. All scenarios developed within the Project Sensitivity Analysis have confirmed that this project has satisfactory economic justification

    Osetljivost tri testa za određivanje antitela na receptor za tireostimuliÅ”ući hormon kod pacijenata sa orbitopatijom udruženom sa Å”titnom žlezdom

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    Background: Thyrotropin receptor autoantibodies (TSH-R-Ab) are indispensable biomarkers in the laboratory assessment of thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TAO). Clinical sensitivity of three different assays for TSH-R-Ab determination was evaluated in patients with TAO. Methods: 87 consecutive TAO patients were enrolled and their serum samples analyzed in parallel with three assays. An ECLIA competitive binding and a chemiluminescent bridge immunoassay were used to measure total and bind-ing TSH-R-Ab concentration, while their functional activity was determined using a stimulatory TSH-R-Ab (TSAb) cell-based bioassay. Results: Compared to the two binding assays (ECLIA p<0.001, bridge p=0.003), the TSAb bioassay was more sensitive pertaining to the positive detection of TSH-R-Ab in TAO patients. No difference (p=0.057) was noted between the ECLIA and bridge assays regarding sensitivity rate. All patients with active and/or moderate-to-severe TAO tested positive in the TSAb bioassay (100% and 100%, respectively), while the positivity rates for bridge and ECLIA binding assays were 89.7% and 82.1% for active TAO, and 90.2% and 86.3% for severe TAO, respectively. Negative predictive values of the bioassay, bridge, and ECLIA assays were 100%, 75%, and 71%, respectively for active TAO, and 100%, 86%, and 71%, respectively for moderate-to-severe TAO. The superiority of the bioassay was most prominent in euthyroid (ET) TAO. Positivity rates of the TSAb bioassay, bridge and ECLIA binding assays were 89.6%, 75%, and 64.6%, respectively for inactive TAO; 86.1%, 69.4%, and 52.8%, respectively for mild TAO; 87.5%, 62.5%, and 12.5%, respectively for euthyroid TAO. The bridge assay correlated better with the ECLIA binding assay (r=0.893, p<0.001), compared to the bioassay (r=0.669, p<0.001). Conclusions: In patients with TAO of various activity and severity, the TSAb bioassay demonstrates a superior clinical performance compared to both ECLIA and bridge binding assays.Uvod: Autoantitela na receptore za tireostimuliÅ”ući hormon (TSH-R-Ab) su nezamenljivi biomarkeri u laboratorijskoj proceni orbitopatije udru'ene sa Å”titnom žlezdom (TAO). U radu je procenjena klinička osetljivost tri različita testa za određivanje TSH-R-Ab kod pacijenata sa TAO. Metode: U studiju je ključeno 87 uzastopnih pacijenata sa TAO i njihovi uzorci seruma su analizirani paralelno sa tri testa. Za merenje ukupne i vezujuće koncentracije TSH-RAb koriŔćeni su ECLIA imunohemijski test kompetitivnog vezivanja i hemiluminiscentni imunohemijski "sendvič" test, dok je njihova funkcionalna aktivnost određena pomoću ćelijskog bioloÅ”kog testa (bioeseja) za određivanje stimulatornih TSH-R-Ab (TSAb). Rezultati: U poređenju sa dva imunohemijska testa vezivanja (ECLIA P<0,001, "sendvič test" P=0,003), TSAb bioesej se pokazao najosetljivijim u pogledu pozitivne detekcije TSH-RAb kod TAO pacijenata. Nikakva razlika nije detektovana (P=0,057) između ECLIA i "sendvič" testa u pogledu stope osetljivosti. TSAb bioesej je bio pozitivan kod svih pacijenata sa aktivnom i/ili umerenom do teÅ”kom TAO (redom 100% i 100%), dok su stope pozitivnosti za sendvič i ECLIA imunohemijski test bile 89,7% i 82,1% za aktivnu TAO, i 90,2% i 86,3% za teÅ”ku TAO, redom. Negativne prediktivne vrednosti bioeseja, "sendvič" i ECLIA testova bile su redom 100%, 75% i 71%, za aktivnu TAO, odnosno 100%, 86% i 71%, redom za umerenu do teÅ”ku TAO. Superiornost bioloÅ”ke analize bila je najistaknutija kod eutiroidnog oblika (ET) TAO. Stope pozitivnosti TSAb bioeseja, "sendvič" i ECLIA testova vezivanja bile su redom 89,6%, 75% i 64,6%, za neaktivnu TAO; 86,1%, 69,4% i 52,8% za blagu TAO; 87,5%, 62,5% i 12,5% za eutiroidni TAO. "Sendvič" imunohemijski test je bio u boljoj korelaciji sa ECLIA testom kompetitivnog vezivanja (r=0,893, P<0,001), u poređenju sa bioesejom (r=0,669, P<0,001). Zaključak: Kod pacijenata sa TAO različite aktivnosti i težine TSAb bioesej pokazuje superiorne kliničke performanse u poređenju sa obe vrste imunohemijskih testova vezivanja (ECLIA i "sendvič test")

    Financial and socio-economic effects of investment in the context of dog population management

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    The modern world faces serious challenges associated with the presence of stray dogs on the streets, especially in urban areas. Vardar Planning Region in North Macedonia, which consists of nine municipalities, experiences such challenges. According to current reports, the number of stray dogs on the streets of cities in this region has increased, which has resulted in an increase in the number of dog attacks on residents. As the existing capacities are small in the registered shelters, we considered the possibility of building a new shelter for stray dogs to meet the needs of this region. The goal of our paper is the evaluation of the financial and socio-economic justifications for the construction of a shelter for stray dogs in the Vardar Planning Region (VPR). The results of the financial justification analysis show that the project does not provide satisfactory financial results. Namely, the Financial Net Present Value (FNPV) is negative, with a value of EUR 75,291. The Financial Internal Rate of Return (FIRR) is 0.57%, lower than the discount rate, which is not acceptable for a private investor. The Financial Benefitā€“Cost Ratio (FB/CR) of this project is 0.925, suggesting that the total discounted costs are greater than the total discounted revenues. On the other hand, the expected socio-economic benefits from this project are multifaceted, including savings in stray dog bite costs, savings in the cost of traffic accidents caused by stray dogs, and savings in the treatment of diseases caused by stray dogs. The results of the economic analysis show that this investment has full socio-economic justification and that it should be implemented. The Economic Net Present Value (ENPV) is positive and amounts to EUR 789,916. The Economic Internal Rate of Return (EIRR) is 25.94% and the Economic Benefitā€“Cost Ratio (EB/CR) amounts to 1.90, i.e., greater than 1. The results of the sensitivity analysis also confirm the justification for the realization of this project

    Vrijednost multidetektorske kompjutorizirane tomografije orbita u određivanju stupnja protruzije bulbusa u usporedbi s Hertelovom egzoftalmometrijom

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    The use of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is an integral part of contemporary diagnostics of Gravesā€˜ orbitopathy. Th e aim of this study was to assess proptosis measurement by MDCT and to compare it to the current standard, Hertel exophthalmometry. A crosssectional study was conducted at the Clinical Centre of Serbia and included 91 patients (19 male and 72 female) with verified Gravesā€˜ orbitopathy. Globe protrusion measured by MDCT (globe protrusion, GPR) was correlated to Hertel measured protrusion (HR). Th ere was no constant or any systematic bias between the two methods. GPR significantly correlated with the best-corrected visual acuity, while HR did not. Age, body mass index and duration of the disease did not influence proptosis measurement by either method. Proptosis was significantly larger in males. According to our results, GPR compared to HR provides better assessment of the protrusion in Gravesā€˜ disease. GPR measurement is simple and should always be part of the radiological assessment of orbits in Gravesā€˜ disease.KoriÅ”tenje multidetektorske kompjutorizirane tomografije (MDCT) je sastavni dio suvremene dijagnostike Gravesove orbitopatije. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati mjerenje stupnja protruzije bulbusa pomoću MDCT i to usporediti s trenutnim standardom, Hertelovom egzoftalmometrijom. Presječno istraživanje je provedeno na Kliničkom centru Srbije, a uključilo je 91 bolesnika (19 muÅ”karaca i 72 žene) s provjerenom Gravesovom orbitopatijom. Stupanj protruzije bulbusa mjeren pomoću MDCT (globe protrusion, GPR) je povezan s izmjerenim stupnjem protruzije bulbusa prema Hertelu (HR). Nije bilo stalne ili sustavne pristranosti između dviju metoda. GPR je bio značajno povezan s najbolje korigiranom oÅ”trinom vida, a HR nije. Dob, indeks tjelesne mase i trajanje bolesti ne utječu na mjerenje stupnja protruzije bulbusa bilo kojim postupkom. Stupanj protruzije bulbusa bio je značajno veći u muÅ”karaca. Prema naÅ”im rezultatima, GPR u odnosu na HR omogućuje bolju procjenu stupnja protruzije bulbusa kod Gravesove orbitopatije. Mjerenje GPR je jednostavno i treba uvijek biti dio radioloÅ”ke procjene orbite kod Gravesove orbitopatije

    Cortisol response to ACTH stimulation correlates with blood interleukin 6 concentration in healthy humans

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    Objective: Interleukin 6(IL6) has the ability to influence each level of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis. The aim of the study was to test whether IL6 concentration correlates with the adrenal cortex response to ACTH in healthy humans. We postulated that higher basal IL6 concentration would be associated with the higher cortisol response to the stimulation. Design and methods: Basal IL6 concentration was measured and a low dose (1 mu g) ACTH test was performed to assess cortisol response. apparently healthy Subjects (11 male. 16 female. mean age 31.1 years. age range 22-47 years) were included in the study. Results: Data are presented as mean +/- S.E.M. Basal IL6 level was 0.84 +/- 0.10 pg/ml, Basal cortisol was 351.9 +/- 18.3. nmol/l. Maximal cortisol during synacthen test was 653.0 +/- 20.6 nmol/l. Maximal cortisol increment was 301.1 +/- 20.0 nmol/l. IL6 concentration was not correlated with basal or maximal cortisol concentration. but correlated significantly with cortisol increment (r=0.63. 95%. confidence interval) 0.42-0.83). Conclusions: In our study. We found that higher basal IL6 concentration is associated with the higher cortisol response to ACTH stimulation. Based on previous research and our data, IL6, even in low concentrations and under physiologic conditions, modulates adrenal cortex responsivity to ACTH. Therefore. it seems that immune modulation of HPA axis is also present under physiologic and not only pathologic conditions
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