6 research outputs found

    Identifying Faculty Perceptions Of Awareness And Preparedness Relating To ADA Compliance At A Small, Private College In NE PA

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    This paper explores post-secondary faculty perceptions of awareness and preparedness relating to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Institutions of higher education are businesses. The largest threat to sustained viability for many businesses is litigation. Business-related litigation is often the result of non-employment discrimination or torts (violation of civil rights).  Lack of knowledge (awareness and preparedness) is usually not a sufficient reason for defendants in business-related litigation. The number of college students reporting learning-related disabilities is growing. About 2.2 million students enrolled in higher education institutions have a documented disability (National Center for Education Statistics, 2016). Disability related litigation is a trending concern for institutions of higher education.  Are post-secondary faculty ‘aware’ and ‘prepared’ to make the necessary accommodations for students with qualified learning disabilities in classrooms? ADA awareness is defined as cognizance relating to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  ADA preparedness is defined as readiness and ability to follow obligations relating to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.  A moderate, positive correlation was discovered between the two variables, indicating the more awareness one has of ADA laws and requirements, the more prepared one is in dealing with accommodations for those with learning disabilities. Research indicates a need for updated and current training in the area of ADA awareness and preparedness of post-secondary faculty

    Exploration Of Healthy Eating Education And Consumption Of Various Foods Of College Students In A Small Liberal Arts College

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    Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer (World Health Organization, 2011; National Institutes of Health, 1998). Children with high BMI often become obese adults (Serdula, Ivery, Coates, Freedman, Williamson, & Byers, 1993). According to the World Health Organization (2011), obesity is preventable. While it is well known that obesity can be prevented, it often is not. This article examines how healthy eating education has an impact on food choices of college students in a liberal arts college in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The researchers will discuss the implications for educators, administrators, and researchers. Findings, conclusions, and recommendations will be presented

    An Analysis Of Initial Global Citizenship In A Liberal Arts College In Northeastern Pennsylvania

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    There are an increasing number of organizations conducting business in the global environment (Hill, 2011). Expatriate employees are frequently used and are critical for success in these assignments (Carpenter, Sanders, & Gregersen, 2000). Adjusting to a foreign culture is one reason for high failure rates of expatriates (Garonzik, Brockner & Siegel, 2000). According to Morais and Ogden (2010), there is a need to measure global citizenship in a way that can validate the outcomes of a study abroad experience, specifically, and the development of a global citizen, generally. College and University Study Abroad programs introduce students to global cultures and citizenship; however, college graduates are not prepared to enter the global workforce (Hunter, 2011). This article analyzes and measures initial global citizenship in a liberal arts college in Northeastern Pennsylvania. This study utilizes the Global Citizenship Scale to explore the initial levels of social responsibility, global competence and global civic engagement (Morais & Ogden, 2010). The researchers will discuss the implications for educators, administrators, and researchers. Findings, conclusions, and recommendations will be presented

    Exploring The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Academic Stress Among Students At A Small, Private College

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    This research explored the relationship between total-trait emotional intelligence and academic stress among college students at a small, private college. Student total-trait emotional intelligence (TTEI) and university stress scores were significantly correlated. Measures of TTEI and USS are useful for student intervention to impact issues such as attrition. To increase retention, small private colleges benefit significantly from knowing students’ level of academic stress and emotional intelligence. Identifying specific factors and mitigating the adverse effects of these factors allows small colleges the opportunity to provide additional services for students

    Resolving the Paradox of Our Lynching Fixation: Reconsidering Racialized Violence in the American South after Slavery

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