10,469 research outputs found

    Expendable bubble tiltmeter for geophysical monitoring

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    An unusually rugged highly sensitive and inexpensive bubble tiltmeter has been designed, tested, and built in quantity. These tiltmeters are presently used on two volcanoes and an Alaskan glacier, where they continuously monitor surface tilts of geological interest. This paper discusses the mechanical, thermal, and electric details of the meter, and illustrates its performance characteristics in both large ( > 10^(-4) radian) and small ( < 10^(-6) radian) tilt environments. The meter's ultimate sensitivity is better than 2 X 10^(-8) radians rms for short periods (hours), and its useful dynamic range is greater than 10^4. Included is a short description of field use of the instrument for volcano monitoring

    Impulse approximation in the n p --> d pi^0 reaction reexamined

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    The impulse approximation (one-body operator) in the n p --> d pi^0 reaction is reexamined with emphasis on the issues of reducibility and recoil corrections. An inconsistency when one pion exchange is included in the production operator is demonstrated and then resolved via the introduction of "wave function corrections" which nearly vanish for static nucleon propagators. Inclusion of the recoil corrections to the nucleon propagators is found to change the magnitude and sign of the impulse production amplitude, worsening agreement with the experimental cross section by approximately 30%. A cutoff is used to account for the phenomenological nature of the external wave functions, and is found to have a significant impact up to approximately 2.5 GeV.Comment: Published versio

    Evidence for a Hard Ionizing Spectrum from a z=6.11 Stellar Population

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    We present the Magellan/FIRE detection of highly-ionized CIV 1550 and OIII] 1666 in a deep infrared spectrum of the z=6.11 gravitationally lensed low-mass galaxy RXC J2248.7-4431-ID3, which has previously-known Lyman-alpha. No corresponding emission is detected at the expected location of HeII 1640. The upper limit on HeII paired with detection of OIII] and CIV constrains possible ionization scenarios. Production of CIV and OIII] requires ionizing photons of 2.5-3.5 Ryd, but once in that state their multiplet emission is powered by collisional excitation at lower energies (~0.5 Ryd). As a pure recombination line, HeII emission is powered by 4 Ryd ionizing photons. The data therefore require a spectrum with significant power at 3.5 Ryd but a rapid drop toward 4.0 Ryd. This hard spectrum with a steep drop is characteristic of low-metallicity stellar populations, and less consistent with soft AGN excitation, which features more 4 Ryd photons and hence higher HeII flux. The conclusions based on ratios of metal line detections to Helium non-detection are strengthened if the gas metallicity is low. RXJ2248-ID3 adds to the growing handful of reionization-era galaxies with UV emission line ratios distinct from the general z=2-3 population, in a way that suggests hard ionizing spectra that do not necessarily originate in AGN.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication to ApJ

    Nonlinear Large Deformation Theory of Composite Arches Using Truncated Rotations

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    This research has been directed toward capturing large cross sectional rotation during bending of composite arches. A potential energy based nonlinear finite element model that incorporates transverse shear strain was modified to include large bending rotations. Large rotation kinematics were derived in a vector format leading to nonlinear strain that was decomposed into convenient forms for inclusion in the potential energy function. Problem discretization resulted in a finite element model capable of large deformations. Riks method and displacement control solution techniques were used. Numerous problems and examples were compared and analyzed. Code vectorization and parallelization were briefly examined to improve computational efficiency

    The Role of Projection in the Control of Bird Flocks

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    Swarming is a conspicuous behavioural trait observed in bird flocks, fish shoals, insect swarms and mammal herds. It is thought to improve collective awareness and offer protection from predators. Many current models involve the hypothesis that information coordinating motion is exchanged between neighbors. We argue that such local interactions alone are insufficient to explain the organization of large flocks of birds and that the mechanism for the exchange of long-ranged information necessary to control their density remains unknown. We show that large flocks self-organize to the maximum density at which a typical individual is still just able to see out of the flock in many directions. Such flocks are marginally opaque - an external observer can also just still see a substantial fraction of sky through the flock. Although seemingly intuitive we show that this need not be the case; flocks could easily be highly diffuse or entirely opaque. The emergence of marginal opacity strongly constrains how individuals interact with each other within large swarms. It also provides a mechanism for global interactions: An individual can respond to the projection of the flock that it sees. This provides for faster information transfer and hence rapid flock dynamics, another advantage over local models. From a behavioural perspective it optimizes the information available to each bird while maintaining the protection of a dense, coherent flock.Comment: PNAS early edition published online at http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.140220211

    Emerging Investigators Series: Pyrolysis Removes Common Microconstituents Triclocarban, Triclosan, and Nonylphenol from Biosolids

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    Reusing biosolids is vital for the sustainability of wastewater management. Pyrolysis is an anoxic thermal degradation process that can be used to convert biosolids into energy rich py-gas and py-oil, and a beneficial soil amendment, biochar. Batch biosolids pyrolysis (60 minutes) revealed that triclocarban and triclosan were removed (to below quantification limit) at 200 °C and 300 °C, respectively. Substantial removal (\u3e90%) of nonylphenol was achieved at 300 °C as well, but 600 °C was required to remove nonylphenol to below the quantification limit. At 500 °C, the pyrolysis reaction time to remove \u3e90% of microconstituents was less than 5 minutes. Fate studies revealed that microconstituents were both volatilized and thermochemically transformed during pyrolysis; microconstituents with higher vapor pressures were more likely to volatilize and leave the pyrolysis reactor before being transformed than compounds with lower vapor pressures. Reductive dehalogenation products of triclocarban and suspected dehalogenation products of triclosan were identified in py-gas. Application of biosolids-derived biochar to soil in place of biosolids has potential to minimize organic microconstituents discharged to the environment provided appropriate management of py-gas and py-oil
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