223 research outputs found

    Strain engineering of Ge/GeSn photonic structures

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    Silicon compatible light sources have been referred to as the \holy grail" for Si photonics. Such devices would give the potential for a range of applications; from optical interconnects on integrated circuits, to cheap optical gas sensing and spectroscopic devices on a Si platform. Whilst numerous heterogeneous integration schemes for integrating III-V lasers with Si wafers are being pursued, it would be far easier and cheaper to use the epitaxial tools already in complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) lines, where Ge and SiGe chemical vapour deposition is used in a number of advanced technology nodes. Germanium is an efficient absorber, but a poor emitter due to a band-structure which is narrowly indirect, but by only 140 meV. Through the application of strain, or by alloying with Sn, the Ge bandstructure can be engineered to become direct bandgap, making it an effcient light emitter. In this work, silicon nitride stressor technologies, and CMOS compatible processes are used to produce levels of tensile strain in Ge optical micro-cavities where a transition to direct bandgap is predicted. The strain distribution, and the optical emission of a range of Ge optical cavities are analyzed, with an emphasis on the effect of strain distribution on the material band-structure. Peak levels of strain are reported which are higher than that reported in the literature using comparable techniques. Furthermore, these techniques are applied to GeSn epi-layers and demonstrate that highly compressive GeSn alloys grown pseudomorphically on Ge virtual substrates, can be transformed to direct bandgap materials, with emission >3 m wavelength { the longest wavelength emission demonstrated from GeSn alloys. Such emission is modeled to have a good overlap with methane absorption lines, indicating that there is huge potential for the such technologies to be used for low cost, Si compatible gas sensing in the mid-infrared

    Ultra Broadband Mid-Infrared Ge-on-Si Polarization Rotator

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    The design and modelling of an ultra broadband Ge-on-Si waveguide polarization rotator is presented. The polarization rotator demonstrates high extinction ratio (≥ 18.5 dB) and low insertion loss (≤ 1 dB) over the full operating range of 8 to 11 μm wavelength

    Understanding the Sidewall Dependence of Loss for Ge-on-Si Waveguides in the Mid-Infrared

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    Measurements of sidewall roughness by atomic force microscopy has been used to understand the waveguides losses of Ge-on-Si mid-infrared rib waveguides. Simulations indicate the measured roughness is well below values corresponding to the measured losses indicating sidewall roughness scattering is not the dominant loss mechanism

    Germanium-on-silicon Waveguides for Mid-infrared Photonic Sensing Chips

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    Germanium-on-silicon rib waveguides are modelled, fabricated and characterized with a novel near-field infrared spectroscopy technique that allows on-chip investigation of the waveguide losses at 5.8 μm wavelength

    Group-IV midinfrared plasmonics

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    The use of heavily doped semiconductors to achieve plasma frequencies in the mid-IR has been recently proposed as a promising way to obtain high-quality and tunable plasmonic materials. We introduce a plasmonic platform based on epitaxial n-type Ge grown on standard Si wafers by means of low-energy plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition. Due to the large carrier concentration achieved with P dopants and to the compatibility with the existing CMOS technology, SiGe plasmonics hold promises for mid-IR applications in optoelectronics, IR detection, sensing, and light harvesting. As a representative example, we show simulations of mid-IR plasmonic waveguides based on the experimentally retrieved dielectric constants of the grown materials

    Mid-infrared n-Ge on Si Plasmonic Based Microbolometer Sensors

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    The detection and amplification of molecular absorption lines from a chemical weapons simulant is demonstrated using plasmonic antennas fabricated from n-Ge epitaxially grown on Si. A free-standing Si0.25Ge0.75 microbolometer detector with n-Ge plasmonic antenna is demonstrated as an integrated mid-infrared plasmonic sensor

    Low Loss Germanium-on-Silicon Waveguides for Integrated Mid-Infrared Photonics

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    Low loss Ge-on-Si waveguides are demonstrated in the 8 – 14 μm atmospheric transmission window, a technology that will enable detection and sensing of unique molecular vibrations. Such a low cost platform would have applications in key markets such as pollution monitoring, explosives detection and point of care diagnostics. Rib-waveguides are fabricated using electron beam lithography and dry etching. The waveguides propagation losses are characterized using the Fabry-Perot technique, and are found to be below 5 dB/cm across the measurement range of 7.5 to 11 μm wavelength, reaching as low as ~ 1 dB/cm. The contribution to the losses are analyzed using the experimentally measured Si substrate losses, and the calculated scattering losses from an analytical model. The results verify the feasibility of the Ge-on-Si platform for integrated mid-infrared photonics and sensing

    TuA4.1 - Mid-infrared Sensing with Ge on Si Waveguides (Invited)

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    Ge-on-Si waveguides with losses below 5 dB/cm across 7.5 to 11 µm wavelength are demonstrated. Sidewall etch roughness was measured using atomic force microscopy to investi- gate the waveguide loss mechanisms. Mid-infrared spectroscopy of poly(methyl methacrylate) was demonstrated using the Ge waveguides for mid-infrared sensing

    High-Efficiency Ge-on-Si SPADs for Short-Wave Infrared

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    High efficiency, Ge-on-Si single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) detectors operating in the short-wave infrared region (1310 nm - 1550 nm) at near room temperature have the potential to be used for numerous emerging applications, including quantum communications, quantum imaging and eye-safe LIDAR applications. In this work, planar geometry Ge-on-Si SPAD designs demonstrate a significant decrease in the dark count rate compared to previous generations of Ge-on-Si detectors. 100 μm diameter microfabricated SPADs demonstrate record low NEPs of 2.2×10-16 WHz-1/2, and single-photon detection efficiencies of 18% for 1310 nm at 78 K. The devices demonstrate single-photon detection at temperatures up to 175 K

    n-Ge on Si for Mid-Infrared Plasmonic Sensors

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    The detection and amplification of molecular absorption lines from a mustard gas simulant is demonstrated using plasmonic antennas fabricated from n-Ge epitaxially grown on Si. Approaches to integrated sensors will be presented along with a review of n-Ge compared to other mid-infrared plasmonic materials
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