251 research outputs found

    Recent advances in the epidemiology and diagnosis of some common vestibular disorders

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    There is a rising interest in the diagnosis of the common vestibular disorders in childhood and adulthood. The results from numerous epidemiological investigations prove the socio-medical importance of this pathology. In the present survey, the applications of the main diagnostic methods in this interdisciplinary field are discussed. Here belong the caloric test, the video head impulse test, the cervical and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials, the videonistagmography, the electrococheography, the magnetic resonance imaging, the computed tomography, etc. A special attention is paid to the comparative diagnosis of some socially significant common vestibular disorders

    Medical and dental photography – back to the future

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    Medical photography is a specialized аrea of scientific photography. Its main tasks are documenting a clinical case, medical and surgical procedures, monitoring, diagnostic and treatment processes. Today, digital medical photography is an approved method ofdocumentation, interactive learning, an objective way of clinical research. Medical and dental photography have legal and evidentiary value in a in many countries. Often, compromise lighting and a sterile environment restrict the medical photographer, resulting in lower-quality photographs. Tthis problem has been solved today in medicine and also in dentistry, where appropriate protocols for sterile photodocumentation and informed consent forms have been created. In today’s environment, accompanied by Covid-19 and the need for isolation, the use of medical and dental photography is a relevant, reasonable and supportive alternative method for diagnosis, consultation and treatment. Documentation and analysis are only a small part of what photography offers in medicine. Together with video recording and x-ray imaging, they plays an essential role in the training and postgraduate training of future and current medical doctors and dentists

    3D printing in the head area

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    Digital technologies are evolving at a very high pace in science and technology. They are also increasing their influence in the fields of dental and general medicine. The processes are inevitable and irreversible. The advantage of these technologies is that they can create medical devices with a complex geometric shape, in a shorter time and with greater accuracy. The materials from which the sites are built go through constant development and improvement. In dental medicine, printing is expressed in the manufacture of prosthetic dental structures of removable and non-removable type, training models, production of artificial prostheses for the needs of oral and maxillofacial surgery. In the field of otorhinolaryngology, 3D printing is used for the production of ectoprostheses in the removal of various inflammatory and tumor processes of the nose and ears, or as a result of occupational or traffic accidents. Printing also finds a place in ophthalmology for making eye prostheses. Regardless of the field of application, these technologies pose a challenge in their use in everyday clinical practice and are subject to constant monitoring by physicians and patients.Objective: To study the application of 3D printing in the head and in particular in otorhinolaryngology

    Biocompatibility of materials and products used in medicine and dental medicine

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    BackgroundBiomaterials are defined as substances intended to replace a part of the body or its function in a secure, safe and economical way, while being physiologically and aesthetically acceptable. Biomaterials can be bioinert or regenerative. Biocompatibility refers to the ability of a material to elicit a specific biological response after administration in a living organism. Measuring the biocompatibility of materials used in dentistry is not an easily achievable task.MethodsScientific databases – PubMed, Scopus and Medline, as well as monographs, textbooks on the topic, websites were used to search for the data required. The following keywords were used: biomaterials, biocompatibility, dental medicine, medicine, toxicity.The aim of the following article is to summarize the main conclusions authors in the field have reached to when discussing biocompatibility and tolerance of material and products used in medicine and dental medicine.Results and discussionIn depth results and discussion are presented in the section. Materials used in medicine and dental medicine encompass a wide range of compounds, with different chemical and physical structures. Therefore, profound knowledge is needed to be able to treat the patients and keep them safe as much as possible from possible adverse biological reactions.ConclusionsMedical and dental specialists should pay special attention to the content of the materials they implement in their treatment plans on a daily basis. Being profoundly informed on the general diseases, medications usage and allergic status of their patients can prevent adverse complications. Although medicine explores and studies in depth possible biological reactions, still they may occur

    A historical review of the International Symposia on Recent Advances of Rhinosinusitis and Nasal Polyposis, organized since 2000 around the world

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    Background: The problems of rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis have been discussed further back in time. Nature of nasal polyps is diverse. Therapeutical approaches back then were original and strange in some cases. Connections with rhino-sinu-nasal pathologies have been proven in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Data shows that OSA severity is directly related to the response of the tissues in the area.Materials and methods: Scientific databases – PubMed, SCOPUS and MEDLINE were used to search for gathering the data in need. The following keywords rhinosinusitis, nasal polyposis, treatment. Information and data from the official websites of the organizing committees has been used. The aim of the following article is to study the history of rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis diagnosis and treatment development.Results and discussion: Acute and chronic rhinosinusitis and nasal polyposis are conditions more frequently diagnosed nowadays, due to the multifactorial etiology they are linked to. Authors have been continuously working on the field, more abruptly since the year of 2000. A number of scientific events have been organized, where clinicians reached to consensus and issued guidelines on how the mentioned conditions should be treated. FESS and computer aided surgeries have been in the focus in the last 10 years.Conclusions: Rhino-sinu-nasal pathology is directly related to the quality of life of patients affected. Therefore, clinicians should continue working in the field, and investigating the root causes of the disorders. More attention is to be brought on the allergic etiology, often main cause of the nasal pathologies

    Pediatric hearing loss – causes and management

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    Introduction: Around 34 million children have disabling hearing loss. The causes leading to impairment in the hearing analyzer are classified as congenital and acquired.Purposes: Early diagnosis and hearing rehabilitation are essential for the child’s development. The purpose of this article is to assist the approach of detection and management of this condition, therefore to highlight the syndromes and diseases that lead to disturbance in hearing, making them more recognizable.Methods: The information in this article is based on our clinical experience with children with hearing disorders as well as on the literature review.Results: Children in whom diagnosis and rehabilitation were performedtimely show better development and more effective results than those where the delay has led to disabilities in linguistic and social abilities.Conclusions: The London Dysmorphology Database has listed 396 syndromes that include hearing disorders, with 30% of congenital deafness being part of syndrome complex. Screening programs in newborns allow early diagnosis and rapid intervention. Some of the causes that lead to hearing loss are treatable, while others are overcome by hearing aids

    Extracorporal Septoplasty

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    При реконструкция на тежки септални деформитети за възстановяване на носното дишане се предпочита отстраняването на хрущяла на носната преграда, моделирането му извън носната кухина и връщането му обратно. Екстракорпоралната септопластика представлява радикално решение за „трудните” изкривявания на носната преграда. Целта на настоящата статия е да представи нашия опит при 73 случая с тази техника посредством отворен достъп при 50 пациенти и при 23 чрез ендоназален достъп.--------------------------------------------To reconstruct the airways in the case of serious nasoseptal deviation it is preferable to remove the cartilaginous septum, reshape it, , and replacement of the quadrangular cartilage (put it back). Extracorporeal septoplasty is a radical solution for the “difficult” (severely) deviated nosal septum. The aim of this paper is to present our experience of 73 cases of correction of nasoseptal deviation of 50 patients with open approach, and 23 patients by endonasal approach

    Medical photography

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    The photography is a method for creating a permanent image of an object through designing the image on a light-sensitive media (film or sensor). The word “photography” comes from greek (“photos” - light and “grapho” - write) and means “light-writing”, or, in other words, a method of producing photographic image by using light and according to the laws of optics.(1)Specific qualities of the photography are its objectivity and documentary.It records events, phenomena in nature, events from common life, personalities - everything that leaves a lasting memory of what happened before. And not only. With the help of the photography, we can create convincing and realistic works that through their deep impact develop mental capabilities and enrich the cultural knowledge of every thinking person, create new, different ideas for the outside world, evoke feelings, thoughts and emotions.(2)Due to its rapid development, especially in the recent “digital” years, photography became an integral part of all spheres of life. Besides being a documentary tool, it is also an extremely powerful method of research and analysis for inaccessible to the human eye spheres and phenomena - the processes that takes place in an environment unattainable for man, studying the atomic nucleus, exploring the secrets of the cosmic space, observations on the functionality of the human organism and many others

    Collaboration between dentists and otorhinolaryngologists in treating temporomandibular joint syndromes

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    Introduction: The mandibular articulation is a complex system involving muscles, tendons, ligaments and innervation and it can cause pain or discomfort that should not be overlooked. Pathological changes in the joint can reduce the patient’s quality of life by affecting his ability to eat and speak.Objectives: The aim of this study is to show that the collaboration between dentists and otorhinolaryngologists is the basis for good treatment of temporomandibular joint malfunctions.Materials and methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was performed in patients with signs and symptoms of temporomandibular joint pain syndrome from 2018 to 2021 year. A total of 23 patients with clinical features consistent with TMS were enrolled. Patients were referred to dentists by otorhinolaryngologists.Results: The age range of patients was 23–67 years, mean of 45.30 ± 18.9 years. We found that 12 of them had bruxism, 6 abrasion due to stress and squeezing and 5 were with tooth damage. Almost 87% of them (20 of 23) had pain in the joint and masticatory muscles, 6 – clicking sounds, 3 – pain when opening mouth and chewing. Mouth opening was normal in 20 patients and 3 had impaired movement of the jaws. All patients were treated conservatively – soft foods, antiinflammatory drugs, 13,1% – occlusal spints, 21.7% – selective filing of the contact interferences, 65,2% – height adjustment with nonremovable structures. Along with the height adjustment we applied botulinum toxin injections and for pain – NSAIDs.Conclusion: Good collaboration is crucial for the diagnosis, quality and competent treatment of temporomandibular disorders, especially in patients with overlapping signs and symptoms

    Maxillofacial surgery in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and snoring

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    The present survey systematizes the modern foreign literature devoted to the recent advances in the surgical management of the patients with obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. The results from the application of a variety of contemporaty methods are briefly described. A special attention is paid to the maxillomandibular advancement that represents the most common maxillofacial surgical technique in this interdisciplinary field. The promising perspectives of multi-level surgery of the upper airway for obstructive sleep apnea are mentioned, too