12 research outputs found

    Designing a therapeutic hepatitis B vaccine to circumvent immune tolerance

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    An effective prophylactic hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine has long been available but is ineffective for chronic infection. The primary cause of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and greatest impediment for a therapeutic vaccine is the direct and indirect effects of immune tolerance to HBV antigens. The resulting defective CD4+/CD8+ T cell response, poor cytokine production, insufficient neutralizing anti-body (nAb) and poor response to HBsAg vaccination characterize CHB infection. The objective of this study was to develop virus-like-particles (VLPs) that elicit nAb to prevent viral spread and prime CD4+/CD8+ T cells to eradicate intracellular HBV. Eight neutralizing B cell epitopes from the envelope PreS1 region were consolidated onto a species-variant of the HBV core protein, the woodchuck hepatitis core antigen (WHcAg). PreS1-specific B cell epitopes were chosen because of preferential expression on HBV virions. Because WHcAg and HBcAg are not crossreactive at the B cell level and only partially cross-reactive at the CD4+/CD8+ T cell level, CD4+ T cells specific for WHcAg-unique T cell sites can provide cognate T-B cell help for anti-PreS1 Ab production that is not curtailed by immune tolerance. Immunization of immune tolerant HBV transgenic (Tg) mice with PreS1-WHc VLPs elicited levels of high titer anti-PreS1 nAbs equivalent to wildtype mice. Passive transfer of PreS1 nAbs into human-liver chimeric mice prevented acute infection and cleared serum HBV from mice previously infected with HBV in a model of CHB. At the T cell level, PreS1-WHc VLPs and hybrid WHcAg/HBcAg DNA immunogens elicited HBcAg-specific CD4+ Th and CD8+ CTL responses

    Prognostic importance of antigen-presenting dendritic cells during vaccine therapy in a murine hepatitis B virus carrier

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    As, the outcome of vaccine therapy was extremely heterogeneous in both human and murine hepatitis B virus (HBV)-carriers, the experiments presented here were performed to find out a prognostic marker of vaccine therapy using an animal model of HBV-carrier state, HBV-transgenic mice (Tg). Neither the prevaccinated titres of viral markers, such as hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) or HBV DNA, nor the function of lymphocytes prior to vaccination, had significant influence on the outcome of vaccine therapy. Two independent, placebo-controlled, trials of vaccine therapy for 12 months, one in 17 HBV-Tg and the other in 26 HBV-Tg (total, n = 43) showed that the eight of 17 and 15 of 26 HBV-Tg that had potent dendritic cell (DC) function at the start of vaccine therapy became completely negative for HBsAg, HBeAg and reduced HBV DNA, whereas all 19 HBV-Tg that had poor DC function at the start of vaccine therapy became complete non-responders, although, the prevaccinated titres of HBsAg, and HBeAg were similar in all 43 HBV-Tg. Further study to find the mechanism underlying this revealed that there was up-regulation of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II, CD86 antigens on DC and increased production of interleukin-12 (IL-12) by DC and of IL-2, and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in DC/T-cell cultures when vaccine containing HBsAg was injected in HBV-Tg with potent DC function but not in HBV-Tg with poor DC function. This is the first report on the prognostic importance of DC during an immune therapy. Degree of activation of DC following vaccination would possibly help to predict the outcome of vaccine therapy in human HBV-carriers. These data also provide the scientific and logical basis to up-regulate the function of the DC before an immune therapy