5 research outputs found

    Utjecaj obitelji i institucije na prilagodljivo ponašanje djece s blagim intelektualnim poteškoćama

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    The development of adaptive skills is determined by factors inherent to a person, as well as by opportunities and expectations of the socio-cultural environment in which the person grows up. This paper analyses the adaptive behaviour of children with mild intellectual disability (MID) living with families or in institutions for children without parental care. The sample consisted of 95 children with MID, aged between 10 and 13.11. Data on their adaptive skills were obtained during standardized interviews with special education teachers, through using the AAMR Adaptive Behaviour Scale – School, Second Edition (ABS-S:2). Analysing the domain scores and factor scores regarding the first part of ABS-S:2 scale, it was possible to determine that the children with MID who lived with families achieved much better results in practical and social skills than the children who lived in institutions. Score differences in the Maladaptive Behaviour Scale between the two above-mentioned groups of children with MID were statistically significant in all domains.Razvoj vještina prilagođavanja određen je čimbenicima koji su svojstveni pojedincu, ali i mogućnostima i očekivanjima društveno-ekonomske sredine u kojoj pojedinac odrasta. U ovom se radu analizira prilagodljivo ponašanje djece s blagim intelektualnim poteškoćama (MID) koja žive u obiteljima ili institucijama za djecu bez roditeljske skrbi. Uzorak je činilo 95 takve djece u dobi između 10 i 13.11 godina. Podaci o vještinama prilagođavanja prikupljeni su tijekom standardiziranih intervjua s učiteljima specijalnog obrazovanja, s pomoću AAMR Skale prilagodljivog ponašanja - Škola, drugo izdanje (ABS-S:2). Razmatrajući rezultate domena i faktorske analize u prvom dijelu skale ABS-S:2, utvrđeno je da djeca s blagim intelektualnim poteškoćama koja žive u obiteljima postižu mnogo bolje rezultate u praktičnim i socijalnim vještinama nego djeca u institucijama. Razlike među njima, utemeljene na Skali lošeg prilagodljivog ponašanja, statistički su značajne u svim domenama

    Implementation of the Jigsaw Type Cooperative Learning Model on Improving Achievement and Learning Motivation of Muhammadiyah in Mu'allimin Madrasah Muhammadiyah YOGYAKARTA

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    This research aims to determine the enhancement of students ' achievement and motivation after action, to know the difference in achievement and motivation to learn in the subjects of the youth through the cooperative learning model of the jigsaw type, describing the constraints of teachers in using the kind of unified learning model in Class 3 A Madrasah mu'allimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. This research is a collaborative class of action research. The subject of the study was a Grade 3 student of A Madrasah Tsanawiyah mu'allimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta 2021/2022, with as many as 31 students. This research focuses on the achievement and motivation to learn the Kemuhammadiyahan after implementing a cooperative learning model. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation, and tests. The data analysis techniques in this study used quantitative and qualitative descriptive. Based on the research achievements and motivation in learning, Kemuhammadiyahan, through the application of a jigsaw type cooperative learning model, experienced a significant increase. Thus the jigsaw type cooperative learning model can be applied to Kemuhammadiyahan subjects