27 research outputs found

    Fauna vodenih muha plesačica (Diptera, Empididae: Hemerodromiinae i Clinocerinae) Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera

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    Adult aquatic dance flies were collected in the Plitvice Lakes National Park from 2005 to 2009 using various sampling methods. Sampling was done at 13 sampling sites representing four main types of karst aquatic habitats: spring, stream, tufa barriers and lakes. A total of 22 species were recorded belonging to 6 genera. Four species (Chelifera pyrenaica Vaillant, 1981; Hemerodromia laudatoria Collin, 1927; Clinocera wesmaeli (Macquart, 1835); Wiedemannia (Philolutra) aquilex (Loew, 1869)) are new to Croatian fauna. The highest species richness was recorded for the Bijela rijeka Spring. The cluster analysis showed that sites group together not just by similarity of community composition but as well in similarity of habitat types. Clustering of geographically nearby sites is also observed. This study represents an important contribution to the knowledge of dance flies fauna of Croatia and of various karstic habitats in general.Vodene muhe plesačice su sakupljane raznim metodama na području Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera u razdoblju od 2005. do 2009. godine. Uzorci su sakupljani na 13 lokacija na četiri osnovna tipa krÅ”kih staniÅ”ta: izvor, potok, sedrena barijera i jezero. Ukupno su zabilježene 22 vrste iz 6 rodova. Četiri vrste predstavljaju nove nalaze za faunu Hrvatske (Chelifera pyrenaica Vaillant, 1981; Hemerodromia laudatoria Collin, 1927; Clinocera wesmaeli (Macquart, 1835); Wiedemannia (Philolutra) aquilex (Loew, 1869)). Najveći broj vrsta zabilježen je na lokaciji Izvor Bijele rijeke. Klaster analizom je utvrđeno da se istraživane lokacije grupiraju po sličnosti sastava zajednice, ali i po sličnosti tipova staniÅ”ta, također je utvrđeno grupiranje geografski bliskih lokacija. Ovo istraživanje pridonijet će boljem poznavanju faune vodenih muha plesačica Hrvatske, ali i različitih krÅ”kih staniÅ”ta općenito

    Vodene muhe plesačice (Diptera, Empididae: Hemerodromiinae i Clinocerinae) Crne Gore

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    Adult aquatic dance flies (Empididae) were collected during July 2012 and July 2013 in Montenegro using sweep nets and by aspirator at 21 sampling sites. From 25 species recorded in this study, 22 species are new to the fauna of Montenegro: Chelifera pyrenaica Vaillant, Hemerodromia laudatoria Collin, Clinocera stagnalis (Haliday), Clinocera wesmaeli (Macquart), Clinocerella sorex (Engel), Dolichocephala guttata (Haliday), Kowarzia barbatula Mik, Kowarzia plectrum Mik, Roederiodes macedonicus Wagner & Horvat, Wiedemannia (Chamaedipsia) longicornis (Mik), Wiedemannia (Eucelidia) zetterstedti (FallĆ©n), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) angelieri Vaillant, Wiedemannia (Philolutra) aquilex (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) fallaciosa (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) hygrobia (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) kacanskae Horvat, Wiedemannia (Philolutra) queyrasiana Vaillant, Wiedemannia (Pseudowiedemannia) microstigma Bezzi, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) andreevi Joost, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) balkanica Wagner, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) stylifera Mik and Wiedemannia artemisa Ivković & Plant. In total 34 species were recorded belonging to 9 genera. This study represents an important contribution to the knowledge of dance flies fauna of Montenegro and it is important reference for the distribution of Empididae on Balkan Peninsula.Vodene muhe plesačice su sakupljane entomoloÅ”kom mrežicom i aspiratorom tijekom srpnja 2012. i srpnja 2013. godine. Uzorkovanje je provedeno na 21 lokaciji. Od 25 vrsta sakupljenih u ovom istraživanju, 22 vrste predstavljaju nove nalaze za faunu Crne Gore: Chelifera pyrenaica Vaillant, Hemerodromia laudatoria Collin, Clinocera stagnalis (Haliday), Clinocera wesmaeli (Macquart), Clinocerella sorex (Engel), Dolichocephala guttata (Haliday), Kowarzia barbatula Mik, Kowarzia plectrum Mik, Roederiodes macedonicus Wagner & Horvat, Wiedemannia (Chamaedipsia) longicornis (Mik), Wiedemannia (Eucelidia) zetterstedti (FallĆ©n), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) angelieri Vaillant, Wiedemannia (Philolutra) aquilex (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) fallaciosa (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) hygrobia (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) kacanskae Horvat, Wiedemannia (Philolutra) queyrasiana Vaillant, Wiedemannia (Pseudowiedemannia) microstigma Bezzi, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) andreevi Joost, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) balkanica Wagner, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) stylifera Mik and Wiedemannia artemisa Ivković & Plant. Do sada su zabilježene 34 vrste iz 9 rodova. Ovo istraživanje pridonijet će boljem poznavanju faune vodenih muha plesačica Crne Gore, ali i poznavanju njihove rasprostranjenosti na Balkanskom poluotoku

    A key to the freshwater triclads (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida) of Herzegovina watercourses

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    The aim of this paper is to describe morphological characteristics of freshwater triclads in Herzegovina and to provide a key for their identification based mainly on their external morphology. Our research is based on the freshwater triclads collected at 26 sites in Herzegovina, including 10 rivers, 6 springs and 1 lake. Triclads were collected by hand and with the bait jar with a lid bearing many small perforations. Specimens were identified immediately after being collected or we transported them to the laboratory in termal containers with ice. The morphological features used for species identification in this key are: body coloration (color of the dorsal and ventral side), the size of the pharynx, the presence of tentacles and their location, number and position of the eyes in respect to each other and the body margin, and the shape of the head. Specimens were fixed using Steinmannā€™s fluid and conserved in 70 % alcohol. Inner morphological feature, shape of a penis, was used in determination of Polycelis tenuis and Polycelis nigra. We collected a total of 11 species, belonging to 8 genera (Polycelis Ehrenberg, 1831, Crenobia Kenk, 1930, Phagocata Leidy, 1847, Planaria MĆ¼ller, 1776, Dendrocoelum Ɩrsted, 1844, Schmidtea Ball, 1974, Dugesia Girard, 1850, Girardia Ball, 1974) and 3 families. The present study forms a baseline for future studies on the diversity and biogeography of Herzegovinian freshwater triclads

    Fauna tulara (Insecta: Trichoptera) Parka prirode Papuk, Hrvatska.

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    Adult caddisflies were collected in early summer and autumn in 2012 at various freshwater habitats within Papuk Nature Park. Caddisflies were collected using sweep nets and light traps at eight sampling sites. A total of 360 individuals belonging to 33 species, 24 genera and 11 families were recorded during the current study. A preliminary list of caddisfly species occurring in Papuk Nature Park is presented. Seven species collected are the first records for the caddisfly fauna of Croatia: Rhyacophila loxias, Rhyacophila nubila, Rhyacophila obliterata, Rhyacophila polonica, Wormaldia pulla, Diplectrona atra and Drusus schmidi. Some of these species were also hitherto not recorded within the ecoregion Hungarian lowlands (ER11). Additionally, the rare Beraea maurus was recorded for the first time in Croatia after the single finding in 1934.Odrasli tulari prikupljani su u rano ljeto i jesen 2012. godine na različitim slatkovodnim staniÅ”tima u Parku prirode Papuk. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno osam različitih postaja, a prikupljanje je provedeno uz pomoć entomoloÅ”kih mrežica i svjetlosnih klopki. Ukupno je prikupljeno 360 jedinki iz 33 vrste, 24 roda i 11 porodica tulara. U radu je prikazan preliminarni popis faune tulara Parka prirode Papuk. Sedam vrsta zabilježenih u ovom istraživanju novo je za faunu Hrvatske: Rhyacophila loxias, Rhyacophila nubila, Rhyacophila obliterata, Rhyacophila polonica, Wormaldia pulla, Diplectrona atra i Drusus schmidi. Osim toga, neke od tih vrsta do sada nisu bile zabilježene niti u panonskoj limnoregiji (ekoregija ER11). Nadalje, zanimljiv je i nalaz rijetke vrste Beraea maurus koja je u Hrvatskoj do sada zabilježena samo s jednim primjerkom 1934. godine

    Vodene muhe plesačice (Diptera, Empididae: Hemerodromiinae i Clinocerinae) Crne Gore

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    Adult aquatic dance flies (Empididae) were collected during July 2012 and July 2013 in Montenegro using sweep nets and by aspirator at 21 sampling sites. From 25 species recorded in this study, 22 species are new to the fauna of Montenegro: Chelifera pyrenaica Vaillant, Hemerodromia laudatoria Collin, Clinocera stagnalis (Haliday), Clinocera wesmaeli (Macquart), Clinocerella sorex (Engel), Dolichocephala guttata (Haliday), Kowarzia barbatula Mik, Kowarzia plectrum Mik, Roederiodes macedonicus Wagner & Horvat, Wiedemannia (Chamaedipsia) longicornis (Mik), Wiedemannia (Eucelidia) zetterstedti (FallĆ©n), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) angelieri Vaillant, Wiedemannia (Philolutra) aquilex (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) fallaciosa (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) hygrobia (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) kacanskae Horvat, Wiedemannia (Philolutra) queyrasiana Vaillant, Wiedemannia (Pseudowiedemannia) microstigma Bezzi, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) andreevi Joost, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) balkanica Wagner, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) stylifera Mik and Wiedemannia artemisa Ivković & Plant. In total 34 species were recorded belonging to 9 genera. This study represents an important contribution to the knowledge of dance flies fauna of Montenegro and it is important reference for the distribution of Empididae on Balkan Peninsula.Vodene muhe plesačice su sakupljane entomoloÅ”kom mrežicom i aspiratorom tijekom srpnja 2012. i srpnja 2013. godine. Uzorkovanje je provedeno na 21 lokaciji. Od 25 vrsta sakupljenih u ovom istraživanju, 22 vrste predstavljaju nove nalaze za faunu Crne Gore: Chelifera pyrenaica Vaillant, Hemerodromia laudatoria Collin, Clinocera stagnalis (Haliday), Clinocera wesmaeli (Macquart), Clinocerella sorex (Engel), Dolichocephala guttata (Haliday), Kowarzia barbatula Mik, Kowarzia plectrum Mik, Roederiodes macedonicus Wagner & Horvat, Wiedemannia (Chamaedipsia) longicornis (Mik), Wiedemannia (Eucelidia) zetterstedti (FallĆ©n), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) angelieri Vaillant, Wiedemannia (Philolutra) aquilex (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) fallaciosa (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) hygrobia (Loew), Wiedemannia (Philolutra) kacanskae Horvat, Wiedemannia (Philolutra) queyrasiana Vaillant, Wiedemannia (Pseudowiedemannia) microstigma Bezzi, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) andreevi Joost, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) balkanica Wagner, Wiedemannia (Wiedemannia) stylifera Mik and Wiedemannia artemisa Ivković & Plant. Do sada su zabilježene 34 vrste iz 9 rodova. Ovo istraživanje pridonijet će boljem poznavanju faune vodenih muha plesačica Crne Gore, ali i poznavanju njihove rasprostranjenosti na Balkanskom poluotoku

    Biocontamination of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in Croatian major rivers and effects on ecological quality assessment

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    We studied the composition of non-indigenous macroinvertebrate species (NIMS) and biocontamination level in four major large Croatian rivers (the Danube, Sava, Drava and Mura) to establish which environmental parameters are the most important for the composition of NIMS assemblages and to determine how NIMS affect biological metrics regularly used in ecological quality assessment. We sampled benthic macroinvertebrates at 48 sites (44 loticā€‰+ā€‰4 lentic), and among 236 taxa, 21 NIMS were identified, of which 9 were widespread and abundant. Only 14.6% of sites exhibited no biocontamination, 18.7% exhibited low or moderate biocontamination and 66.7% exhibited high or severe biocontamination. Higher biocontamination in the Drava may be due to both the proximity to the Danube as the main source of NIMS and the existence of three large reservoirs. We found significantly negative correlation between the number of NIMS and native taxa. The significant correlations between biocontamination indices and tested biological metrics were as follows: negative with %EPT, EPT-S, BMWP and IBE AQEM, while positive with HR-SI. This indicates that at sites where NIMS are abundant and native taxa scarce, standard biological metrics could provide unreliable results and compromise the assessment of ecological status of large rivers

    Veličinska struktura ličinki vodenih kukaca tijekom naseljavanja

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    Colonization of aquatic insect larvae was investigated in a second order woodland stream using trays filled with natural substrate. Patterns of colonization differed significantly between seasons in terms of number of taxa, density and biomass of aquatic insect assemblages. Larvae in the first (out of five) size class made up 35.5% of all colonizers during the spring, highest share of 54.1 % during the summer, 40.8% and 17.5% during the autumn and winter, respectively. Many peak values in density during spring and summer matched with single-species mass colonization of first or second size classes, explained by Ā»distributional driftĀ« of newly-hatched insects, or direct oviposition on substrate. Size structure of the community did not change with time of exposition, although it reflected life histories of the aquatic insects, which led to seasonal changes in colonization patterns.Naseljavanje ličinki vodenih kukaca praćeno je u Å”umskom potoku drugog reda upotrebom podloga s prirodnim supstratom. Kolonizacija se značajno razlikovala između godiÅ”njih doba s obzirom na broj svojti, brojnost i biomasu zajednica vodenih kukaca. Ličinke prvog (od pet) veličinskog razreda imale su udio od 35,5% među svim kolonizatorima tijekom proljeća, najveći udio od 54,1% tijekom ljeta, 40,8% i 17,5% tijekom jeseni i zime. Mnoge vrÅ”ne vrijednosti brojnosti tijekom proljeća i ljeta odgovarale su masovnom naseljavanju jedne svojte prvog ili drugog veličinskog razreda, Å”to je objaÅ”njeno Ā»distribucijskim driftomĀ« mladih ličinki, ili direktnim polaganjem jajaÅ”aca na podlogu. Veličinska struktura cijele zajednice nije se mijenjala s vremenom ekspozicije, već je odražavala svojstva životnih ciklusa vodenih kukaca Å”to je dovelo do sezonskih promjena u obrascima naseljavanja

    Biocontamination of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in Croatian major rivers and effects on ecological quality assessment

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    We studied the composition of non-indigenous macroinvertebrate species (NIMS) and biocontamination level in four major large Croatian rivers (the Danube, Sava, Drava and Mura) to establish which environmental parameters are the most important for the composition of NIMS assemblages and to determine how NIMS affect biological metrics regularly used in ecological quality assessment. We sampled benthic macroinvertebrates at 48 sites (44 lotic + 4 lentic), and among 236 taxa, 21 NIMS were identified, of which 9 were widespread and abundant. Only 14.6% of sites exhibited no biocontamination, 18.7% exhibited low or moderate biocontamination and 66.7% exhibited high or severe biocontamination. Higher biocontamination in the Drava may be due to both the proximity to the Danube as the main source of NIMS and the existence of three large reservoirs. We found significantly negative correlation between the number of NIMS and native taxa. The significant correlations between biocontamination indices and tested biological metrics were as follows: negative with %EPT, EPT-S, BMWP and IBE AQEM, while positive with HR-SI. This indicates that at sites where NIMS are abundant and native taxa scarce, standard biological metrics could provide unreliable results and compromise the assessment of ecological status of large rivers

    Entomofauna sastojina submerznih makrofita u umjetnim ujezerenjima (Park prirode Papuk)

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    In this study diversity, abundance and functional feeding guild of aquatic entomofauna were assigned within submerged macrophyte stands in Jankovac Stream reservoirs (Papuk Nature Park). The main aims of this study were to analyse: (i) physico-chemical parameters and food resources; (ii) abundance and diversity and (iii) functional feeding guilds of entomofauna. Between reservoirs non significant differences were observed in regard to abiotic or biotic parameters, except higher abundance of active fi lterers in vegetated littoral zone of Reservoir 1 (R1M) than in Reservoir 2 (R2M). Other parameters mostly showed significant seasonal oscillations. In total 19 taxa were identified, among them 14 in R1M, and half less in R2M. Highest abundance was reached in R1M in winter (544 ind m-2), and in R2M in spring (472 ind m-2). Ephemeroptera (R1M 66 %, R2M 76 %) with domination of Cloeon sp., and Diptera (23 % in R1M and R2M) with dominated Tanitarsini specimens contributed at most in total abundance. Among feeding guilds the greatest contribution in abundance achieved detritivores (81 %). Results of this study suggested that food resources and biotic interactions are main drivers in structuring entomofauna, i.e., macroinvertebrate community in submerged macrophyte stands.U provedenom istraživanju razmatrana je raznolikost, abundancija i funkcionalne hranidbene skupine akvatičke entomofaune u submerznim sastojinama umjetnih ujezerenja potoka Jankovac (Park prirode Papuk). Glavni ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su analizirati: (i)fizičko-kemijske čimbenike i izvore hrane; (ii) abundanciju i raznolikost te (iii) funkcionalne hranidbene skupine entomofaune. Između ujezerenja nisu utvrđene značajne razlike abiotičkih niti biotičkih čimbenika, izuzev veće abundancije aktivnih filtratora u litoralnoj zoni s makrofitima u ujezerenju 1 (R1M) u odnosu na ujezerenje 2 (R2M). Ostali istraživani čimbenici uglavnom su ukazivali na značajne sezonske razlike. Ukupno je utvrđeno 19 svojti, od kojih je 14 svojti bilo prisutno na postaji R1M, a upola manje na postaji R2M. Najveća abundancija postignuta je zimi na postaji R1M (544 jed. m-2) dok je na postaji R2M maksimum abundancije postignut u proljeće (472 jed. m-2). Ephemeroptera (R1M 66 %, R2M 76 %) s dominantnom svojtom Cloeon sp. i Diptera (23 % u R1M i R2M) s dominacijom jedinki iz skupine Tanitarsini najviÅ”e su pridonijeli ukupnoj abundanciji. Između funkcionalnih hranidbenih skupina detritovori su postigli najveći udio (81 %) u ukupnoj abundanciji. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da su izvori hrane i interakcije unutar vodenih biocenoza bile glavne odrednice u strukturiranju entomofaune odnosno makrozoobentosa u sastojinama submerznih makrofita

    Environmental drivers influencing stonefly assemblages along a longitudinal gradient in karst lotic habitats

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    Stoneflies are among the most sensitive aquatic insect taxa and therefore arguably the best indicator of the excellent, i.e. pristine, ecological status of surface streams. Karst habitats are one of the most exciting freshwater habitats in terms of biological-geological interplay. They, in turn, support a biodiversity far superior to surrounding freshwater habitats and hence these habitats are designated as biodiversity hotspots. Our study deals with both of these crucial ecological players. We studied stonefly assemblages, their microhabitat preferences and emergence patterns along a karst oligotrophic hydrosystem. The sampling was conducted monthly from March 2007 to December 2008 using pyramid-type emergence traps set in various habitats and associated microhabitats (e.g. springs, rivers, streams, tufa barriers Ɨ moss, angiosperm, cobble, sand, silt substrates). Favorable environmental conditions, such as a wide range of karst habitat types with low water temperature and high oxygen concentration, resulted in high stonefly species richness (31 recorded species). Water temperature and pH had the highest influence on stonefly assemblages. Species richness and diversity decreased in a downstream direction. We recorded a longitudinal shift from crenal-epirhithral to epirhithral-metarhithral assemblages with some hyporhithral and potamal elements. Upstream sites were dominated by shredders, while downstream sites had a higher proportion of gatherers-collectors. Several species showed a significant preference for a specific microhabitat type in accordance with their feeding strategies and food availability. The majority of recorded species exhibited univoltine life cycles slow or fast.