12 research outputs found

    Antifungal activity of essential oil Hyssopus officinalis L. against micopathogen Mycogone perniciosa (Mang)

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    The most commonly cultivated mushroom species is the Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb). One of the major pathogenic diseases of the cultivated mushroom in Serbia is Mycogone perniciosa (Mang). Biological control systems are not much used in mushroom cultivation. Medical and aromatic plants have been placed in the focus of intense studies. Pure culture of the M. perniciosa was isolated from infected A. bisporus. The essential oil of Hyssopus officinalis L. is used as a potential antifungal agent. The most abundant components in oil are isopinocamphone (43.29%), pinocamphone (16.79%) and b-pinene (16.31%). Antifungal activity of Hyssop was investigated by the modified microatmosphere method. The minimal inhibitory quantity was 5 μL/mL and a minimal fungicidal quantity was 15-20 μL/mL. There is no report on the use of Hyssop essential oil in mushroom disease.Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb) je najčešće komercijalno gajena jestiva gljiva Različiti mikroorganizmi gljive, bakterije i virusi su izazivači bolesti u gajilištima šampinjona. Mycogone perniciosa (Mang) je izazivač bolesti poznate pod nazivom vlažni mehur i najčešći uzročnik gubitaka u gajilištima u Srbiji. Biološka kontrola, koja je uspešno primenjivana na nekim poljoprivrednim kulturama, nije korišćena prilikom uzgoja gljiva. Jedna od mogućnosti je primena biljnih sprejova. Lekovite i aromatične vrste biljaka se intenzivno istražuju kao mogući antifungalni agensi. Uzorci obolelih šampinjona su sakupljani u gajilištima u Srbiji. Kulture M. perniciosa su izolovane sa obolelih plodonosnih tela A. bisporus. Korišćeno je etarsko ulje Hyssopus officinalis. Najzastupljenije komponente ulja su izopinokamfon (43.29%) trans-pinokamfon (16.79%) i b-pinen (16.31%). Antifungalna aktivnost etarskog ulja izopa ispitivana je modifikovanom "mikroatmosfera"- metodom. Minimalna inhibitorna količina je bila 5 μL/mL, a minimalna fungicidna količina 15-20 μL/mL. Velik broj preparata je napravljen i primenjen za kontrolisanje oboljenja pečuraka: fungicidi, primena mikrotalasa ili dejstvo nekih antagonističkih bakterija. Dosad nije bilo saopštenja o primeni etarskog ulja izopa protiv izazivača bolesti gajenih gljiva.nul

    Morpho-physiological characteristics and interactions of isolates of Mycogone perniciosa (Magnus) Delacr

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    Mycogone perniciosa (Magnus) Delacr., which causes wet bubble disease of Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb), results in a considerable crop loss on mushroom farms in Serbia. The isolation and identification of five isolates of M. perniciosa from diseased fruit bodies of white button mushroom from mushroom units in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Holland were made. Morpho-physiological characteristics and inter-relationships of the obtained isolates were studied. Macroscopic and microscopic investigations of different zones between colonies of the isolates of M. perniciosa revealed the phenomenon of the hyphal interference between different isolates. The obtained results suggest that hyphal interference could serve as an additional parameter for a more reliable determination of fungal specifity.Mycogone perniciosa (Magnus) Delacr., izazivač oboljenja mokre truleži najčešći je uzročnik gubitaka u gajilištima Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb) u Srbiji. Izvršena je izolacija i identifikacija 5 izolata M. perniciosa sa obolelih plodonosnih tela šampinjona iz gajilišta u Srbiji, Bosni i Hercegovini i Holandiji. Ispitivane su morfo-fiziološke karakteristike kao i stepen srodnosti proučavanih izolata na osnovu analize međusobnog delovanja kolonija, odnosno korišćenjem fenomena hifalne interferencije. Makroskopska i mikroskopska istraživanja odnosa izolata i dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da hifalna interferencija može predstavljati dodatni parametar u razlikovanju izolata M. perniciosa. Izolati dobijeni iz gajilišta u Srbiji slični su međusobno, kao i izolati iz Holandije koji su pokazali međusobnu sličnost ali se razlikuju od prethodnih. Izolati iz Bosne i Hercegovine razlikovali su se i od srpskih i od holandskih.Projekat ministarstva br. 14304

    Antifungal activity of essential oil Hyssopus officinalis L. against micopathogen Mycogone perniciosa (Mang)

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    The most commonly cultivated mushroom species is the Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb). One of the major pathogenic diseases of the cultivated mushroom in Serbia is Mycogone perniciosa (Mang). Biological control systems are not much used in mushroom cultivation. Medical and aromatic plants have been placed in the focus of intense studies. Pure culture of the M. perniciosa was isolated from infected A. bisporus. The essential oil of Hyssopus officinalis L. is used as a potential antifungal agent. The most abundant components in oil are isopinocamphone (43.29%), pinocamphone (16.79%) and b-pinene (16.31%). Antifungal activity of Hyssop was investigated by the modified microatmosphere method. The minimal inhibitory quantity was 5 μL/mL and a minimal fungicidal quantity was 15-20 μL/mL. There is no report on the use of Hyssop essential oil in mushroom disease.Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb) je najčešće komercijalno gajena jestiva gljiva Različiti mikroorganizmi gljive, bakterije i virusi su izazivači bolesti u gajilištima šampinjona. Mycogone perniciosa (Mang) je izazivač bolesti poznate pod nazivom vlažni mehur i najčešći uzročnik gubitaka u gajilištima u Srbiji. Biološka kontrola, koja je uspešno primenjivana na nekim poljoprivrednim kulturama, nije korišćena prilikom uzgoja gljiva. Jedna od mogućnosti je primena biljnih sprejova. Lekovite i aromatične vrste biljaka se intenzivno istražuju kao mogući antifungalni agensi. Uzorci obolelih šampinjona su sakupljani u gajilištima u Srbiji. Kulture M. perniciosa su izolovane sa obolelih plodonosnih tela A. bisporus. Korišćeno je etarsko ulje Hyssopus officinalis. Najzastupljenije komponente ulja su izopinokamfon (43.29%) trans-pinokamfon (16.79%) i b-pinen (16.31%). Antifungalna aktivnost etarskog ulja izopa ispitivana je modifikovanom "mikroatmosfera"- metodom. Minimalna inhibitorna količina je bila 5 μL/mL, a minimalna fungicidna količina 15-20 μL/mL. Velik broj preparata je napravljen i primenjen za kontrolisanje oboljenja pečuraka: fungicidi, primena mikrotalasa ili dejstvo nekih antagonističkih bakterija. Dosad nije bilo saopštenja o primeni etarskog ulja izopa protiv izazivača bolesti gajenih gljiva.nul

    Morpho-physiological characteristics and interactions of isolates of Mycogone perniciosa (Magnus) Delacr

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    Mycogone perniciosa (Magnus) Delacr., which causes wet bubble disease of Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb), results in a considerable crop loss on mushroom farms in Serbia. The isolation and identification of five isolates of M. perniciosa from diseased fruit bodies of white button mushroom from mushroom units in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Holland were made. Morpho-physiological characteristics and inter-relationships of the obtained isolates were studied. Macroscopic and microscopic investigations of different zones between colonies of the isolates of M. perniciosa revealed the phenomenon of the hyphal interference between different isolates. The obtained results suggest that hyphal interference could serve as an additional parameter for a more reliable determination of fungal specifity.Mycogone perniciosa (Magnus) Delacr., izazivač oboljenja mokre truleži najčešći je uzročnik gubitaka u gajilištima Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb) u Srbiji. Izvršena je izolacija i identifikacija 5 izolata M. perniciosa sa obolelih plodonosnih tela šampinjona iz gajilišta u Srbiji, Bosni i Hercegovini i Holandiji. Ispitivane su morfo-fiziološke karakteristike kao i stepen srodnosti proučavanih izolata na osnovu analize međusobnog delovanja kolonija, odnosno korišćenjem fenomena hifalne interferencije. Makroskopska i mikroskopska istraživanja odnosa izolata i dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da hifalna interferencija može predstavljati dodatni parametar u razlikovanju izolata M. perniciosa. Izolati dobijeni iz gajilišta u Srbiji slični su međusobno, kao i izolati iz Holandije koji su pokazali međusobnu sličnost ali se razlikuju od prethodnih. Izolati iz Bosne i Hercegovine razlikovali su se i od srpskih i od holandskih.Projekat ministarstva br. 14304

    Chemical composition and antifungal activities of essential oils of Satureja thymbra L. and Salvia pomifera ssp calycina (Sm.) Hayek

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    This work covers the chemical composition and antifungal activities of essential oils isolated from savory (Satureja thymbra) and sage (Salvia pomifera ssp. calycina) analyzed using GC/MS. The main components of S. thymbra oil were gamma-terpinene (23.2%) and carvacrol (48.5%). The main components in S. pomifera oil were alpha-thujone (20.4%) and beta-thujone (36.1%). The oils were assayed for antifungal activity against Mycogone perniciosa. This mushrooms pathogen is very contagious and results in severe crop losses. Compounds were investigated by the microatmosphere method. The oil of S. thymbra showed the best antifungal activity. Minimal inhibitory and fungicidal quantities were 0.05-0.25 mu L/mL.nul

    Chemical composition and antifungal activities of essential oils of Satureja thymbra L. and Salvia pomifera ssp calycina (Sm.) Hayek

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    This work covers the chemical composition and antifungal activities of essential oils isolated from savory (Satureja thymbra) and sage (Salvia pomifera ssp. calycina) analyzed using GC/MS. The main components of S. thymbra oil were gamma-terpinene (23.2%) and carvacrol (48.5%). The main components in S. pomifera oil were alpha-thujone (20.4%) and beta-thujone (36.1%). The oils were assayed for antifungal activity against Mycogone perniciosa. This mushrooms pathogen is very contagious and results in severe crop losses. Compounds were investigated by the microatmosphere method. The oil of S. thymbra showed the best antifungal activity. Minimal inhibitory and fungicidal quantities were 0.05-0.25 mu L/mL.nul

    Antifungal activity of essential oil Hyssopus officinalis L. against micopathogen Mycogone perniciosa (Mang)

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    The most commonly cultivated mushroom species is the Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb). One of the major pathogenic diseases of the cultivated mushroom in Serbia is Mycogone perniciosa (Mang). Biological control systems are not much used in mushroom cultivation. Medical and aromatic plants have been placed in the focus of intense studies. Pure culture of the M. perniciosa was isolated from infected A. bisporus. The essential oil of Hyssopus officinalis L. is used as a potential antifungal agent. The most abundant components in oil are isopinocamphone (43.29%), pinocamphone (16.79%) and b-pinene (16.31%). Antifungal activity of Hyssop was investigated by the modified microatmosphere method. The minimal inhibitory quantity was 5 μL/mL and a minimal fungicidal quantity was 15-20 μL/mL. There is no report on the use of Hyssop essential oil in mushroom disease

    Morpho-physiological characteristics and interactions of isolates of Mycogone perniciosa (Magnus) Delacr

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    Mycogone perniciosa (Magnus) Delacr., which causes wet bubble disease of Agaricus bisporus Lange (Imb), results in a considerable crop loss on mushroom farms in Serbia. The isolation and identification of five isolates of M. perniciosa from diseased fruit bodies of white button mushroom from mushroom units in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Holland were made. Morpho-physiological characteristics and inter-relationships of the obtained isolates were studied. Macroscopic and microscopic investigations of different zones between colonies of the isolates of M. perniciosa revealed the phenomenon of the hyphal interference between different isolates. The obtained results suggest that hyphal interference could serve as an additional parameter for a more reliable determination of fungal specifity

    Spatio-temporal changes in neurofilament proteins immunoreactivity following kainate-induced cerebellar lesion in rats

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    1. Spatio-temporal changes in phosphorylated (pNFP) and nonphosphorylated (npNFP) neurofilament proteins were assessed immunocytochemicaly in adult rat cerebellum, 2 - 30 days following unilateral injection of kainic acid (KA) or physiological saline (SC). 2. Analysis of the staining intensity and pattern demonstrated that injection of both KA and physiological saline elicited significant and long-lasting increase of pNFP and npNFP immunoreactivity, at the ipsilateral, and to lesser extent at the contralateral side of lesion. 3. Kainate intoxication induced abundant expression of pNFP and npNFP in cerebellar white matter, as well as in all layers of perilesioned cortex. Higher pNFP expression was evidenced in the Purkinje cell layer, particularly at cell bodies, initial segments, and proximal dendrites, which normally do not contain pNFP. In addition, synaptophysin immunocytochemistry was used as a marker of synaptogenesis and plasticity. 4. Spatio-temporal pattern of NFP and synaptophysin expression suggests that perilesioned cortex undergoes dynamic changes following brain demage and possess a reparative capacity to abridge the consequences of brain trauma.nul