13 research outputs found

    Kompozyty sztywnych pianek poliuretanowych z łupinami orzechów

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    Composites of rigid polyurethane foams were manufactured using ground peanut, hazelnut, walnut and pistachio shells. The aim of this study was the development of environmentally-friendly materials as well as investigation of the influence of the chemical structure, size and morphology of the filler particles on the processing parameters of the developed foams as well as their structure and physico-mechanical and thermal properties. The used fillers were precisely characterised, the viscosity of the polyol premixes have been examined and the characteristic times of the foaming processes have been investigated. The developed materials were studied using the differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry, scanning electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and by determination of their apparent density, friability, water absorption and dimensional stability. The presented research results indicate that the agro-food industry waste could be a valuable source of raw materials for the production of rigid polyurethane foam composites.Kompozyty sztywnych pianek poliuretanowych wytwarzano z zastosowaniem rozdrobnionych łupin orzechów: ziemnych, włoskich, laskowych oraz pistacjowych. Celem pracy było otrzymanie materiałów przyjaznych dla środowiska oraz określenie wpływu budowy chemicznej, wymiarów cząstek i morfologii napełniaczy roślinnych na parametry przetwórcze mieszanek oraz na strukturę i właściwości fizyko-mechaniczne i termiczne wytworzonych pianek. Szczegółowo scharakteryzowano zastosowane napełniacze, określono lepkość przedmieszek poliolowych oraz czasy charakterystyczne dla procesu spieniania. Analizy wytworzonych materiałów dokonano z zastosowaniem różnicowej kalorymetrii skaningowej, termograwimetrii, skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej, spektroskopii w podczerwieni, a także na podstawie wyznaczonej gęstości pozornej, kruchości, chłonności wody i stabilności wymiarowej. Przedstawione wyniki badań wskazują na duże możliwości wykorzystania odpadów przemysłu rolno-spożywczego do wytwarzania kompozytów sztywnych pianek poliuretanowych

    Implementation of Circular Economy Principles in the Synthesis of Polyurethane Foams

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    The main strategy of the European Commission in the field of the building industry assumes a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by up to 20% by 2020 and by up to 80% by 2050. In order to meet these conditions, it is necessary to develop not only efficient thermal insulation materials, but also more environmentally friendly ones. This paper describes an experiment in which two types of bio-polyols were obtained using transesterification of used cooking oil with triethanolamine (UCO_TEA) and diethylene glycol (UCO_DEG). The bio-polyols were next used to prepare low-density rigid polyurethane (PUR) foams. It was found that the bio-polyols increased the reactivity of the PUR systems, regardless of their chemical structures. The reactivity of the system modified with 60% of the diethylene glycol-based bio-polyol was higher than in the case of the reference system. The bio-foams exhibited apparent densities of 41–45 kg/m3, homogeneous cellular structures and advantageous values of the coefficient of thermal conductivity. It was observed that the higher functionality of bio-polyol UCO_TEA compared with UCO_DEG had a beneficial effect on the mechanical and thermal properties of the bio-foams. The most promising results were obtained in the case of the foams modified in 60% with the bio-polyol based on triethanoloamine. In conclusion, this approach, utilizing used cooking oil in the synthesis of high-value thermal insulating materials, provides a sustainable municipal waste recycling solution

    Viscoelastic Polyurethane Foams for Use as Auxiliary Materials in Orthopedics

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    One of the essential factors in prostheses is their fitting. To assemble a prosthesis with the residual limb, so-called liners are used. Liners used currently are criticized by users for their lack of comfort, causing excessive sweating and skin irritation. The objective of the work was to develop viscoelastic polyurethane foams for use in limb prostheses. As part of the work, foams were produced with different isocyanate indexes (0.6–0.9) and water content (1, 2 and 3 php). The produced foams were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, computer microtomography, infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry. Measurements also included apparent density, recovery time, rebound elasticity, permanent deformation, compressive stress value and sweat absorption. The results were discussed in the context of modifying the foam recipe. The performance properties of the foams, such as recovery time, hardness, resilience and sweat absorption, indicate that foams that will be suitable for prosthetic applications are foams with a water content of 2 php produced with an isocyanate index of 0.8 and 0.9

    Burning Behaviour of Rigid Polyurethane Foams with Histidine and Modified Graphene Oxide

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    Since rigid polyurethane (PU) foams are one of the most effective thermal insulation materials with widespread application, it is an urgent requirement to improve its fire retardancy and reduce the smoke emission. The current work assessed the fire behavior of PU foam with non-halogen fire retardants system, containing histidine (H) and modified graphene oxide (GOA). For investigated system, three loadings (10, 20, and 30 wt.%) were used. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis, cone calorimetry (CC) and smoke density chamber tests as well as pre- and post-burning morphological evaluation using scanning electron microscope (SEM) were performed. Moreover, TGA combined with FT-IR was conducted to determine the substances, which could be evolved during the thermal decomposition of the PU with fire retardant system. The results indicated a reduction in heat release rate (HRR), maximum average rate of heat emission (MAHRE), the total heat release (THR) as well as the total smoke release (TSR), and maximum specific optical density (Dsmax) compared to the polyurethane with commercial fire retardant, namely ammonium polyphosphate (APP). A significantly improvement, especially in smoke suppression, suggested that HGOA system may be a candidate as a fire retardant to reduce the flammability of PU foams

    Nowe addukty amin z ditlenkiem węgla jako porofory w produkcji integralnych pianek poliuretanowych

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    Blowing agents play an important role in the production of cellular polyurethanes. The traditional chemical blowing agent H2O/CO2 did not meet all application requirements. This led to the introduction of physical foaming agents in the 1950–1960s, which were subject to four further modifications due to climatic hazards. The recently introduced new generation of hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs) hydrocarbons is currently in the application assessment and meets the utility and climate requirements for now. Without waiting for a long-term final assessment of this blowing agent group, an attempt was made to introduce carbon dioxide in the form of adducts with aliphatic amines into the foaming process. As example compounds, CO2 adducts with aliphatic hydrocarbons containing also primary, secondary and tertiary nitrogen atoms in the same molecule were used. The synthesis of adducts was carried out by the absorption of carbon dioxide gas in a solution of amines in monoethylene glycol (MEG) and triethanolamine (TELA). The resulting solutions containing 12–16 wt % CO2 were next used in the application-oriented study. Amines regulating the foaming and gelation processes were used for the production of adducts, which allowed the elimination of organometallic gelling additives. Selected adducts were checked during the production of furniture chair seats on an industrial scale, obtaining integral foams in the range of density 190–294 kg/m3 and hardness 22–38 °ShA. In the production process of these foams carried out at PLASTPUR a double-stream foaming machine from Hennecke was used.Środki porotwórcze odgrywają istotną rolę w produkcji poliuretanów (PUR) komórkowych. Tradycyjny chemiczny środek porotwórczy, jakim jest H2O/CO2, nie spełnia wszystkich wymagań aplikacyjnych, co doprowadziło w latach 1950–1960 do wprowadzania na rynek fizycznych środków spieniających – hydrofluoroolefin (HFO). Jednak ze względu na zagrożenia klimatyczne wynikające z ich stosowania poddawano je kolejnym czterem modyfikacjom. Ostatnio opracowana, nowa IV generacja węglowodorów typu HFO spełnia wymagania użytkowe i klimatyczne i obecnie jest na etapie oceny aplikacyjnej. Nie czekając na ocenę końcową tej grupy poroforów, podjęto próbę wykorzystania do procesu spieniania PUR ditlenku węgla w postaci adduktów z aminami alifatycznymi. Jako związki przykładowe użyto addukty CO2 z węglowodorami alifatycznymi zawierającymi w tej samej cząsteczce także atomy azotu I-rzędowe, II-rzędowe oraz III-rzędowe. Syntezę adduktów prowadzono metodą absorpcji gazowego ditlenku węgla w roztworze amin w glikolu monoetylenowym (MEG) i trójetanoloaminy (TELA). Otrzymane roztwory zawierające 12–16% mas. CO2 stosowano w dalszych badaniach aplikacyjnych. Do wytwarzania adduktów użyto aminy regulujące procesy spieniania i żelowania, co pozwoliło na eliminację metaloorganicznych dodatków żelowania. Wytypowane addukty zastosowano w produkcji w skali przemysłowej siedzisk do krzeseł meblarskich, wytworzonych z pianek integralnych o gęstości z zakresu 190–294 kg/m3 oraz twardości 22–38 °ShA. W procesie otrzymywania tych pianek, przeprowadzonym w firmie PLASTPUR, wykorzystano dwustrumieniową maszynę spieniającą firmy Hennecke

    Konkurencyjność i innowacyjność województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego w świetle badań statystycznych

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    Podstawowym celem opracowania jest określenie poziomu konkurencyjności województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego na tle pozostałych województw w 2015 roku. Poziom konkurencyjności scharakteryzowany został przez analizę trzech obszarów rozwojowych: gospodarki, kapitału ludzkiego i infrastruktury z wykorzystaniem wskaźnika syntetycznego Perkala. W artykule podjęta została również próba oceny poziomu innowacyjności województwa kujawsko-pomorskiego na tle pozostałych województw na podstawie mierników reprezentujących 3 obszary: innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw, zasoby ludzkie dla innowacji oraz działalność badawczą i rozwojową. Do oceny poziomu innowacyjności województw wykorzystano wskaźnik Zioły, który jest jedną z metod porządkowania liniowego. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że województwo kujawsko-pomorskie zajmuje miejsce w grupie województw o średnim poziomie konkurencyjności, pod względem zaś wartości ogólnego wskaźnika innowacyjności zostało sklasyfikowane w grupie trzeciej, tj. regionalnych umiarkowanych innowatorów

    Vegetable Fillers and Rapeseed Oil-Based Polyol as Natural Raw Materials for the Production of Rigid Polyurethane Foams

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    The reported study concerns the introduction of renewable raw materials into the formulation of rigid polyurethane foams in the quest for the sustainable development of polymer composites. In this study, rigid polyurethane foam composites were prepared using 75 wt.% of rapeseed oil-based polyol and 15 parts per hundred parts of polyol (php) of natural fillers such as chokeberry pomace, raspberry seeds, as well as hazelnut and walnut shells. The influence of the used raw materials on the foaming process, structure, and properties of foams was investigated using a FOAMAT analyzer and a wide selection of characterization techniques. The introduction of renewable raw materials limited reactivity of the system, which reduced maximum temperature of the foaming process. Moreover, foams prepared using renewable raw materials were characterized by a more regular cell structure, a higher share of closed cells, lower apparent density, lower compressive strength and glass transition temperature, low friability (<2%), low water absorption (<1%), high dimensional stability (<±0.5%) and increased thermal stability. The proper selection and preparation of the renewable raw materials and the rational development of the polyurethane recipe composition allow for the preparation of environmentally-friendly foam products with beneficial application properties considering the demands of the circular economy in the synthesis of rigid foams

    Polyurethane Composite Foams Synthesized Using Bio-Polyols and Cellulose Filler

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    Rigid polyurethane foams were obtained using two types of renewable raw materials: bio-polyols and a cellulose filler (ARBOCEL® P 4000 X, JRS Rettenmaier, Rosenberg, Germany). A polyurethane system containing 40 wt.% of rapeseed oil-based polyols was modified with the cellulose filler in amounts of 1, 2, and 3 php (per hundred polyols). The cellulose was incorporated into the polyol premix as filler dispersion in a petrochemical polyol made using calenders. The cellulose filler was examined in terms of the degree of crystallinity using the powder X-ray diffraction PXRD -and the presence of bonds by means of the fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FT-IR. It was found that the addition of the cellulose filler increased the number of cells in the foams in both cross-sections—parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the foam growth—while reducing the sizes of those cells. Additionally, the foams had closed cell contents of more than 90% and initial thermal conductivity coefficients of 24.8 mW/m∙K. The insulation materials were dimensionally stable, especially at temperatures close to 0 °C, which qualifies them for use as insulation at low temperatures