96 research outputs found

    Translating genomics into the clinic: moving to the post-Mendelian world

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    The challenge of genome medicine is not to make a significant move into the clinic over the next five years. The floodgates of genomic research have been opened, and the hopes are that the rising tide will spill over into medical practice in the form of diagnostic tests, risk assessment tools and therapeutics. The ability to perform genome-wide analyses using several different approaches has already provided tantalizing new clues to disease causation and therapeutic targets. Companies have sprung up to use these new technologies to provide information to individuals about predicted health and disease, and about behavioral traits. As exciting as these prospects are, it is far too soon to promise clinically useful information from genomic analyses. We have far to go to assure basic levels of analytical validity or clinical validity of the diagnostic or predictive tools on offer, and to determine their clinical utility in the medical context

    What Are Gene Patents and Why Are People Worried about Them?

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    This article examines what it means to patent a gene. Numerous ethical concerns have been raised about the effects of such patents on clinical medical practice as well as on research and development. We describe what kinds of inventions are covered by human gene patents, give several examples and summarize the small body of empirical research performed in the US examining the effects of these patents. There is little evidence that early fears about gene patenting placing substantial restraints on research and clinical medicine have come to fruition. Nonetheless, there are areas of concern, and policy makers, physicians and the public should be alert to ensure that the net social benefits of patenting human genes are maintained

    Array Comparative Genomic Hybridisation (aCGH): An Analysis of the Current Technology and Its Future in Prenatal Diagnosis

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    Array comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH) represents a major advance in the field of cytogenetics and offers tremendous promise in prenatal diagnosis for the detection of genetic alterations leading to serious genetic conditions. This technology, also sometimes known as molecular karyotyping, can detect differences in DNA copy number at hundreds or thousands of points in the genome simultaneously. At this stage of the development of aCGH technology, a number of recommendations can be made for clinical use. These recommendations should be revisited as information about its clinical validity and utility is obtained, and as the accuracy, resolution and cost of aCGH-based tests evolve

    Protecting Subjects\u27 Interests in Genetics Research

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    Biomedical researchers often assume that sponsors, subjects, families, and disease-associated advocacy groups contribute to research solely because of altruism. This view fails to capture the diverse interests of many participants in the emerging research enterprise. In the past two decades, patient groups have become increasingly active in the promotion and facilitation of genetics research. Simultaneously, a significant shift of academic biomedical science toward commercialization has occurred, spurred by U.S. federal policy changes

    A Pilot Survey on the Licensing of DNA Inventions

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    Despite ethical concerns about gene patents, virtually no empirical evidence exists to support claims about either positive or negative effects, and extremely little is known about the intellectual property protection strategies of firms and universities. This article discusses the results of a pilot study to examine patenting and licensing philosophies, policies, and practices of different types of institutions and to describe the contractual conditions for licensing DNA sequence inventions

    Disease Genes Are Not Patentable: A Rebuttal of McGee

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    Diagnostic testing fails the test: The pitfalls of patents are illustrated by the case of hemochromatosis

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    Questions about the effects of patents and licensing are becoming critical in the United States, Europe and other developed countries as more genes are discovered and patented, and as genetic testing becomes an integral part of standard medical care. The award of patents for the diagnostic test for haemochromatosis, a progressive iron-overload disease, joins an ever-growing list of such tests that have been, or will very soon be, patented. We have found that US laboratories have refrained from offering clinical testing services for haemochromatosis because of the patents. A lot of clinical study is needed to validate and extend the early discovery of a disease gene such as that for haemochromatosis, so our results give us reason to fear that limiting clinical testing will inhibit further discovery as well as the understanding that emerges naturally from broad medical adoption

    Toward a predictive understanding of Earth’s microbiomes to address 21st century challenges

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in mBio 7 (2016): e00714-16, doi:10.1128/mBio.00714-16.Microorganisms have shaped our planet and its inhabitants for over 3.5 billion years. Humankind has had a profound influence on the biosphere, manifested as global climate and land use changes, and extensive urbanization in response to a growing population. The challenges we face to supply food, energy, and clean water while maintaining and improving the health of our population and ecosystems are significant. Given the extensive influence of microorganisms across our biosphere, we propose that a coordinated, cross-disciplinary effort is required to understand, predict, and harness microbiome function. From the parallelization of gene function testing to precision manipulation of genes, communities, and model ecosystems and development of novel analytical and simulation approaches, we outline strategies to move microbiome research into an era of causality. These efforts will improve prediction of ecosystem response and enable the development of new, responsible, microbiome-based solutions to significant challenges of our time.E.L.B. is supported by the Genomes-to-Watersheds Subsurface Biogeochemical Research Scientific Focus Area, and T.R.N. is supported by ENIGMA-Ecosystems and Networks Integrated with Genes and Molecular Assemblies (http://enigma.lbl.gov) Scientific Focus Area, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE), Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research under contract no. DE-AC02- 05CH11231 to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). M.E.M. is also supported by the US DOE, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research under contract no. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Z.G.C. is supported by National Science Foundation Integrative Organismal Systems grant #1355085, and by US DOE, Office of Biological and Environmental Research grant # DE-SC0008182 ER65389 from the Terrestrial Ecosystem Science Program. M.J.B. is supported by R01 DK 090989 from the NIH. T.J.D. is supported by the US DOE Office of Science’s Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center, grant DE-FC02- 07ER64494. J.L.G. is supported by Alfred P. Sloan Foundation G 2-15-14023. R.K. is supported by grants from the NSF (DBI-1565057) and NIH (U01AI24316, U19AI113048, P01DK078669, 1U54DE023789, U01HG006537). K.S.P. is supported by grants from the NSF DMS- 1069303 and the Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation (#3300)

    Reflections on the Cost of Low-Cost Whole Genome Sequencing: Framing the Health Policy Debate

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    The cost of whole genome sequencing is dropping rapidly. There has been a great deal of enthusiasm about the potential for this technological advance to transform clinical care. Given the interest and significant investment in genomics, this seems an ideal time to consider what the evidence tells us about potential benefits and harms, particularly in the context of health care policy. The scale and pace of adoption of this powerful new technology should be driven by clinical need, clinical evidence, and a commitment to put patients at the centre of health care policy

    Biomedical Scientists' Perceptions of Ethical and Social Implications: Is There a Role for Research Ethics Consultation?

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    Research ethics consultation programs are being established with a goal of addressing the ethical, societal, and policy considerations associated with biomedical research. A number of these programs are modelled after clinical ethics consultation services that began to be institutionalized in the 1980s. Our objective was to determine biomedical science researchers' perceived need for and utility of research ethics consultation, through examination of their perceptions of whether they and their institutions faced ethical, social or policy issues (outside those mandated by regulation) and examination of willingness to seek advice in addressing these issues. We conducted telephone interviews and focus groups in 2006 with researchers from Stanford University and a mailed survey in December 2006 to 7 research universities in the U.S.A total of 16 researchers were interviewed (75% response rate), 29 participated in focus groups, and 856 responded to the survey (50% response rate). Approximately half of researchers surveyed (51%) reported that they would find a research ethics consultation service at their institution moderately, very or extremely useful, while over a third (36%) reported that such a service would be useful to them personally. Respondents conducting human subjects research were more likely to find such a service very to extremely useful to them personally than respondents not conducting human subjects research (20% vs 10%; chi(2) p<0.001).Our findings indicate that biomedical researchers do encounter and anticipate encountering ethical and societal questions and concerns and a substantial proportion, especially clinical researchers, would likely use a consultation service if they were aware of it. These findings provide data to inform the development of such consultation programs in general
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