26 research outputs found

    Burst Denoising with Kernel Prediction Networks

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    We present a technique for jointly denoising bursts of images taken from a handheld camera. In particular, we propose a convolutional neural network architecture for predicting spatially varying kernels that can both align and denoise frames, a synthetic data generation approach based on a realistic noise formation model, and an optimization guided by an annealed loss function to avoid undesirable local minima. Our model matches or outperforms the state-of-the-art across a wide range of noise levels on both real and synthetic data.Comment: To appear in CVPR 2018 (spotlight). Project page: http://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bmild/kpn

    Zero-Shot Text-Guided Object Generation with Dream Fields

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    We combine neural rendering with multi-modal image and text representations to synthesize diverse 3D objects solely from natural language descriptions. Our method, Dream Fields, can generate the geometry and color of a wide range of objects without 3D supervision. Due to the scarcity of diverse, captioned 3D data, prior methods only generate objects from a handful of categories, such as ShapeNet. Instead, we guide generation with image-text models pre-trained on large datasets of captioned images from the web. Our method optimizes a Neural Radiance Field from many camera views so that rendered images score highly with a target caption according to a pre-trained CLIP model. To improve fidelity and visual quality, we introduce simple geometric priors, including sparsity-inducing transmittance regularization, scene bounds, and new MLP architectures. In experiments, Dream Fields produce realistic, multi-view consistent object geometry and color from a variety of natural language captions.Comment: CVPR 2022. 13 pages. Website: https://ajayj.com/dreamfield

    Zip-NeRF: Anti-Aliased Grid-Based Neural Radiance Fields

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    Neural Radiance Field training can be accelerated through the use of grid-based representations in NeRF's learned mapping from spatial coordinates to colors and volumetric density. However, these grid-based approaches lack an explicit understanding of scale and therefore often introduce aliasing, usually in the form of jaggies or missing scene content. Anti-aliasing has previously been addressed by mip-NeRF 360, which reasons about sub-volumes along a cone rather than points along a ray, but this approach is not natively compatible with current grid-based techniques. We show how ideas from rendering and signal processing can be used to construct a technique that combines mip-NeRF 360 and grid-based models such as Instant NGP to yield error rates that are 8% - 76% lower than either prior technique, and that trains 22x faster than mip-NeRF 360.Comment: Project page: https://jonbarron.info/zipnerf

    CamP: Camera Preconditioning for Neural Radiance Fields

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    Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) can be optimized to obtain high-fidelity 3D scene reconstructions of objects and large-scale scenes. However, NeRFs require accurate camera parameters as input -- inaccurate camera parameters result in blurry renderings. Extrinsic and intrinsic camera parameters are usually estimated using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods as a pre-processing step to NeRF, but these techniques rarely yield perfect estimates. Thus, prior works have proposed jointly optimizing camera parameters alongside a NeRF, but these methods are prone to local minima in challenging settings. In this work, we analyze how different camera parameterizations affect this joint optimization problem, and observe that standard parameterizations exhibit large differences in magnitude with respect to small perturbations, which can lead to an ill-conditioned optimization problem. We propose using a proxy problem to compute a whitening transform that eliminates the correlation between camera parameters and normalizes their effects, and we propose to use this transform as a preconditioner for the camera parameters during joint optimization. Our preconditioned camera optimization significantly improves reconstruction quality on scenes from the Mip-NeRF 360 dataset: we reduce error rates (RMSE) by 67% compared to state-of-the-art NeRF approaches that do not optimize for cameras like Zip-NeRF, and by 29% relative to state-of-the-art joint optimization approaches using the camera parameterization of SCNeRF. Our approach is easy to implement, does not significantly increase runtime, can be applied to a wide variety of camera parameterizations, and can straightforwardly be incorporated into other NeRF-like models.Comment: SIGGRAPH Asia 2023, Project page: https://camp-nerf.github.i

    Eclipse: Disambiguating Illumination and Materials using Unintended Shadows

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    Decomposing an object's appearance into representations of its materials and the surrounding illumination is difficult, even when the object's 3D shape is known beforehand. This problem is ill-conditioned because diffuse materials severely blur incoming light, and is ill-posed because diffuse materials under high-frequency lighting can be indistinguishable from shiny materials under low-frequency lighting. We show that it is possible to recover precise materials and illumination -- even from diffuse objects -- by exploiting unintended shadows, like the ones cast onto an object by the photographer who moves around it. These shadows are a nuisance in most previous inverse rendering pipelines, but here we exploit them as signals that improve conditioning and help resolve material-lighting ambiguities. We present a method based on differentiable Monte Carlo ray tracing that uses images of an object to jointly recover its spatially-varying materials, the surrounding illumination environment, and the shapes of the unseen light occluders who inadvertently cast shadows upon it.Comment: Project page: https://dorverbin.github.io/eclipse