271 research outputs found
Ispitivanje samooplodnosti kod šljive (Prunus domestica L.) metodom fluorescentne mikroskopije
Self-compatibility in 18 European plum cultivars was examined using the method of fluorescence microscopy. According to selfcompatibility, cultivars were divided into two groups: self-compatible and self-incompatible. In self-compatible cultivars the number of pistils, where pollen tubes reached the base of the style varied from 32.00% (Anna Späth) to 91.18% (Wangenheims Frühzwetsche). Mean number of pollen tubes at the base of style in these cultivars ranged from 0.52 to 3.97. Cultivars were considered self-incompatible if pollen tubes stopped their growth in the style along with forming characteristic swellings at their tips. Of the studied cultivars, 13 were found to be self-compatible: Wangenheims Frühzwetsche, Cacanska Lepotica, Valjevka, California Blue, Cacanska Rodna, Italian Prune, Stanley, Požegaca, Herman, Bluefre, Jelica, Ruth Gerstetter and Anna Späth, while 5 were found to be self-incompatible: Cacanska Rana, Zimmers Frühzwetsche, Cacanska Najbolja, Pacific and President.Kod 18 sorti domaće šljive ispitivana je samooplodnost metodom fluorescentne mikroskopije. Na osnovu samooplodnosti sorte su podeljene u dve grupe: autokompatibilne i autoinkompatibilne. Kod autokompatibilnih sorti broj tučkova kod kojih su polenove cevčice stigle do osnove stubića varirao je od 32,00% (Ana Špet) do 91,18% (Vangenhajmova). Prosečan broj polenovih cevčica u osnovi stubića kod ovih sorti je bio od 0,52 do 3,97. Sorte su smatrane autoinkompatibilnim ako su polenove cevčice zaustavljale rast u stubiću tucka uz formiranje karakterističnih zadebljanja na njihovim krajevima. Među proučavanim sortama 13 su se pokazale kao autokompatibilne: Vangenhajmova, Čačanska lepotica, Valjevka, Kalifornijska plava, Čačanska rodna, Italijanka, Stenli, Požegača, Herman, Blufri, Jelica, Rut geršteter i Ana Špet, a 5 kao autoinkompatibilne: Čačanska rana, Cimerova rana, ČaČanska najbolja, Pacifik i Prezident
Genetički parametri prinosa i morfoloških osobina ploda i koštice kod kajsije
Yield, fruit and stone weight and dimensions were studied in 24 apricot cultivars over a four-year period, to determine components of variability, heritability and genetic and phenotypic correlations. The analysis of the components of total variance evidenced that genetic differences between cultivars determined to the highest percentage the variability of fruit height and stone weight and dimensions, whereas the variation of yield, and fruit weight, breadth and thickness was predominantly determined by ecological factors. The values of heritability coefficients, in a broader sense, were found to be relatively high for fruit and stone weight and dimensions (88-93%), and medium for yield (48%). It was established by correlation analysis that all genetic and phenotypic coefficients of correlation between fruit and stone weight and dimensions were positive and statistically very significant. Yield was in a very significant, positive genetic correlation with a majority of studied characters except for fruit breadth. However, the phenotypic coefficients of correlation between those properties were not statistically significant.Tokom četiri godine, kod 24 sorte kajsije, utvrđeni su prinos, masa i dimenzije (visina, širina i debljina) ploda i koštice. Rezultati analize varijanse su pokazali da je varijabilnost svih proučavanih osobina bila veoma značajno uslovljena i genetičkim i ekološkim faktorima, kao i njihovom interakcijom. Analizom komponenti ukupne varijabilnosti ustanovljeno je da su genetičke razlike među sortama u najvećem procentu uslovile varijabilnost mase koštice (S2g=47%), visine ploda (S2g=45%), visine koštice (S2g=55%), širine koštice (S2g=62%) i debljine koštice (S2g=54%), dok je variranje prinosa (S2y=70%), mase ploda (S2y=44%), širine ploda (S2y=43%) i debljine ploda (S2y=49%) bilo u najvećem procentu uslovljeno ekološkim faktorima. Vrednosti koeficijenata heritabilnosti u širem smislu bile su relativno visoke za masu i dimenzije ploda i koštice (h2=88,593,0%), a srednja za prinos (h2=48,3%). Korelacionom analizom ustanovljeno je da su svi koeficijenti genetičke i fenotipske korelacije, između mase i dimenzija ploda i koštice, bili pozitivni i statistički veoma značajni. Prinos je bio u veoma značajnoj, pozitivnoj, genetičkoj korelaciji sa većinom proučavanih osobina, osim sa širinom koštice. Međutim fenotipski koeficijenti korelacije između ovih osobina nisu bili statistički značajni
Variability, heritability and correlations of some factors affecting productivity in peach
Factors affecting productivity in peach, such as flower density, initial and final fruit set by open pollination, and yield per m length of shoot were studied in 40 cultivars during a three-year period. Significant differences among cultivars were found for all studied properties. The coefficients of variability were the lowest for initial fruit set and then for final fruit set and flower density; while they were the highest for yield. The relatively high values of heritability were found for flower density and yield. Significant correlation coefficients were found between initial and final fruit set, flower density and yield, as well as between final fruit set and yield. In areas with a higher risk of freeze damage the cultivars characterized by higher flower density and fruit set should be grown because they can provide more consistent yield potential. At the same time, these cultivars require more intensive pruning and fruit thinning to achieve quality fruit
Testing of self-(in)compatibility in apricot cultivars from European breeding programmes
Self-(in)compatibility was tested in 40 new apricot cultivars from European breeding programmes Pollen-tube growth in pistils from laboratory pollinations was analysed using the fluorescence microscopy. Cultivars were considered self-compatible if at least one pollen tube reached the ovary in the majority of pistils. Cultivars were considered self-incompatible if the growth of pollen tubes in the style stopped along with formation of characteristic swellings. Of the examined cultivars, 18 were self-compatible and 22 were self-incompatible. Fluorescence microscopy provides a relatively rapid and reliable method to determine self-incompatibility in apricot cultivars
Achievements in Apricot Breeding in the World
U radu su prikazani ciljevi i metode oplemenjivanja kajsije (Prunus armeniaca
L.), kao i najznačajniji rezultati na stvaranju novih sorti u poslednjih 20 godina. U navedenom
periodu u svetu je stvoreno oko 500 novih sorti kajsije. Najveći broj novih sorti kajsije je
stvoren u SAD, a zatim slede Francuska, Italija, Rusija, Španija, Rumunija, Ukrajina i Češka.
U stvaranju sorti kajsije dominira javni sektor (državne institucije), dok je privatni sektor
manje zastupljen. Privatni programi oplemenjivanja zastupljeni su u SAD, Francuskoj, Italiji,
Španiji, Nemačkoj, Izraelu i Australiji.This paper presents the objectives and methods of apricot (Prunus armeniaca
L.) breeding and the most significant results in the creation of new cultivars in the
last 20 years. During this period, about 500 new apricot cultivars were created in the
world. The largest number of new apricot cultivars was created in the United States,
followed by France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Romania, Ukraine, and the Czech Republic.
The apricot cultivar development is dominated by the public sector (more than
60%), while the private sector is less involved. Private breeding programs take place
only in few countries: the United States, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Israel, and
The majority of new cultivars was obtained by controled hybridization. Much
smaller number was obtained by clonal selection or selection from natural
The most important achievements in apricot breeding are: extension of the
harvest season (over three months), resistance to Plum Pox Virus, winter frost
hardiness, increase in fruit size, more attractive fruit appearance (extensive red blush
on the skin), better fruit quality (higher firmness, higher sugar content).
Many new cultivars of apricots represent a significant improvement over the
existing assortment in terms of adaptation to environmental conditions, fruit
appearance and quality, yield, and resistance to diseases. Their cultivation will
contribute to increasing the economic effects of apricot production
Dostignuća u oplemenjivanju kruške i dunje u svetu
U radu su prikazani programi oplemenjivanja evropske kruške (Pyrus communis L.) i dunje (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) u svetu, uključujući ciljeve oplemenjivanja i postignute rezultate u poslednjih trideset godina. Najveći broj progama oplemenjivanja kruške se nalazi u Evropi, a najviše novih sorti je stvoreno u Rusiji, Ukrajini, Češkoj, Italiji, Francuskoj, Rumuniji i Nemačkoj. Van Evrope, značajni programi oplemenjivanja postoje u SAD, Kanadi, Južnoj Africi, Brazilu, Australiji i na Novom Zelandu. Za razliku od kruške, dunja ima znatno manji ekonomski značaj, pa je i broj novostvorenih sorti mnogo manji. Najviše novih sorti dunje je stvoreno u zemljama istočne Evrope.World-wide breeding programmes of European pear (Pyrus communis L.) and quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) are reviewed, including major breeding aims and achieved results during last thirty years. Main objectives of pear breeding are: high quality of fruits, precocious bearing and good producitivity, extension of the harvesting period, long storage life, environmental adaptation and resistance to the most dangerous deseases and pests (fire blight, pear scab and pear psylla).
The majority of the pear breeding programmes is situated in Europe, and the highest number of new cultivars was released in Russia, Ukraina, Czech Republic, Italy, France, Romania and Germany. Outside Europe, important breeding programmes are located in USA, Canada, South Africa, Brasil, Australia and New Zealand. European pear breeders pay attention primarilly to the fruit quality. North American breeders place greater emphasis on desease resistance (especially fire blight resistance) and cold hardines.
The quince is ecconomically less important species than the pear, so the number of newly created cultivars is relatively small. Most of them are created in Eastern European countres
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