3 research outputs found

    The Plight of Sociology at the University

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    U tekstu se izveštava o rezultatima socio-empirijskog istraživanja tzv. marksističkog obrazovanja na Univerzitetu u Nišu. Iz obimnog materijala proučavanja ovde se interpretiraju neki podaci vezani za sociologiju, a zanemaruju oni o marksističkoj filozofiji, političkoj ekonomiji i političkom sistemu SFRJ. Sociološka zajednica poseduje institucije za edukaciju svojih pripadnika, ali kao ni jedna druga zajednica dozvoljava prevelik profesionalni nered u svom sektoru. Pravo da se krsti sociologom podjednako ima onaj čija se edukacija odvijala na matičnim fakultetima kao i onaj ko se našao u sociologiji igrom slučaja. Istraživanje je potvrdilo da se na Univerzitetu u Nišu upravo tako nešto zbiva. Ako se za jugoslavensku sociologiju postavlja pitanje koliko je zrela kao nauka nalazi istraživanja pokazuju da je u njoj mnogo opštih mesta, sterilnog pozivanja na autoritete, teorijske poze, kompilacije, ali veoma malo materijala o bazičnim problemima s kojima se sociolozi suočavaju svakodnevno. Sociologija se na Univerzitetu u Nišu predaje i u kombinovanim predmetima sa naslovima »Marksizam i sociologija«, »Marksistička filozofija i sociologija«, »Sociologija i teorija i praksa samoupravljanja«, »Sociologija i filozofija prirodnih nauka«. Pitanje je: ko to treba i da li iko može uspešno da predaje kombinovane predmete? Može li se nastava na kombinovanim predmetima zasnivati na rezultatima naučnoistraživačkog rada? Nisu li zapravo sociolozi kao nastavnici ovih kombinovanih predmeta primorani da kao »univerzalni neznalice« predaju ono za što su nestručni, bitno doprineli udesu sociologije na Univerzitetu u Nišu. Ideološki, eksterni razlog nepovoljnog položaja sociologije je u tezi o neprimerenosti socioloških disciplina koncepciji tzv. integralnog marksističkog obrazovanja. Tako je i sociologija na Univerzitetu u Nišu ustuknula od opšteobrazovnog predmeta koji je bio zastupljen na svim fakultetima i bio tretiran kao matematika na tehničkim fakultetima, do situacije da se bori za svoj dignitet u bezličnom marksističkom obrazovanju i svakojakim veštačkim kombinacijama.The article reports on the results of a socio-empirical research project concerning so-called Marxist education at the University of Niš. From an abundance of data, those referring to sociology are interpreted in this article, and those referring to Marxist philosophy, political economy and the political system of the SFR Yugoslavia are put aside. The sociological community has institutions for educating its members, but as any other community, it does not allow to big a professional disorder within its sector. The right to be christened a sociologist is equally given to both those whose education took place on »parent« faculties, and those who found themselves »in« sociology by chance. This research project confirms that precisely such a process in under way at the University of Niš. If asking ourselves how mature a science Yugoslav sociology is, the results of our research point out that it embodies too many generalities, a sterile reference to authority, theoretical pose, compilation, but very little material concerning fundamental issues sociologists are confronted with daily. At the University of Niš, sociology is also lectured as part of the following composite subjects titled: »Marxism and Sociology«, »Marxist Philosophy and Sociology«, »Sociology and the Theory and Practice of Self-Management«, »Sociology and the Philosophy of Natural Sciences«. The question is: who should and can any one successfully lecture on composite subjects? Can such lecturing be based on research? Haven\u27t sociologists, in fact, as lecturers of these composite subjects, having been compelled, as »universal ignoramuses«, to teach what they have no qualification for, sufficiently contributed to the plight of sociology at the University of Niš? Ideologically, the external reason for such an unpropitious position of sociology can be found in the thesis of the unsuitability of sociological disciplines when the concept of the so-called integral Marxist education is concerned. Thus, at the University of Niš, sociology has also yielded to the »general-education« subject represented at all the faculties, and treated as mathematics at the faculties of technical sciences, and has reached a stage in which it is fighting for dignity surrounded by a nondescript Marxist education and all sorts of artificial combinations

    To ventilate or not to ventilate during bystander CPR — A EuReCa TWO analysis

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    Background: Survival after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is still low. For every minute without resuscitation the likelihood of survival decreases. One critical step is initiation of immediate, high quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The aim of this subgroup analysis of data collected for the European Registry of Cardiac Arrest Study number 2 (EuReCa TWO) was to investigate the association between OHCA survival and two types of bystander CPR namely: chest compression only CPR (CConly) and CPR with chest compressions and ventilations (FullCPR). Method: In this subgroup analysis of EuReCa TWO, all patients who received bystander CPR were included. Outcomes were return of spontaneous circulation and survival to 30-days or hospital discharge. A multilevel binary logistic regression analysis with survival as the dependent variable was performed. Results: A total of 5884 patients were included in the analysis, varying between countries from 21 to 1444. Survival was 320 (8%) in the CConly group and 174 (13%) in the FullCPR group. After adjustment for age, sex, location, rhythm, cause, time to scene, witnessed collapse and country, patients who received FullCPR had a significantly higher survival rate when compared to those who received CConly (adjusted odds ration 1.46, 95% confidence interval 1.17–1.83). Conclusion: In this analysis, FullCPR was associated with higher survival compared to CConly. Guidelines should continue to emphasise the importance of compressions and ventilations during resuscitation for patients who suffer OHCA and CPR courses should continue to teach both