10 research outputs found

    Entre Acto

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    El proyecto presentado es una animación 2D tradicional, realizado de manera digital, con un target para todos los públicos. Trata de una percepción personal sobre la danza, desde la perspectiva del bailarín, como un resumen del proceso de salir al escenario, empezando por los ensayos y terminando por la misma actuación.Milán García, RM. (2014). Entre Acto. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/47305

    Analysis and Trends of Global Research on Nautical, Maritime and Marine Tourism

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    Tourism related to the sea and boating activities is becoming increasingly popular and revolves around a range of leisure, water sports, nautical or other maritime activities. This article studies the main scientific contributions in this area, bearing in mind the complexity of finding a suitable definition of this concept. Hence, the aim of this paper is to analyze the scientific production from 1986 to 2020 in impact journals of the terms “nautical tourism”, “maritime tourism” and “marine tourism” considering the following variables: number of documents, number of articles, period being studied, Hirsch citations and index. The results show an increasing trend in terms of both the number of published articles and citations publications from 2007 onwards and the review of the literature raises the need to define a new concept: “blue tourism”. Future trends in research include terms such as tourist ports, quality of websites and blue economy

    Green Infrastructures and Grand Environmental Challenges: A Review of Research Trends by Keyword

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    This article aims to analyze research trends on the role played by green infrastructures as a tool seeking to address current environmental challenges, such as climate change, that put human well-being at risk. For this purpose, a bibliometric analysis was used on documents obtained from the WoS database, and selecting the combination of words “green infrastructures”, “ecosystem services”, and “climate change”. The results of this study point to the potential for Green Infrastructures to become a major strategic factor in addressing the global environmental and social challenges facing cities. The findings obtained are relevant to researchers, professionals, and others working on green infrastructure research as tools to address current global environmental problems, such as climate change, urban pollution, loss of biodiversity, or the risk of emergence of new epidemics or diseases

    Impact of blue economy sectors using causality, correlation and panel data models

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    IntroductionBlue economics research is a research field that is achieving more and more interest among international scientists. This study adds more knowledge as it aims to investigate the causal relationships between blue economic factors – living and non-living resources, ocean energy, port activities, shipbuilding and repair, maritime transport, coastal tourism, human development indicator, per capita income, fish capture, internal renewable water resources per capita, marine protected areas, greenhouse gas emissions and population density, all factors related to maritime activities – and the blue economy (BE) itself.MethodsIn order to reach these objectives, some special analytical and econometric methods are used. Among them the multivariate Granger causality theory, the correlation analysis and panel data techniques are employed. This set of methods helps us to study the complex set of relationships among the various factors related to the BE and their influence on per capita income (PCI) and economic growth. The data used to conduct this research were collected from the Eurostat, the E.U. statistical database. Several European countries and the span period 2010-2018 are used too.ResultsThe analysis showed evidence that per capita income is associated to other factors of the blue economy, that PCI (Granger) causes coastal tourism and population density, and that there are five other factors that positively influence PCI growth, namely, greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), maritime transport, nonliving resources and ports’ activities. This paper adds some new understandings to theory and calls the attention to society, in general, and the blue economics, in particular. For instance, if policymakers want to increase income per capita of these regions, they should take action on some variables such as human development indicator (HDI), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, living resources, maritime transport and ocean energy. The results reveal that blue economy is a good alternative to promote both economic growth and PCI.DiscussionThe concerns that make up the blue economy, such as ocean energy, port activities, ship building and repair, maritime transport, coastal tourism, HDI, maritime fish capture, marine protected areas, and GHG reductionare good factors to stimulate economic growth. Among these, the most influencing are maritime transport, living resources and the production of ocean energy. This study adds knowledge to theory, innovates in the methods and techniques used, in the results discovered, in its discussion, and in the mixture of blue economic factors, too. As far as we know, it is one of the first papers that fills this gap in the literature regarding the more and more important blue economy

    Impact Analysis of Marinas on Nautical Tourism in Andalusia

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    Marinas are the key infrastructures for satisfying the complex and growing demand for nautical tourism. The significant number of auxiliary industries derived from the operation of the port itself are integrated within the sectors belonging to the Blue Economy. The aim of this article is to determine what marinas provide in Andalusia (Spain) and how they affect the development of the municipalities where they are located. The methodology used relies on a panel of experts who provide in-depth information about the sector by means of the Pestel and Swot diagnosis. The results obtained underline the importance of the marinas in Andalusia for the tourism sector, which are an international point of reference but which are currently exposed to a series of threats derived from the competition of ports in other Spanish regions (Levante, Catalonia, Balearic Islands, etc.), and other countries (Morocco, Croatia, etc.). In conclusion, the ports of Andalusia are well-consolidated and form a fundamental part of the economic development of the area through nautical tourism

    The Circular Economy as an Axis of Agricultural and Rural Development: The Case of the Municipality of Almócita (Almería, Spain)

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    In recent years, the concept of the circular economy has been gaining relevance and its importance has grown both in academia and in rural municipalities in general. The rural development policy of the European Union, in addition to prioritizing the diversification of the productive activities of municipalities, encourages the adoption of the circular economy. The aim of this article is to show and publicize the applications relating to the circular economy that are being carried out in a rural mountain municipality with a small population focused on agriculture, and which are setting an example for others that are suffering the endemic problem of depopulation. A diagnosis is carried out taking into consideration local sustainable development methodologies. In relation to the results, the positive impact of these practices with a rural development approach based on awareness and education regarding the basic 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) is highlighted. Almócita is an example that can be extrapolated to many mountain municipalities at national and international levels

    Metodologias GEODS: revisão e inventário de técnicas de diagnóstico territorial para o desenho de propostas de desenvolvimento sustentável da Agenda 2030

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    Manual de metodologías para el diagnóstico territorial y el diseño de estrategias para el desarrollo sostenible en diferentes escalas territoriales, en el contexto de la Agenda 2030. Se incluye una selección de técnicas explicadas de forma didáctica y sintética, con diagramas, ejemplos de aplicación y algunas referencias para ampliar información.Manual of methodologies for territorial diagnosis and the design of strategies for sustainable development at different territorial scales, in the context of the 2030 Agenda. It includes a selection of techniques explained in a didactic and synthetic way, with diagrams, application examples and some references for more information: DAFO, CAME, PESTEL, LLUVIA DE IDEAS, MARCO LOGICO, MATRIZ, ARBOL DE PROBLEMAS, ARBOL DE OBJETIVOS, ESPINA DE PESCADO, EASW, ERP, BOLA DE NIEVE Y 5 FUERZAS DE PORTER.Manuel de méthodologies pour le diagnostic territorial et la conception de stratégies de développement durable à différentes échelles territoriales, dans le cadre de l'Agenda 2030. Il comprend une sélection de techniques expliquées de manière didactique et synthétique, avec des schémas, des exemples d'application et quelques références pour Plus d'information.Manual de metodologias de diagnóstico territorial e desenho de estratégias de desenvolvimento sustentável a diferentes escalas territoriais, no contexto da Agenda 2030. Inclui uma seleção de técnicas explicadas de forma didática e sintética, com diagramas, exemplos de aplicação e algumas referências para Mais Informações.Depto. de GeografíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaFALSEsubmitte

    Enseñar y aprender en época de cambios : XXVI Premios Francisco Giner de los Ríos a la Mejora de la Calidad Educativa

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    En esta edición de los Premios Giner de los Ríos se ha reconocido con el Premio Especial el trabajo llevado a cabo a lo largo de quince años por el profesorado del área de ciencias, junto a sus alumnos, en el estudio de la calidad de las aguas del río Guadalquivir a su paso por Sevilla. En Educación Infantil se ha premiado una webquest basada en la metodología constructivista que consigue el desarrollo de todas las competencias del alumnado e investiga cómo es la vida en la sabana, tundra-polo, selva y desierto. La primera experiencia premiada en Educación Primaria reconoce el esfuerzo de una comunidad educativa en la elaboración de un largometraje sobre Astronomía. La segunda es la creación y puesta en práctica del programa ELIGe©, que ayuda a los alumnos con TEA a la elección de actividades cotidianas, y a la comprensión y expresión de emociones básicas. En Ciencia y Tecnología, se ha premiado el Proyecto bambú, bosquete con variedades de esta planta para trabajar. En Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, se ha reconocido el valor de una experiencia que transmite al alumnado la idea de que la lengua es la herramienta que permite proyectar una imagen de lo que somos, queremos y anhelamos. En Otras Materias y Áreas Curriculares se ha galardonado un trabajo cuyo objetivo es la enseñanza al alumnado del trabajo autónomo y el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa. En la modalidad de Trabajos de Aplicación de Conocimientos en Distintos Ámbitos Personales o Sociales, se ha galardonado un proyecto de Formación Profesional que aborda tres objetivos: la integración curricular del desarrollo de proyectos de empresa y simulaciones de entornos reales de trabajo; el cambio en la dinámica del aula con el uso intensivo de la web 2.0; y el cambio en el rol del alumno, que pasa de receptor a creador de conocimiento.MECDES

    Bajo el signo de la luz : la fundación de una utopía andaluza

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    Esta publicación obtuvo el Primer Premio Joaquín Guichot a investigaciones, experiencias y materiales sobre Andalucía y su cultura en la edición XXVI del curso 2013/2014Se trata de un proyecto intercentros en el que se pretende convertir en aula a la comunidad. Nace para dar respuesta a las inquietudes de un alumnado y una población que ignoran, en buena medida, sus orígenes y los de sus antepasados. Como respuesta a esa necesidad, se vuelve sobre las huellas del tiempo para descubrir la epopeya de las nuevas poblaciones de Sierra Morena y Andalucía; una iniciativa que respondió a los ideales del Siglo de las Luces y a la necesidad de poblar los extensos terrenos que bordeaban el Camino Real. Con el formato de aprendizaje-servicio a la comunidad, el alumnado descubrirá que sus raíces culturales, sus apellidos y tradiciones, lejos de los localismos, provienen de Europa Central y suponen un ejemplo de integración cultural. "Bajo el signo de la luz" va más allá y sueña con llevar la utopía a la educación e intenta convertirse en un paradigma de integración del trabajo de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria, o de cualesquiera otras enseñanzas, y se apoya en el deseo idealista de dar a conocer la cultura andaluza al alumnado de nuestra Comunidad Autónoma.AndalucíaES