38 research outputs found
Inflammation and tissue damage in the mouse lung by size-segragated urban air particulate matter : Role of chemical composition and sources of particles
Julkaisussa virheelliset ISSN-numerot 0359-3584 ja 1458-6290Väitöskirja, liitteenä alkuperäisartikkelit (verkkoversiossa ei alkuperäisartikkeleita
Photocatalytic Decomposition of Formic Acid on Mo2C-Containing Catalyst
Soluble components in the peripheral blood from experimental exposure of 14 healthy subjects to filtered air and wood smoke. Samples were collected before (pre), at 24 h and 44 h after exposure, to air and wood smoke. Data are given as medians with interquartile range. (DOCX 62 kb
Omakoti-huolenpitosopimuksen kehittäminen
Tämä opinnäytetyö tehtiin Kuntotarkastaja Lintukankaan tarpeesta kehittää kuntotarkastuspalvelua. Tarkoituksena on tuoda markkinoille palvelu, jonka avulla voitaisiin antaa tukea ja neuvoa uudelle talonomistajalle myös asuntokauppojen jälkeen. Tätä varten Kuntotarkastaja Lintukangas on kehittänyt palvelun nimeltä Omakoti-huolenpitosopimus. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli etsiä keinoja, joilla Omakoti-huolenpitosopimuksen tuotekehittely saataisiin vietyä loppuun.
Tutkimusmenetelminä toimivat perehtyminen Kuntotarkastaja Lintukankaalta saatuun kirjalliseen materiaaliin koskien Omakoti-huolenpitosopimusta sekä tutustuminen teknisen alan kirjallisuuteen koskien asuinrakennusten huoltotoimenpiteitä ja rakennusosien teknisiä käyttöikiä. Asiantuntijoiden haastattelut ja asiantuntijoilta saatuihin artikkeleihin tutustuminen sekä työharjoittelussa tehdyt havainnot toimivat niin ikään tutkimusmenetelminä.
Opinnäytetyön lopputuloksena löydettiin keinoja, joilla voitaisiin edistää omakotitalojen omistajien suunnitelmallista talonpitoa, annettiin kehitysehdotuksia Omakoti-huolenpitosopimuksen tuotekehitystä varten. Lopputuloksena tarkennettiin Omakoti-huolenpitosopimuksen tiedonkeräysmenetelmiä ja tehtiin pohja alkuhaastattelulomakkeelle, jolla kartoitetaan asiakkaan palvelun tarvetta.This thesis was done about the for Kuntotarkastaja Lintukangas’s need to develop inspection service. The aim would be to launch a service that could provide support and advice to a new homeowner after purchase real estate trade. For this purpose, Kuntotarkastaja Lintukangas has developed service called OmaKoti Home Maintance Inspection Contract. The purpose of the thesis was to find ways to complete the product development of OmaKoti Home Maintance Inspection Contract.
The research methods were familizared with the written material received from the Kuntotarkastaja Lintukangas regarding the OmaKoti Home Maintance Inspection Contract and acquaintance with the technical literature regarding the maintenance measures of residential buildings and technical lifetimes of structural components. In addition, experts were interviewed, articles received from experts were reviewed, and observations made during internship were utilized.
As a result of the thesis, ways to promote the planned housekeeping of detached house owners were found, and development proposals were given for the product development of the OmaKoti Home Maintance Inspection Contract. As a result, the data collection methods of the OmaKoti Home Maintance Inspection Contract were specified, and a template was made for the initial interview form to map the customer's need for service
Effects of diet calcium : phosporus ratio and metabolizable energy content on development of osteochondrosis, foot bending and performance in blue foxes
The study evaluates the effects of two dietary Ca : P ratios (1·5 : 1 v. 2·5 : 1) and metabolizable energy (ME) contents (17·3 MJ/kg dry matter ( DM) v. 19·2 MJ/kg DM) on the development of osteochondrosis, foot bending and performance in juvenile male blue foxes (Alopex lagopus). Four experimental groups (no. = 10 per group) were formed : (1) low energy, low Ca : P ( LELC); (2) normal energy, low Ca : P ( NELC); (3) low energy, normal Ca : P ( LENC); and (4) normal energy, normal Ca : P ( NENC). The experiment started at weaning in mid July and finished in early October. From mid August onwards, animals on the normal energy diets ( NELC, NENC) grew signi?cantly faster ( P < 0·001) than animals on the low energy diets ( LELC, LENC). The final body weights of the normal energy groups were 1·5 kg higher than those of the low energy groups ( P < 0·001). The dietary Ca : P ratio did not affect live-weight gain. Foot bending increased significantly from summer to autumn ( P < 0·001). Changes in foot bending between initial and ?nal evaluations showed that bending was significantly greater( P < 0·05) in animals on normal energy ( NELC, NENC) than on low energy diets ( LELC, LENC). Significant differences were not found in the mean degree of damage in foot and cartilage between the groups. Ulna breaking strength was significantly higher ( P < 0·05) in normal energy ( NELC, NENC) than in low energy ( LELC, LENC) animals. Ulna calcium and phosphorus concentrations of the normal Ca : P ( LENC, NENC) groups were significantly higher ( P < 0·001, P < 0·05) than those of the lower Ca : P ( LELC, NELC) groups. The bone (ulna) calcium and phosphorus concentrations tended to be higher in the normal energy ( NELC, NENC) than in the low energy ( LELC, LENC) groups (calcium P = 0·07; phosphorus P = 0·06). The bone Ca : P ratio was higher ( P < 0·001) in the normal ( LENC, NENC) than in the low Ca : P diet ( LELC, NELC) animals. The carcass weights of normal energy animals ( NELC, NENC) were signi?cantly higher ( P < 0·001) than those of low energy ( LELC, LENC) animals. The fat : dry matter ratio was higher ( P < 0·05) in normal ( NELC, NENC) than in low energy ( LELC, LENC) carcasses. We conclude that the Ca : P ratio of the diet has no effect on the development of osteochondrosis or bending of the foot. The higher body weight caused by normal as opposed to low metabolizable energy content seems, however, to increase the incidence of foot bending.V2005o