6 research outputs found

    Формирование ледяной плотины в низовьях рек Мезень и Кулой с 1983 по 2020 г.

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    The features of ice cover formation within the macro-tidal estuaries of the Mezen River and the Kuloy River are considered. The investigated rivers flow into the Mezen Bay of the White Sea. The main sources of information for the ice monitoring were the high spatial resolution images from the satellites Landsat 5‑8 and Sentinel 1.2 with addition of medium spatial resolution images of MODIS/Terra and VIIRS/SuomiNPP. Every year, zones of continuous hummocks and ice dams are formed in the estuaries, which exert influence upon characteristics of the tidal waves. The fast ice and drifting ice areas are observed below the ice dam. Above the dam, amplitude the tidal fluctuations in the water level is reduced by 3–4 times. According to the data for the period 2017–2020, the area of relatively smooth ice cover is located at the distance of 48–49 km above the mouth of the Mezen River and 40–42 km above the same of the Kuloy River. Advancing of the ice edge to the mouth is accompanied by the formation of hummocky ice bridges, the position of which is confined to the narrowing and sharp turns of the channel. According to satellite images, it is established that the ice dam changes its position from year to year. In the period from 1983 to 2020, on the Mezen River, the ice dam was located at a distance of 21.0 to 30.5 km from the mouth, and on the Kuloy – from 13.7 to 27.5 km above the mouth. The position of the ice dam is weather dependent. In severe winters, the dam is located closer to the mouth gauge line. Snow, falling in November and December on areas of open water, delays advancing of the ice edge to the mouth. For Mezen, the relation between the position of the ice dam and three following predictors had been obtained: the sum of precipitation for November and December at the air temperature below –5 °C, the sum of air temperatures below –5 °C for January and March, and the sum of positive air temperatures for February. The proposed dependence made it possible to restore the positions of the ice dam for the years which were not provided with satellite data. These are 1994 and 1999.На основе данных космических снимков оптического и радиолокационного диапазонов рассмотрены особенности формирования ледяного покрова в пределах макроприливных устьевых участков рек Мезень и Кулой. Ежегодно в исследуемых эстуариях образуются зона сплошных торосов и ледяная плотина, влияющие на характеристики приливной волны. С 1983 по 2020 г. створ ледяной плотины на Мезени располагался на расстоянии от 21,0 до 30,5 км от устья, на Кулое – от 13,7 до 27,5 км от устья. Формирование ледяной плотины и её разрушение происходят с остановками в створах, приуроченных к сужениям и крутым поворотам русла. Показано, что в ноябре и декабре твёрдые осадки значимо задерживают продвижение кромки льда

    Towards a More Complete and Accurate Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data Library (EXFOR): International Collaboration Between Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC)

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    The International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres (NRDC) coordinated by the IAEA Nuclear Data Section (NDS) is successfully collaborating in the maintenance and development of the EXFOR library. As the scope of published data expands (e.g., to higher energy, to heavier projectile) to meet the needs from the frontier of sciences and applications, it becomes nowadays a hard and challenging task to maintain both completeness and accuracy of the whole EXFOR library. The paper describes evolution of the library with highlights on recent developments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Adjuvant pertuzumab and trastuzumab in early her2-positive breast cancer

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