143 research outputs found

    Reactivity of an organism at hypertrophic skin scars

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    The aim of the research was to assess the reactivity of female organism with hypertrophic scars. 42 women of 16-35years were examined on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle, 17 of them had normotrophic and 25 - hypertrophic scars. The quality of scars (according to the clinical and morphological characteristics), white blood cells, blood lipids, hormonal and immune status were assessed. Non-parametric Mann - Whitney U-test and discriminant analysis were used at statistical processing of the results. Average values and standard deviations were also calculated for interpreting the results of quantitative indications. As the result of discriminant analysis the most informative indicators of reactivity of an organism that allow to differentiate patients of the studied groups were defined for patients with normotrophic and hypertrophic scars. It was concluded that the imbalance of steroid hormones (progesterone, cortisol, testosterone, estrogen) was important in the etiopathogenesis of hypertrophic scars


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    The objective of this study was to compare the results of complex (medicinal and surgical), and only medicinal treatment of patients with rapidly progressive and dyskinesia associated forms of Parkinson's disease. Three atrophy indices (IA) of the brain matter were proposed to justify a differentiated approach to the treatment of each form. Multivariable regression analysis showed, that patients, who were treated with complex method and had IA-1 less than 0.16, IA-2 - less than 0.115, IA-3 - less than 0.06, had the best improvement of the clinical status during the follow-up period. There were also multiple correlation coefficients obtained in the range 0.911-0.943, which indicates a significant linear relationship between the factors of influence (IA) and response (clinical presentation). In groups with only conservative treatment, the coefficients were in the range of 0.331-0, 423, indicating low and medium dependence on clinical manifestations of atrophy indexes. The status of all patients was assessed after 3, 6, 12 and 18 months. It turned out that in case of the earlier mentioned indices values the result of the treatment was constant during the entire period of observation. It was statistically confirmed by the assessment of the squares of the Mahalanobis distance

    Prediction of outcomes of cytomegalovirus infection of the initial few months of life

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    The research was based on the data of 155 newborns with manifestations of cytomegalovirus infection (CMV) appeared in the initial few months of life and on the results of the 7-years follow-up of this group of patients. While studying the courses and outcomes of CMV appeared in the initial few months of life in 155 patients of the tender age the disability is set for 22 (14,2 %) children. On the basis of discriminant analysis with the use of the most significant factors the model of prognosis of the outcomes of the carried infection was created in severe residual-organic disorders, dictating the necessity of determination of disability for children. This model can predict development of severe organ pathology in children of tender age after citomegalovirus infection appeared in the initial few months that will allow to select patients with high probability of disability and to realize for them individual rehabilitation measures to save their health in proper time


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    Today, the problem of early diagnosis of hematological changes predisposing to the development of thrombotic complications in patients with essential hypertension (EH) is an urgent problem that requires close attention not only of physicians, but also of pediatricians. The aim of the study was the development of prognostic criteria for risk of prothrombotic changes (PC) in adolescents with EH, timely preventive measures and prevention of thrombotic complications. Sixty adolescents with EH without PC and 37 adolescents with EH and PC were examined. We used the following methods: clinical anamnestic (including genealogy), functional and ultrasound, laboratory, mathematical and statistical. To create a mathematical model of forecasting, discriminant analysis was used, with the help of which from the 59 proposed predictors the algorithm selected 8 most informative features: the C777T polymorphism of the 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, the A66G gene of the methionine synthase reductase gene, the daily diastolic blood pressure level, the level of the nocturnal systolic arterial pressure-time index of hypertension, systolic blood pressure during the day, weighed down by thrombotic genealogically history, early onset of thrombosis, burdened thrombotic genealogical history. Our method for predicting the risk of developing PC allows to place adolescents with EH having an increased risk of developing these coagulation shifts in a separate group, to identify thrombogenic risk in adolescence and, if necessary, to initiate preventive measures in time to reduce the incidence of thrombotic complications of EH and mortality of patients

    Корреляции и поправочные коэффициенты при различных видах тонометрии. Биомеханика и биогеометрия фиброзной оболочки глаза. Сообщение 2

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    PURPOSE: To assess correlation between biogeometric parameter - central corneal thickness (CCT) and biomechanical parameters - corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal resistance factor (CRF); to evaluate the clinical significance of parameters of Ocular Response Analyzer® (ORA): corneal-compensated IOP (ORAcc), Goldmann-correlated IOP (ORAg), CH and CRF in diagnosis and monitoring of various forms of glaucoma. METHODS: 476 healthy subjects and 356 patients with glaucoma were examined. 150 patients (230 eyes) underwent ORA examination in groups: healthy, open-angle glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma, normal pressure glaucoma. Comparative evaluation of ORA parameters was performed using Student t-test. The dependence on CCT and IOP level, valuated by different applanation tonometers (by Maklakov, Goldmann, Icare®), was assessed with a simple regression analysis with calculation of coefficient of determination (r2). Using single-linkage clustering the closeness of relationship of biomechanical parameters CH and CRF, biogeometric index of CCT and indices of ORAcc and ORAg in norm and in various types of glaucoma were defined. Values, corresponding to pЦЕЛЬ. Оценить корреляцию между биогеометрическим параметром - центральной толщиной роговицы (CCT) и биомеханическими параметрами - корнеальным гистерезисом (СН) и фактором резистентности роговицы (CRF) и выяснить клиническую ценность параметров двунаправленной пневмоаппланации роговицы (Ocular Response Analyzer®, ORA): роговично-компенсированного внутриглазного давления (ВГД) (IOРсс), ВГД по Goldmann (IOPg), CH и CRF в диагностике и мониторинге различных форм глаукомы. МЕТОДЫ. Обследованы 476 здоровых субъектов и 356 больных глаукомой. Исследование на анализаторе ORA проведено 150 субъектам (230 глаз) в группах: здоровые, открытоугольная глаукома, закрытоугольная глаукома, глаукома нормального давления. Сравнительная оценка параметров ORA в разных группах выполнена с применением t-критерия Стьюдента. Простой регрессионный анализ с вычислением коэффициента детерминации r2 выявил зависимость между ССТ и уровнем ВГД, оцененным разными способами (по Маклакову, Goldmann, Icare). С применением кластерного анализа оценена теснота связей показателей ССТ, CH, CRF, IOРсс и IOPg в норме и при различных видах глаукомы. Статистически значимыми считались значения

    Smell and taste disorders in pregnant women with COVID-19

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    Background. Smell disorder is a recognized clinical symptom of COVID-19 infection. The problem of the loss of sense of smell in the structure of COVID-19 pathogenesis during pregnancy remains unresolved.   The aim of the study. To determine the sense of smell and taste in pregnant women with COVID-19, as well as to evaluate the relationship between the sense of smell and the number of SARS-CoV-2 genome equivalents in the nasopharyngeal secretion.   Material and methods. In the case-control study, 121 pregnant women participated: 40 of them were infected with COVID-19; 81 were not infected with COVID-19 earlier and at the time of the study. The survey was conducted in July 2021. Sense of smell was assessed using the Connecticut Chemosensory Clinical Research Center (CCCRC) olfactory test, which includes olfactory threshold determination and odor identification assessment. Taste was measured according to the O. Massarelli method. Viral load was calculated using a standardized method for determining the numberof SARS-CoV-2 RNA copies in 1 ml of nasopharyngeal secretion.   Results. The incidence of olfactory disorders (moderate / severe and anosmia) in pregnant women with COVID-19 is 62.5 % compared to 22.23 % among pregnant women who have never had COVID-19 (p = 0.002). No significant taste disorders were identified. The threshold value for the manifestation of olfactory disorders was 17794 RNA copies of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which corresponds to the 37th threshold cycle (Ct).   Conclusion. During pregnancy in the acute phase of COVID-19, sense of smell is significantly impaired, but not sense of taste. Decreased sense of smell is associated with SARS-CoV-2 viral load