17 research outputs found

    Relationship between hardness and optical properties of diamond-like carbon coatings

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    Correlation between hardness and optical properties of diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings is considered. Various methods for the characterization of mechanical, chemical and optical properties of DLC coatings are used; however, some of these methods are destructive, and others are non-destructive. It was found that optical properties of DLC coatings are proportional to their hardness. The mathematical expression that allows to calculate the hardness of a DLC coating according to its refractive index is proposed. Therefore, it is possible to avoid the use of destructive methods (such as nano-indentation technique) to characterize DLC coatings. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Resistance investigation of diamond-like carbon coatings to cyclic temperature changes

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    Optical elements used in outer space must be designed considering the effects of such factors as space vacuum, atomic oxygen in low Earth orbit, solar and space radiation, large temperature drops, gas release of spacecraft materials and structural elements, space dust and debris. In order to harden and protect mirror surfaces of optical elements from external factors, it has been promisingly applied diamond-like carbon coatings on their surface. These coatings are characterized by high strength and wear-resistant properties, in particular, high hardness, low friction coefficient, high wear resistance and chemical inertness. This leads to their widespread use in various fields of science and technology, including optical instrumentation. This paper presents the results of testing an aluminum mirror with a diamond-like carbon coating under the effect of cyclic temperature changes for determining their ability to withstand a rapid cyclic ambient temperature change, and specifically, to maintain optical and mechanical properties. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Past and present distribution, densities and movements of blue whales Balaenoptera musculus in the Southern Hemisphere and northern Indian Ocean

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    1. Blue whale locations in the Southern Hemisphere and northern Indian Ocean were obtained from catches (303 239), sightings (4383 records of 8058 whales), strandings (103), Discovery marks (2191) and recoveries (95), and acoustic recordings. 2. Sighting surveys included 7 480 450 km of effort plus 14 676 days with unmeasured effort. Groups usually consisted of solitary whales (65.2%) or pairs (24.6%); larger feeding aggregations of unassociated individuals were only rarely observed. Sighting rates (groups per 1000 km from many platform types) varied by four orders of magnitude and were lowest in the waters of Brazil, South Africa, the eastern tropical Pacific, Antarctica and South Georgia; higher in the Subantarctic and Peru; and highest around Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Chile, southern Australia and south of Madagascar. 3. Blue whales avoid the oligotrophic central gyres of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, but are more common where phytoplankton densities are high, and where there are dynamic oceanographic processes like upwelling and frontal meandering. 4. Compared with historical catches, the Antarctic ("true") subspecies is exceedingly rare and usually concentrated closer to the summer pack ice. In summer they are found throughout the Antarctic; in winter they migrate to southern Africa (although recent sightings there are rare) and to other northerly locations (based on acoustics), although some overwinter in the Antarctic. 5. Pygmy blue whales are found around the Indian Ocean and from southern Australia to New Zealand. At least four groupings are evident: northern Indian Ocean, from Madagascar to the Subantarctic, Indonesia to western and southern Australia, and from New Zealand northwards to the equator. Sighting rates are typically much higher than for Antarctic bluewhales