25 research outputs found

    Commensurate vortex lattices and oscillation effects in superconducting Mo/Si and W/Si multilayers

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    We report experimental results of the vortex lattice structure investigation in the artificial superconducting Mo/Si and W/Si superlattices. The resistance R and critical current Ic measurements in parallel magnetic fields have been performed as well as measurements in tilted magnetic fields. At temperatures where condition of strong layering is satisfied the dependences Ic(H||) and R(H||) reveal oscillation behavior. It is shown that the appearance of oscillations and of reentrant behavior (vanishing of resistivity in definite ranges of H||) are due to the strong intrinsic pinning and to the effect of commensurability between the vortex lattice period and multilayer wavelength. The locations of Ic(H||) and R(H||) extrema correspond to the stable states of a commensurate vortex lattice. Our experimental data are in good quantitative agreement with Ivlev, Kopnin, and Pokrovsky (IKP) theory. It is shown that the values of the commensurability fields depend exclusively on the superlattice period s and anisotropy coefficient γ and do not depend on the type of materials used for multilayer preparation. The memory effect, i.e., dependence of the oscillation pattern on the magnetic history of the sample, is observed. It is shown experimentally that the state of the vortex matter in the layered superconductors is essentially different from that of type-II superconductors with a random distribution of the pinning centers. Investigation of oscillation and reentrance behavior may be used as a new tool for vortex lattice arrangement study in layered superconductors. The essential advantage of this method is connected with its simplicity and with the possibility of using it in arbitrary large fields. Investigations of the commensurate states may be used for rather precise determination of the anisotropy coefficient γ

    Commensurability effect and lock-in transition in Mo/Si superconducting superlattices

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    We report the first observation of the lock-in transition in artificial superconducting superlattices, which takes place in tilted magnetic fields. The measurements were carried out on the Mo/Si layered system. The temperature dependence of the critical angle for the trapping of the vortices in the orientation parallel to the layer planes is determined by the previously known resistive method and by a new method based on the effect of commensurability between the intervortex distance and the superlattice wavelength. The temperature dependences of the critical angle obtained by the two methods practically coincide. The experimental results are consistent with the theoretical predictions of Feinberg and Villard

    Differentiated Approach to the Development of Special Physical Qualities in Sambo Wrestlers

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    Кошкин Евгений Вячеславович, кандидат педагогических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры огневой и физической подготовки, Пермский институт Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний России, 614012, г. Пермь, ул. Карпинского, 125. E-mail: [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-4060-5552. Михайлов Андрей Сергеевич, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры огневой и физической подготовки, Пермский институт Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний России. 614012, г. Пермь, ул. Карпинского, 125. E-mail: [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-6485-334X. Нохрин Михаил Юрьевич, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры огневой и физической подготовки, Пермский институт Федеральной службы исполнения наказаний России. 614012, г. Пермь, ул. Карпинского, 125. E-mail: [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0003-4967-2580. Смирнов Андрей Александрович, кандидат педагогических наук, заместитель начальника кафедры физической подготовки и спорта, Пермский военный институт войск национальной гвардии Российской Федерации. 614030, г. Пермь, ул. Гремячий Лог, 1. E-mail: [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-5230-540X. E.V. Koshkin1, [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-4060-5552, A.S. Mikhailov1, [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-6485-334X, M.Yu. Nokhrin1, [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0003-4967-2580, A.A. Smirnov2, [email protected], ORCID: 0000-0002-5230-540X 1Perm Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russia, Perm, Russian Federation, 2Perm Military Institute of National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, Perm, Russian FederationЦель: разработать схему дифференцирования средств развития специальных физических качеств самбистов. Материалы и методы исследования. Процесс дифференцированного развития специальных физических качеств самбистов. Применялись: анализ научнометодической литературы и обобщение практического опыта; педагогическое наблюдение; педагогический эксперимент; соматотипирование; педагогические контрольные испытания; методы математической обработки полученных результатов. Для решения задач исследования нами проведена серия поисковых экспериментов, в которых приняли участие 48 (16 - микросомного (МиС), 16 - мезосомного (МеС), 16 - макросомного (МаС) сомато- типов) самбистов юношеской сборной (14-16 лет) Пермской краевой федерации спортивного и боевого самбо. Результаты. Анализ полученных данных свидетельствует о целесообразности разработки экспериментальной схемы дифференцирования средств развития специальных физических качеств самбистов с учетом особенностей соматотипа. Заключение. Достижение высоких спортивных результатов спортсменами требует от тренерского состава постоянного совершенствования системы подготовки самбистов. Учет морфологических особенностей при дифференцировании средств развития специальных физических качеств самбистов положительно влияет на результат спортивной деятельности. Aim. The article deals with developing the scheme of differentiating means for the development of special physical qualities in sambo wrestlers. Materials and Methods. We studied a differentiated development of special physical qualities in sambo wrestlers. During the study, we used the following methods: the analysis of scientific and methodical literature, generalization of practical experience, pedagogical monitoring, pedagogical experiment, somatotyping, pedagogical control tests, statistical processing of the results obtained. We conducted a series of searching experiments with 48 (16 - microsomal, 16 - mesosomal, 16 - macrosomal) sambo wrestlers from the youth team of the Perm regional Federation of sports and combat Sambo. Results. The analysis of the data obtained proves the necessity of developing an experimental scheme for differentiating means for the development of special physical qualities in sambo wrestlers depending on their somatotype. Conclusion. High-performance results require constant improvement of the training system for sambo wrestlers. Taking into account morphological features while differentiating means for the development of special physical qualities in sambo wrestlers positively influences their performance