2,223 research outputs found

    Integrated chronostratigraphy of Proterozoic-Cambrian boundary beds in the western Anabar region, northern Siberia

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    Carbonate-rich sedimentary rocks of the western Anabar region, northern Siberia, preserve an exceptional record of evolutionary and biogeochemical events near the Proterozoic/Cambrian boundary. Sedimentologically, the boundary succession can be divided into three sequences representing successive episodes of late transgressive to early highstand deposition; four parasequences are recognized in the sequence corresponding lithostratigraphically to the Manykai Formation. Small shelly fossils are abundant and include many taxa that also occur in standard sections of southeastern Siberia. Despite this coincidence of faunal elements, biostratigraphic correlations between the two regions have been controversial because numerous species that first appear at or immediately above the basal Tommotian boundary in southeastern sections have first appearances scattered through more than thirty metres of section in the western Anabar. Carbon- and Sr-isotopic data on petrographically and geochemically screened samples collected at one- to two-metre intervals in a section along the Kotuikan River, favour correlation of the Staraya Reckha Formation and most of the overlying Manykai Formation with sub-Tommotian carbonates in southeastern Siberia. In contrast, isotopic data suggest that the uppermost Manykai Formation and the basal 26 m of the unconformably overlying Medvezhya Formation may have no equivalent in the southeast; they appear to provide a sedimentary and palaeontological record of an evolutionarily significant time interval represented in southeastern Siberia only by the sub-Tommotian unconformity. Correlations with radiometrically dated horizons in the Olenek and Kharaulakh regions of northern Siberia suggest that this interval lasted approximately three to six million years, during which essentially all 'basal Tommotian' small shelly fossils evolved

    Розрахунок і проектування магнітопроводу індукційних кухонних плит

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    The increasing use of induction cookers in modern everyday life and in restaurant production makes it urgent to develop methods for calculating and designing the main structural elements of this representative of modern household appliances. In addition to the inductor (a flat coil alternating current in which creates an electromagnetic field which in turn induces eddy currents in the dishes heated on the induction cooker), one of the most important structural elements of a modern household induction cooker is a magnetic core made of ferromagnetic material and designed to shield the electromagnetic field created by the inductor, in order to reduce the scattering of the field and, thus, increase the efficiency of the cooker. It is of scientific and practical interest to develop a methodology for the engineering calculation and design of the magnetic core of an induction cooker in order to select the material for its manufacture, determine the geometric and mass-dimensional parameters of the magnetic core, as well as losses in it during operation of the coore. The methodology for the calculation and design of the magnetic core of an induction cooker presented in this paper (the material for manufacturing of the magnetic core is MnZn ferrite of the new PC95 brand manufactured by TDK Corporation) corresponds to this task. Taking into account the overall dimensions, mass and the low level of losses, the calculated magnetic cores can be used in the designs of induction cookers. The developed methodology can be used in the process of promising research and development work on the development of induction cookers, as well as in the educational process for the preparation of Bachelors and Masters in relevant educational programs.Все более широкое использование индукционных кухонных плит в современном быту и в ресторанном производстве делает актуальными задачу разработки методов расчета и проектирования основных конструктивных элементов указанного представителя современной электробытовой техники. Кроме индуктора (плоской катушки, при протекании по которой переменного тока создается электромагнитное поле, которое в свою очередь наводит вихревые токи в посуде, нагреваемой на индукционной кухонной плите), одним из важнейших элементов конструкции современной бытовой индукционной кухонной плиты является магнитопровод, выполненный из ферромагнитного материала и предназначенный для экранирования электромагнитного поля, созданного индуктором, с целью уменьшения рассеяния поля и, таким образом, повышения коэффициента полезного действия плиты. Представляет научный и практический интерес разработка методики инженерного расчета и проектирования магнитопровода индукционной кухонной плиты с целью выбора материала для его изготовления, определения геометрических и массогабаритных параметров магнитопровода, а также потерь в нем в процессе эксплуатации плиты. Представленная в данной статье и апробированная методика инженерного расчета и проектирования магнитопровода индукционной кухонной плиты (материал для изготовления магнитопровода – MnZn-феррит новой марки PC95 производства TDK Corporation) соответствует поставленной задаче. Учитывая массогабаритные показатели и низкий уровень потерь, рассчитанные в работе магнитопроводы можно использовать в конструкциях индукционных бытовых плит. Разработанная методика может быть использована в процессе перспективных научно-исследовательских и конструкторских работ по разработке индукционных кухонных плит, а также в учебном процессе для подготовки бакалавров и магистров по соответствующим учебным программам.Все більш широке використання індукційних кухонних плит у сучасному побуті та у ресторанному виробництві робить актуальними задачу розробки методів розрахунку і проектування основних конструктивних елементів зазначеного представника сучасної електропобутової техніки. Окрім індуктора (плоскої котушки, при протіканні по якій змінного струму створюється електромагнітне поле, яке наводить в свою чергу вихрові струми в посуді, що нагрівається на індукційній кухонній плиті), одним з найважливіших елементів конструкції сучасної побутової індукційної кухонної плити є магнітопровід, виконаний з феромагнітного матеріалу та призначений для екранування електромагнітного поля, створеного індуктором, з метою зменшення розсіяння поля та, таки чином, підвищення коефіцієнта корисної дії плити. Представляє науковий та практичний інтерес розробка методики інженерного розрахунку та проектування магнітопроводу індукційної кухонної плити з метою вибору матеріалу для його виготовлення, визначення геометричних і масогабаритних параметрів магнітопроводу, а також втрат у ньому в процесі експлуатації плити. Представлена в даній статті й апробована методика інженерного розрахунку та проектування магнітопроводу індукційної кухонної плити (матеріал для виготовлення магнітопроводу – MnZn-ферит нової марки PC95 виробництва TDK Corporation) відповідає поставленій задачі. З огляду на масогабаритні показники та низький рівень втрат, розраховані у роботі магнітопроводи можна використати у конструкціях індукційних побутових плит. Розроблена методика може бути використана в процесі перспективних науково-дослідних і конструкторських робіт з розробки індукційних кухонних плит, а також в навчальному процесі для підготовки бакалаврів і магістрів за відповідними освітніми програмами

    Short-latency afferent inhibition during selective finger movement

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    During individual finger movement, two opposite phenomena occur at the level of the central nervous system that could affect other intrinsic hand muscle representations, unintentional co-activation, and surround inhibition (SI). At rest, excitability in the motor cortex (M1) is inhibited at about 20 ms after electric stimulation of a peripheral nerve [short-latency afferent inhibition (SAI)]. We sought to determine whether SAI changes during selective index finger movement. Effects were measured by the response to transcranial magnetic stimulation in two functionally distinct target muscles of the hand [abductor digiti minimi muscle (ADM), first dorsal interosseus muscle (FDI)]. An increase in SAI in the ADM during index finger movement compared to at rest could help explain the genesis of SI. Electrical stimulation was applied to either the little finger (homotopic for ADM, heterotopic for FDI) or the index finger (heterotopic for ADM, homotopic for FDI). During index finger movement, homotopic SAI was present only in the ADM, and the effect of peripheral stimulation was greater when there was less co-activation. Heterotopic SAI found at rest disappeared with movement. We conclude that during movement, homotopic SAI on the muscle in the surround of the intended movement may contribute to SI

    Protein Nanoparticles Engineered to Sense Kinase Activity in MRI

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    We introduce a family of protein nanoparticles capable of sensing analytes in conjunction with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The new sensors are derived from the iron storage protein ferritin (Ft); they are designed and optimized using facile protein engineering methods, and self-assembled in cells harboring specific combinations of DNA coding sequences. As illustration, we show that suitably constructed Ft-based sensors can report activity of the important neural signaling enzyme protein kinase A (PKA). Phosphorylation of the engineered Ft-based nanoparticles by PKA promotes clustering and changes in T_2-weighted MRI signal

    Generation of Two-Dimensional Plasmonic Bottle Beams

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    By analogy to the three dimensional optical bottle beam, we introduce the plasmonic bottle beam: a two dimensional surface wave which features a lattice of plasmonic bottles, i.e. alternating regions of bright focii surrounded by low intensities. The two-dimensional bottle beam is created by the interference of a non-diffracting beam, a cosine-Gaussian beam, and a plane wave, thus giving rise to a non-diffracting complex intensity distribution. By controlling the propagation constant of the cosine-Gauss beam, the size and number of plasmonic bottles can be engineered. The two dimensional lattice of hot spots formed by this new plasmonic wave could have applications in plasmonic trapping.Engineering and Applied Science

    Structural Insights into the Mechanism of Heat‐Set Gel Formation of Polyisocyanopeptide Polymers

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    One of the key factors influencing the mechanical properties of natural and synthetic extracellular matrices (ECM) is how large‐scale 3D gel‐like structures emerge from the molecular self‐assembly of individual polymers. Here, structural characterization using small‐angle neutron scattering (SANS) of ECM‐mimicking polyisocyanopeptide (PIC) hydrogels are reported as a function of background ions across the Hofmeister series. More specifically, the process of polymer assembly is examined by probing the structural features of the heat‐set gels and correlating them with their rheological and micro‐mechanical properties. The molecular parameters obtained from SANS clearly show changes in polymer conformation which map onto the temperature‐induced changes in rheological and micro‐mechanical behavior. The formation of larger structures are linked to the formation of cross‐links (or bundles), whilst the onset of their detection in the SANS is putatively linked to their concentration in the gel. These insights provide support for the ‘hot‐spot’ gelation mechanism of PIC heat‐set gels. Finally, it is found that formation of cross‐links and heat‐set gelling properties can be strongly influenced by ions in accordance with Hofmeister series. In practice, these results have significance since ions are inherently present in high concentration during cell culture studies; this may therefore influence the structure of synthetic ECM networks