7 research outputs found

    Dissecting T cell lineage relationships by cellular barcoding

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    T cells, as well as other cell types, are composed of phenotypically and functionally distinct subsets. However, for many of these populations it is unclear whether they develop from common or separate progenitors. To address such issues, we developed a novel approach, termed cellular barcoding, that allows the dissection of lineage relationships. We demonstrate that the labeling of cells with unique identifiers coupled to a microarray-based detection system can be used to analyze family relationships between the progeny of such cells. To exemplify the potential of this technique, we studied migration patterns of families of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in vivo. We demonstrate that progeny of individual T cells rapidly seed independent lymph nodes and that antigen-specific CD8+ T cells present at different effector sites are largely derived from a common pool of precursors. These data show how locally primed T cells disperse and provide a technology for kinship analysis with wider utility

    The T7-Primer Is a Source of Experimental Bias and Introduces Variability between Microarray Platforms

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    Eberwine(-like) amplification of mRNA adds distinct 6–10 bp nucleotide stretches to the 5′ end of amplified RNA transcripts. Analysis of over six thousand microarrays reveals that probes containing motifs complementary to these stretches are associated with aberrantly high signals up to a hundred fold the signal observed in unaffected probes. This is not observed when total RNA is used as target source. Different T7 primer sequences are used in different laboratories and platforms and consequently different T7 primer bias is observed in different datasets. This will hamper efforts to compare data sets across platforms

    Ubiquitin E3 Ligase Ring1b/Rnf2 of Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 Contributes to Stable Maintenance of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) core member Ring1b/Rnf2, with ubiquitin E3 ligase activity towards histone H2A at lysine 119, is essential for early embryogenesis. To obtain more insight into the role of Ring1b in early development, we studied its function in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells.We investigated the effects of Ring1b ablation on transcriptional regulation using Ring1b conditional knockout ES cells and large-scale gene expression analysis. The absence of Ring1b results in aberrant expression of key developmental genes and deregulation of specific differentiation-related pathways, including TGFbeta signaling, cell cycle regulation and cellular communication. Moreover, ES cell markers, including Zfp42/Rex-1 and Sox2, are downregulated. Importantly, retained expression of ES cell regulators Oct4, Nanog and alkaline phosphatase indicates that Ring1b-deficient ES cells retain important ES cell specific characteristics. Comparative analysis of our expression profiling data with previously published global binding studies shows that the genes that are bound by Ring1b in ES cells have bivalent histone marks, i.e. both active H3K4me3 and repressive H3K27me3, or the active H3K4me3 histone mark alone and are associated with CpG-'rich' promoters. However, deletion of Ring1b results in deregulation, mainly derepression, of only a subset of these genes, suggesting that additional silencing mechanisms are involved in repression of the other Ring1b bound genes in ES cells.Ring1b is essential to stably maintain an undifferentiated state of mouse ES cells by repressing genes with important roles during differentiation and development. These genes are characterized by high CpG content promoters and bivalent histone marks or the active H3K4me3 histone mark alone

    Reduced supportive capacity of bone marrow stroma upon chemotherapy is mediated via changes in glycosaminoglycan profile

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    High dose chemotherapy and radiation have been found to impair the hematopoiesis-supportive capacity of bone marrow stroma. We now provide evidence for an important role of chemotherapy-induced alterations in stromal glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in reduction of the supportive properties of stromal fibroblasts. Exposure to cytarabine resulted in a pronounced increase in hyaluronan, both in the cell/matrix (p <0.03) and supernatant fraction (p <0.05). Gene expression analysis showed a corresponding increase in gene expression of hyaluronan synthase 1, indicating that the increase in hyaluronan is at least partly under genetic control. Functionally, hyaluronan significantly inhibited the proliferation of early megakaryocytic progenitor cells in a dose dependent way (p = 0.01). The increase in hyaluronan was confirmed in vivo by showing a > 2-fold increase in bone marrow hyaluronan of patients after chemo- and/or radiotherapy as conditioning for an allogeneic stem cell transplantation, indicating physiologically relevance. Furthermore, there was a trend towards a decrease in the amount and sulfation of stromal heparan sulfate proteoglycans upon exposure to cytarabine, resulting in a 40% reduced binding of SDF1-α to stromal cells (p <0.05). In conclusion, there is a pronounced effect of cytarabine treatment on the expression of genes involved in GAG synthesis and degradation, affecting the synthesis and function of stromal GAGs. Our results indicate that chemotherapy-induced changes in stromal GAG profile are likely to affect normal hematopoiesis. © 2007 International Society of Matrix Biology