3 research outputs found
"Voitaisiin puhua enemmän" : Kahdeksasluokkalaisten nuorten kokemukset seksuaalikasvatuksesta
Seksuaalisuus on nuorille samaan aikaan jännittävä ja mielenkiintoinen aihe. Siitä voi olla vaikea puhua ja usein tilanteet saattavat tuntua kiusallisilta. Hyvän seksuaalikasvatuksen tavoitteena on helpottaa aiheen puhuttavuutta, tehdä siitä arkipäiväisempää. Nuorten on tärkeää saada asiallista ja oikeaa tietoa. Nuorilla on monia kysymyksiä ja uskomuksia, jotka askarruttavat mieltä. Seksuaalikasvattajan tulisi kuunnella nuoria ja vastata tiedollaan nuorten tarpeisiin.
Seksuaalikasvatus sai alkunsa ennaltaehkäisevänä työnä, jolla nuoria varoiteltiin seksin vaaroista. Seksuaalikasvatuksen tarkoituksena oli opettaa nuoria käsittelemään omaa seksuaalisuuttaan vastuullisesti. Pian kuitenkin ymmärrettiin, että seksuaalisuuteen kuuluu muutakin kuin pelkkä seksi. Samalla kuin seksuaalisuuden määritelmä laajentui, seksuaalikasvatus alkoi muovaantua nuorten tarpeita vastaavaksi.
Tässä opinnäytetyössä seksuaalisuudella tarkoitetaan kunkin ihmisen omaa kokemusta siitä, millainen hän on. Seksuaalisuus on pala identiteettiä ja jokainen kokee sen omalla tavallaan. Seksuaalikasvatuksella tarkoitetaan kaikkea sitä opetusta, mitä nuoret saavat liittyen seksuaaliseen kasvuun ja kehitykseen, kehon muutoksiin, tunnemaailmaan, oman itsensä löytämiseen, identiteetin muodostumiseen, muiden hyväksymiseen ja henkiseen kasvuun.
Tässä opinnäytetyössä tutkitaan millaista seksuaalikasvatusta nuoret ovat saaneet ja millaista seksuaalikasvatusta he kaipaisivat. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittää Kouvolan kaupungin nuorisopalveluiden erityispalveluiden Motiimin tuottamia seksuaalikasvatusoppitunteja. Tutkimukseen osallistui kahdeksasluokkalaisia nuoria. Tutkimustulosten pohjalta voidaan päätellä, että seksuaalisuus on nuoria kiinnostava aihe ja he kaipaavat teemasta lisää tietoa. Seksuaalisuudesta puhutaan nuorille, mutta aiheesta saadaan pelkkä pintaraapaisu. Nuorten tiedonjano on suurempi kuin mitä heille tarjotaan.Sexuality is both an exciting and interesting topic to young people. It might be hard to talk about the topic and often those situations may feel awkward. The goal of good sex education is to make sexuality an easier topic to talk about. It is important for youth to get factual information. Teenagers tend to have many questions and thoughts that they can't keep out of their heads. A sex educator should listen to teenagers and answer their needs with knowledge.
Sex education started as preventive work and young people were warned about the risks of sex. The aim of sex education was to teach the youth how to deal with their own sexuality responsibly. Soon it was understood that sexuality includes so much more than just sex. As the definition of sexuality kept expanding, sex education started shifting to be corresponding to the needs of youth.
In this thesis teenagers' experiences and needs of sex education are being examinated. The aim of this research is to develop sex education lessons that Motiimi, the special youth services of the youth services of the city of Kouvola has produced. The research was made among youngsters in the 8th grade. The results of the research show that the young people are interested in sexuality as a subject but they need more information. The subject is being discussed but the information is not deep enough. Teenagers are eager to learn more than what they are offered.
In this thesis sexuality is defined as one’s own experience on how one sees themselves. Sexuality is a piece of identity and everyone experiences it in their own way. Sex education is defined as all the education that young people get in relation to sexual growth and development, changes in their bodies, feelings, finding yourself, building your identity, accepting other people and personal growth
Spectral Dependence of the Internal Quantum Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells: Effect of Charge Generation Pathways
conventional picture of photocurrent generation in organic
solar cells involves photoexcitation of the electron donor, followed
by electron transfer to the acceptor via an interfacial charge-transfer
state (Channel I). It has been shown that the mirror-image process
of acceptor photoexcitation leading to hole transfer to the donor
is also an efficient means to generate photocurrent (Channel II).
The donor and acceptor components may have overlapping or distinct
absorption characteristics. Hence, different excitation wavelengths
may preferentially activate one channel or the other, or indeed both.
As such, the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of the solar cell may
likewise depend on the excitation wavelength. We show that several
model high-efficiency organic solar cell blends, notably PCDTBT:PC70BM
and PCPDTBT:PC60/70BM, exhibit flat IQEs across the visible
spectrum, suggesting that charge generation is occurring either via
a dominant single channel or via both channels but with comparable
efficiencies. In contrast, blends of the narrow optical gap copolymer
DPP-DTT with PC70BM show two distinct spectrally flat regions in their
IQEs, consistent with the two channels operating at different efficiencies.
The observed energy dependence of the IQE can be successfully modeled
as two parallel photodiodes, each with its own energetics and exciton
dynamics but both having the same extraction efficiency. Hence, an
excitation-energy dependence of the IQE in this case can be explained
as the interplay between two photocurrent-generating channels, without
recourse to hot excitons or other exotic processes
Molecular Doping of a High Mobility Diketopyrrolopyrrole–Dithienylthieno[3,2‑<i>b</i>]thiophene Donor–Acceptor Copolymer with F6TCNNQ
Herein we present a molecular doping
of a high mobility diketopyrrolopyrrole–dithienylthieno[3,2-<i>b</i>]thiophene donor–acceptor copolymer poly[3,6-(dithiophene-2-yl)-2,5-di(6-dodecyloctadecyl)pyrrolo[3,4-<i>c</i>]pyrrole-1,4-dione-<i>alt</i>-thieno[3,2-<i>b</i>]thiophene], PDPP(6-DO)<sub>2</sub>TT, with the electron-deficient
compound hexafluorotetracyanonaphthoquinodimethane
(F6TCNNQ). Despite a slightly negative HOMO<sub>donor</sub>–LUMO<sub>acceptor</sub> offset of −0.12 eV which may suggest a reduced
driving force for the charge transfer (CT), a partial charge CT was
experimentally observed in PDPP(6-DO)<sub>2</sub>TT:F6TCNNQ by absorption,
vibrational, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies and
predicted by density functional theory calculations. Despite the modest
CT, PDPP(6-DO)<sub>2</sub>TT:F6TCNNQ films possess unexpectedly high
conductivities up to 2 S/cm (comparable with the conductivities of
the benchmark doped polymer system P3HT:F4TCNQ having a large positive
offset). The observation of the high conductivity in doped PDPP(6-DO)<sub>2</sub>TT films can be explained by a high hole mobility in PDPP(6-DO)<sub>2</sub>TT blends which compensates a lowered (relatively to P3HT:F4TCNQ)
concentration of free charge carriers. We also show that F6TCNNQ-doped
P3HT, the system which has not been reported so far to the best of
our knowledge, exhibits a conductivity up to 7 S/cm, which exceeds
the conductivity of the benchmark P3HT:F4TCNQ system