5 research outputs found

    Mathematical models of fertility for the soils of Azerbaijan

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    The experience shows that when constructing soil fertility models, many researchers prefer single-valued regression analysis. This is primarily due to the fact that regression analyses require simpler statistical calculations, and on the other hand, regression equations enable a physical explanation of the process under study. The research goal is to determine the effect of soil fertility indices and mineral fertilizers on the yields of crops (cereals) grown in the Karabakh Steppe on gray-brown irrigated soils

    İç Anadolu Bölgesinde Mühendislik ve CBS Amaçlı Quasi-Geoid Belirlenmesi

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    Requirement for a high resolution geoid model has increased substantially during the lastfew decades especially with the advent of Global Positioning System (GPS). Many countries across theworld have already developed their own geoidal model which serve as the means of derivingorthometric heights from GNSS observations. On the other hand, the need for transformation of theellipsoidal heights derived from GNSS observations to the physical orthometric heights has forcedgeodesists to determine the high precision local geoid heights. Besides, because orthometric heights areused in engineering and GIS applications, local quasi-geoid determination studies have becomeespecially important. As it is well known, Turkey is situated on a tectonically very active region andearthquakes occurring in different times cause deformations in heights of levelling points of TurkishNational Vertical Network. On the other hand, National Mapping Agency of Turkey (GDM: GeneralDirectorate of Mapping) which is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of national geodeticnetworks compute geoid models for whole Turkey and release them for public use in different periods.These GDM-computed geoid models are called “hybrid geoid” models. Hybrid geoid models arecomputed with the combination of gravimetric geoid models and geoid heights on the GPS_levellingpoints. And it is also known that the absolute accuracies of these geoid models are nearly at the 10 cmlevel or even worse. But, the requested accuracy is about better than 5 cm. Hence, in order to prove thatthe required accuracy levels can be achieved, a local gravimetric and quasi-geoid determination projectusing the resources of Selçuk University was initiated. Project area has been planned to cover a limitedpart of Central Anatolia including Konya. Necessary basic data (gravity, levelling etc.) for this projecthave been obtained in the field by performing observations/measurements. Some other necessary datasuch as absolute gravity values have been obtained from GDM. And as the next phase, high accuracy(better than 5 cm) local gravimetric and quasi-geoid models will be computed for the limited part ofCentral Anatolia using the above mentioned data. In order to be able to reach this goal suitable geoidcomputations softwares must be used. In this project, we will use DFHRS developed by the KarlsruheApplied Sciences and GRAVSOFT softwares. According to the results to be obtained from this project, amore comprehensive project will be launched and the project area will be expanded. Thus, additionalgravity, levelling and GNSS measurements will be carried out in the new project area for thedetermination of a high accuracy regional gravimetric geoid.Yüksek çözünürlüklü bir jeoit model için gereklilik, özellikle Küresel Konumlandırma Sisteminin(GPS) gelişi ile son birkaç on yılda önemli ölçüde artmıştır. Dünyadaki pek çok ülke, GNSS gözlemlerinden ortometrik yükseklik elde etme aracı olarak hizmet eden kendi jeoidal modellerini zatengeliştirmiştir. Öte yandan, GNSS gözlemlerinden elde edilen elipsoidal yüksekliklerin fiziksel ortometrikyüksekliklere dönüştürülmesi ihtiyacı, jeodezicileri yüksek hassasiyetli yerel jeoit yüksekliklerinibelirlemeye zorlamıştır. Ayrıca, mühendislik ve CBS uygulamalarında ortometrik yüksekliklerkullanıldığından, yerel yarı-jeoit belirleme çalışmaları özellikle önem kazanmıştır. İyi bilindiği gibi,Türkiye tektonik olarak çok aktif bir bölgede yer almakta ve farklı zamanlarda meydana gelendepremler, Türk Ulusal Dikey Ağının tesviye noktalarının yüksekliklerinde deformasyonlara nedenolmaktadır. Öte yandan, ulusal jeodezik ağların kurulması ve sürdürülmesinden sorumlu olan UlusalHaritacılık Ajansı (HGM: Harita Genel Müdürlüğü) tüm Türkiye için jeoit modelleri hesaplamakta vebunları farklı dönemlerde kamuya açık hale getirmektedir. Bu HGM-bilgisayarlı jeoit modellere “hibritjeoit” modelleri denir. Hibrit jeoit modeller, GPS_levelling noktalarındaki gravimetrik jeoit modellerin vejeodezik yüksekliklerin kombinasyonu ile hesaplanmıştır. Ayrıca, bu jeoit modellerin mutlakdoğruluklarının neredeyse 10 cm seviyesinde veya daha da kötü olduğu bilinmektedir. Ancak, istenendoğruluk 5 cm'den daha iyidir. Bu nedenle, istenen doğruluk düzeylerinin elde edilebileceğinikanıtlamak için, Selçuk Üniversitesi'nin kaynaklarını kullanan yerel bir gravimetrik ve yarı-jeoitbelirleme projesi başlatılmıştır. Proje alanı Konya dahil olmak üzere Orta Anadolu'nun sınırlı birbölümünü kapsayacak şekilde planlanmıştır. Bu proje için gerekli temel veriler (yerçekimi, tesviye vb.)Gözlem / ölçümler yapılarak sahada elde edilmiştir. HGM'den mutlak yer çekimi değerleri gibi diğergerekli veriler elde edilmiştir. Ve bir sonraki aşama olarak, yukarıda belirtilen veriler kullanılarak OrtaAnadolu'nun sınırlı kısmı için yüksek doğruluk (5 cm'den daha yüksek) yerel gravimetrik ve yarı-jeoitmodeller hesaplanacaktır. Bu amaca ulaşabilmek için uygun jeoit hesaplamalar kullanılmalıdır. Buprojede, Karlsruhe Uygulamalı Bilimler ve GRAVSOFT yazılımları tarafından geliştirilen DFHRS'yikullanacağız. Bu projeden elde edilecek sonuçlara göre daha kapsamlı bir proje başlatılacak ve projealanı genişletilecektir. Böylece, yüksek hassasiyetli bölgesel gravimetrik jeoidin belirlenmesi için yeniproje alanında ek yerçekimi, tesviye ve GNSS ölçümleri gerçekleştirilecektir

    Physical and microbiological properties of alluvial calcareous Çumra province soils (Central Anatolia, Turkey)

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    Alluvial calcareous soils in Central Anatolia (Konya province, Çumra district) has a heavy granulometric composition (average clay), low organic carbon content (less than 1%), but stable pore space structure and favorable agrophysical properties. Studies of the water regime in drip irrigation confirm favorable hydrological properties of these soils. It is assumed that the favorable structure of the pore space due to vigorous activity a large and diverse soil biota. Four phyla dominate in soil biota, among which predominate Actinobacteria. The higher (Streptomyces), and lower (three species Rhodococcus) actinobacteria are predominant in large amounts as a part of this phyla. Large biodiversity at a sufficiently high bacteria richness formed the structure of the microbial community that contribute to the balanced production of specific metabolites, including gases (CO2, N2), which allows the soil to function actively, preventing compaction of the pore space and maintaining optimal density, porosity, hydrologic properties of the studied silty clay soils. m the uppermost soil horizons. Analyses of heavy mineral fraction show presence of metamorphic and igneous minerals which indicate participation of weathering products from other rock types in the nearby area. The types of heavy minerals in soils depend more on composition of parent rocks and geomorphic position than on climate type. Soils from Nova Lovcha show similar composition, but the quantity of goethite and hematite significantly increase in soil from plain. Typical high-metamorphic minerals as andalusite, kyanite and sillimanite present only in Nova Lovcha, while garnet dominates in Petrovo and opaque minerals - in Dobrostan. Red soils, formed on slopes, where erosion prevails over accumulation, contain more illite, smectite and vermiculite-smectite, and very few or no kaolinite, whereas the kaolinite is dominant in soils formed on plain. The mineralogical composition of clays in different polygons depends on geomorphic position (altitude, slope or plain), and less on climate type. The weathering processes in the highest polygon Dobrostan (more than 1200 m) are in early stage (illite, vermiculite-smectite, and smectite), whereas in Nova Lovcha (above 700-900 m) and Petrovo (1000 m) the domination of kaolinite suggests an advanced weathering processes

    Combining selective sequential extractions, X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy, and X-Ray Powder Diffraction for Cu (II) speciation in soil and mineral phases

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    Interaction of Cu (II) ions with the matrix of soil and mineral phases of layered silicates was assessed by the Miller method of selective sequential fractionation and a set of synchrotron X-ray methods, including X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES). It was shown that the input of Cu into Calcic Chernozem in the form of monoxide (CuO) and salt (Cu(NO3)2) affected the transformation of Cu compounds and their affinity for metal-bearing phases. It was found that the contamination of soil with a soluble Cu(II) salt increased the bioavailability of the metal and the role of organic matter and Fe oxides in the fixation and retention of Cu. During the incubation of soil with Cu monoxide, the content of the metal in the residual fractions increased, which was related to the possible entry of Cu in the form of isomorphic impurities into silicates, as well as to the incomplete dissolution of exogenic compounds at the high level of their input into the soil. A mechanism for the structural transformation of minerals was revealed, which showed that ion exchange processes result in the sorption of Cu (II) ions from the saturated solution by active sites on the internal surface of the lattice of dioctahedral aluminosilicates. Surface hydroxyls at the octahedral aluminum atom play the main role. X-ray diagnostics revealed that excess Cu(II) ions are removed from the system due to the formation and precipitation of coarsely crystalline Cu(NO3)(OH)3