8 research outputs found

    FROGi : Deploiement de composants Fractal sur OSGi

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    Cet article presente FROGi, une proposition visant a introduire le modele a composants Fractal a l'interieur de la plateforme de services OSGi. La motivation derriere ce travail est double. D'un cote, FROGi offre aux developpeurs de services OSGi un modele a composants extensibles qui facilite le developpement des bundles ; ces derniers restent toutefois compatibles avec les bundles "patrimoniaux". D'un autre cote, FROGi beneficie de l'infrastructure de deploiement que represente OSGi et qui facilite la realisation du conditionnement et du deploiement de composants Fractal. Dans FROGi, une application Fractal est conditionnee sous la forme d'un ou plusieurs bundles et elle peut etre deployee de facon partielle et les activites de deploiement peuvent avoir lieu de facon continue. -- This paper presents FROGi, a proposal to introduce the Fractal component model into the OSGi services platform. There are two motivations for this work. The first one is to offer a flexible component model to the OSGi developers to simplify bundle development. Bundles developed with FROGi are nevertheless compatible with standard bundles. The second motivation is to leverage OSGi's deployment capabilities to package and deploy Fractal components. In FROGi, a Fractal application is packaged and delivered as a set of OSGi bundles; such an application supports partial deployment and additionally, deployment activities can occur continuously

    Evaluation and qualification of mobile application quality.

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    International audienceDevelopment of mobile applications has previously encountered, and still encounters, challenges related to the specificity of the mobile world. The usual rules of software engineering tend not to respond to certain mobile development issues. In this paper, we identify and address the challenges of mobile development. We propose a quality model and analysis adapted from ISO9126. Based on this model, we have developed a tool to analyze an application’s source code and measure the achievement of quality criteria. We describe all the notions of quality and the check points in the mobile application’s source code. This work was carried out in partnership with a mobile application development company, COMPANY, to test our tool on real-world applications. We also discuss the results obtained and feedback from COMPANY developers on our too

    Evaluation and qualification of mobile application quality.

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    International audienceDevelopment of mobile applications has previously encountered, and still encounters, challenges related to the specificity of the mobile world. The usual rules of software engineering tend not to respond to certain mobile development issues. In this paper, we identify and address the challenges of mobile development. We propose a quality model and analysis adapted from ISO9126. Based on this model, we have developed a tool to analyze an application’s source code and measure the achievement of quality criteria. We describe all the notions of quality and the check points in the mobile application’s source code. This work was carried out in partnership with a mobile application development company, COMPANY, to test our tool on real-world applications. We also discuss the results obtained and feedback from COMPANY developers on our too

    A framework for mobile and context-aware applications applied to vehicular social networks

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    International audienceThe notion of context has become very important in computer science, especially when users are highly mobile. In a short period of time the environment changes; communication networks can become available or unavailable, user communities can appear or disappear, etc. The work presented in this paper focuses on the transportation domain and more particularly on applications which accompany and assist the user in transportation activities (e.g., driving, visiting a city, etc.) through the use of ad hoc social networks. We present a case study related to the VESPA system, designed to help drivers by providing them with diverse information (e.g., traffic information, available parking spaces, etc.); we show how the framework we propose can help the system deal with context issues. In the last part, we analyze different mechanisms of changing application behavior through the use of services, an important step towards making our devices reactive to new situation

    A framework for detecting and analyzing behavior changes of elderly people over time using learning techniques

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    IF=3.275International audienceA sensor-rich environment can be exploited for elder healthcare applications. In this work, our objective was to conduct a continuous and long-term analysis of elderly’s behavior for detecting changes. We indeed did not study snapshots of the behavior but, rather, analyzed the overall behavior evolution over long periods of time in order to detect anomalies. Therefore, we proposed a learning method and formalize a normal behavior pattern for elderly people related to her/his Activities of Daily Living (ADL). We also defined a temporal similarity score between activities that allows detecting behavior changes over time. During the periods of time when behavior changes occurred, we then focused on each activity to identify anomalies. Finally, when a behavior change occurred, it was also necessary to help caregivers and/or family members understand the possible pathology detected in order for them to react accordingly. Therefore, the framework presented in this article includes a fuzzy logic-based decision support system that provides information about the suspected disease and its severity