66 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Real Investment Valuation Model for Giga-Investments, and a Note on Giga-Investment Lifecycle and Valuation

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    Very large industrial real investments are different from financial investments and from small real investments, even so, their profitability is commonly valued with the same methods. A definition of a group of very large industrial real investments is made, by requiring three common characteristics. The decision support needs arising from these characteristics are discussed and a summary of existing methods to value and to provide decision support for large industrial investments is presented. A model built specifically to support investment decisions of very large industrial real investments and a numerical application of the model are presented. The model is discussed and commented. A note is made on an observation regarding the giga-investment lifecycle and its effect on giga-investment valuation.Large industrial investments; Profitability analysis; Fuzzy corporate finance; Capital Budgeting

    Lazy User Behaviour

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    In this position paper we suggest that a user will most often choose the solution (device) that will fulfill her (information) needs with the least effort. We call this “lazy user behavior”. We suggest that the principle components responsible for solution selection are the user need and the user state. User need is the user’s detailed (information) need (urgency, type, depth, etc.) and user state is the situation, in which the user is at the moment of the need (location, time, etc.); the user state limits the set of available solutions (devices) to fulfill the user need. The context of this paper is the use of mobile devices and mobile services. We present the lazy user theory of solution selection, two case examples, and discuss the implications of lazy user behavior on user attachment to mobile services and devices, and to planning and execution of mobile services.User Attachment; Lazy User; Mobile Services; Mobile Devices; Adoption; Acceptance; Least Effort

    New Method for Real Option Valuation Using Fuzzy Numbers

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    Real option analysis offers interesting insights on the value of assets and on the profitability of investments, which has made real options a growing field of academic research and practical application. Real option valuation is, however, often found to be difficult to understand and to implement due to the quite complex mathematics involved. Recent advances in modeling and analysis methods have made real option valuation easier to understand and to implement. This paper presents a new method for real option valuation using fuzzy numbers that is based on findings from earlier real option valuation methods and from fuzzy real option valuation. The method is intuitive to understand and far less complicated than any previous real option valuation model to date.Real Options, Fuzzy Numbers, New Method

    Flexibility in Investments: Exploratory Survey on How Finnish Companies Deal with Flexibility in Capital Budgeting

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    Flexibility is an important issue when investments are being planned and valued. How flexibility inherent in investments is utilised and exploited is, therefore, of great importance to the accuracy of the plans and the valuation. This paper describes an exploratory survey, done with leading Finnish companies, exploring the use of Real Option Valuation (ROV), and the methods that Finnish corporations use to take flexibility into consideration, when planning and valuing investments. We found that real options exist in Finnish investments, but there are very few companies that have an established methodology of identifying, categorizing, or valuing them. We also found that Finnish managers have mixed views about the value of flexibility in investments. Very few Finnish managers seem to be aware of research done in the field, but most seem to have an intuitive understanding of how different variables affect the value of flexibility in an investment.flexibility; real options; capital budgeting

    Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Agents: Towards the Next Step of Capital Budgeting Decision Support

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    The economic life of large investments is long and thus necessitates constant dynamic managerial actions. To be able to act in an optimal way in the dynamic management of large investments managers need the support of advanced analytical tools. They need to have constant access to information about the real time situation of the investment, as well as, access to up-to-date information about changes in the business environment. What is more challenging, they need to integrate qualitative information into quantitative analysis process, and to integrate foresight information into the capital budgeting process. In this paper we will look at how emerging soft computing technologies, specifically fuzzy logic and intelligent agents, will help to provide a better support in such a context and then to frame a support system that will make an integrated application of the aforementioned technologies. We will first develop a holistic framework for an agent-facilitated capital budgeting system using a fuzzy real option approach. We will then discuss how intelligent agents can be applied to collect decision information, both qualitative and quantitative, and to facilitate the integration of foresight information into capital budgeting process. Integration of qualitative information into quantitative analysis process will be discussed. Methods for integrating qualitative and quantitative information into fuzzy numbers, as well as, methods for using the fuzzy numbers in capital budgeting will be presented. A specification of how the agents can be constructed is elaborated.Intelligent Agents, Fuzzy Sets, Capital Budgeting, Real Options, DSS

    Educating Multi-disciplinary Student Groups in Entrepreneurship: Lessons Learned from a Practice Enterprise Project

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    The target audiences for entrepreneurial university studies are most often students of different fields of business studies, or economics; entrepreneurship studies are a part of their normal curriculum. Entrepreneurs, however, are not a group that consists only of business professionals, but a group of people from all walks of life. The basic procedures and laws governing the starting of a company are most often same for all companies and individuals. It is important to acknowledge these two facts, when designing curriculums for university studies: basic courses in entrepreneurship (starting a business) are important for students of all disciplines. This paper reports experiences from educating multi-disciplinary student groups in entrepreneurship, presents preliminary data about student background and attitudes towards entrepreneurship, and discusses some lessons learned from the experiences.Entrepreneurship education; multi-disciplinary groups; lessons learned

    Giga-Investments: Modelling the Valuation of Very Large Industrial Real Investments

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    In this doctoral dissertation characteristics of very large industrial real investments (VLIRI) are investigated and a special group of VLIRI is defined as giga-investments. The investment decision-making regarding to giga-investments is discussed from the points of view of discounted cash-flow based methods and real option valuation. Based on the bacground of establishing giga-investments, state-of-the-art in capital budgeting (including real options) and by applying fuzzy numbers a novel method for the evaluation and profitability analysis of giga-investments is presented. Application of the method is illustrated and issues regarding investment decision-making of large industrial real investments are discussed.Real Options; Fuzzy Real Option Valuation; Giga-Investments; Very Large Industrial Real Investments; Dissertation

    A Fuzzy Pay-off Method for Real Option Valuation

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    Real Options analysis offers interesting insights on the value of assets and on the profitability of investments, which has made real options a growing field of academic research and practical application. Real option valuation is, however, often found to be difficult to understand and to implement due to the quite complex mathematics involved. Recent advances in modeling and analysis methods have made real option valuation easier to understand and to implement. This paper presents a new method (fuzzy pay-off method) for real option valuation using fuzzy numbers that is based on findings from earlier real option valuation methods and from fuzzy real option valuation. The method is intuitive to understand and far less complicated than any previous real option valuation model to date. The paper also presents the use of number of different types of fuzzy numbers with the method and an application of the new method in an industry setting.Real Option Valuation; Fuzzy Real Options; Fuzzy Numbers

    Approaches to Using e- and m-Business Components in Business

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    This paper discusses using e- and m-business components in supporting and enhancing existing businesses and in creating new business innovations. A framework illustrating two different approaches companies have to adoption of e- and m-business components is proposed. Three cases of how Finnish companies have, in an innovative way, used e- and m-business components to support, to enhance, and to launch businesses are presented. Based on the illustrative framework and the cases, some rules of thumb for using e- and m-business components in business are proposed. The aim of this paper is to offer managers helpful insights for planning e- and m-business component investments.e-Business; m-Business; Business Models; Case Studies

    Lazy User Behaviour

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    In this position paper we suggest that a user will most often choose the solution (device) that will fulfill her (information) needs with the least effort. We call this “lazy user behavior”. We suggest that the principle components responsible for solution selection are the user need and the user state. User need is the user’s detailed (information) need (urgency, type, depth, etc.) and user state is the situation, in which the user is at the moment of the need (location, time, etc.); the user state limits the set of available solutions (devices) to fulfill the user need. The context of this paper is the use of mobile devices and mobile services. We present the lazy user theory of solution selection, two case examples, and discuss the implications of lazy user behavior on user attachment to mobile services and devices, and to planning and execution of mobile services
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