6 research outputs found


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    糖尿病外来患者87名を村象として,罹病期間・合併症発症の危険因子となる肥満・禁煙・飲酒,主な3大合併症である腎症・神経症・網膜症の分類による臨床検査所見の変動を比較した。(1)罹病期間が長くなるに従って,血糖コントロールは悪化し,マグネシウムも同様に減少がみられた。(2)肥満になるにつれ,血糖コントロールは不良となり,HDLコレステロールやマグネシウムも減少傾向を示した。(3)喫煙者に血糖コントロール不良が多くみられ,マグネシウムは非喫煙者よりも低値であった。(4)FBSでは毎日飲酒する群が最も高く1.5AGも同様に悪い結果を示し,HbA_は飲酒による変動はみられなかった。(5)腎症,単純網膜症,増殖性網膜症,神経症を併発した群はFBS,HbA_は,もたない群に対して高値であるため,コントロールが良好でないことが示された。さらに,血中マグネシウムは低値を示した。(6)骨減少症とうつ病を合併している群においても血中マグネシウム量の減少が見られた。(7)マグネシウム摂取量を計算した。最初に穀類中のマグネシウム摂取量の年次推移を計算した。これは穀類中に含まれるマグネシウムの量が圧倒的に多く,これの計算のみでマグネシウム摂取量の年次推移の傾向を知ることができるからである。その結果年を経るとともに,徐々に急速に減少している。最近では日本人の栄養推奨量300mgに不足してきたことが分かる。これらは主に,日本人が穀物を徐々に摂取しなくなったためである。糖尿病の有病者数と死亡者数も年々増加してきている。糖尿病とMgとの関係は大きく,そのため食事によるマグネシウムの摂取は極めて重要なことである。このことからマグネシウムの摂取について国民はもっと注意を払うべきだと考えられた。Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism characterized by hyperglycemia and glycosuria, and associated with a disturbance of the normal insulin mechanism. Moreover, diabetes mellitus occurs more often in patients with cardiovascular disease, arteriosclerosis, diabetic nephrosis, diabetic retinopathy, necrosis of lower limbs and at least the patients died from these complications. In Japan, a prevalence rate of diabetes was very low in 1920\u27s. But recently, its patients are increasing with satiation and unbalance of food intakes. The purpose of this research is to clarify the relationship between increasing diabetes mellitus and their food habits. For this reason, we examined the physical and nutritional status of about 100 diabetic patients and analyzed the relationship between their clinical findings and food habits. Eighty-seven of diabetic outpatients were examined clinically in relation to duration of disease and complications. The control of blood sugar in diabetic patients with complications were dull, and their blood magnesium levels were also deteriorated. The levels of HbA_, and 1.5AG in patients with diabetic nephropathy were high, and the blood magnesium level was low. In Japan, the consumption of rice as a staple food has declined sharply, from 358g/day in 1960 to only 216g/day in 1985, resulting in a low intake of magnesium. On the contrary, the intakes of animal foods such as milk and dairy products, egg and meat, are markedly increased. Changes of magnesium contents from cereals are decreased about half of 40 years ago. Changes in morbidity and mortality rates from diabetes mellitus were compared with changes of magnesium intake. The mortality rates increased about 10 times in past 40 years, and magnesium intake also decreased about half in past 40 years. This result suggests that increased magnesium intakes play an important role in prevention of diabetes mellitus


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    国民栄養調査では,鉄,カルシウム,ナトリウムについては,摂取量が発表されているが,微量元素については,発表されていないため,今回,国民栄養調査の結果をもとに,「日本食品無機質成分表」,食品類別荷重平均表を用いて,微量元素のうち, P, K, Mg, Zn, Cuの国民1人1日あたりの摂取量を算出した。算出した結果,1989年では, P: 1205mg, K: 2872mg, Mg: 374mg, Zn: 10.1mg, Cu: 1.41mgとなり,全ての元素において,目標摂取量を上回っていた。Mineral intakes (P, K, Mg, Zn, Cu) per capita per day were calculated on the basis of the results of the National nutrition survey, using the Weighted average table of minerals in foods from 1960 to 1989. The mean daily phosphorus intake was approximately 1205mg/day. Major contributors of phosphorus were cereals, fishes and shellfishes, and milk and daily products. The mean potassium intake was 2872mg/day. The richest source was vegetables followed by fishes and shellfishes. Magnesium intake was 374mg/day, and zinc was 10.0mg/day. Main sources of them were plant products, especially cereals. The daily intake of copper was 1.41mg/day. The usual foods sources were cereals, fishes and shellfishes, and pulses. These mineral intakes were sufficient for their adequate dietary intakes


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    Intake of niacin equivalents per capita per day were caluculated on the basis of the National Nutrition Survey in 1991, using the Weighted average tables of niacin and also tryptophan contents of protein in foods. Daily intake of niacin equivalents in healthy children aged 3 to 6 years were computed based on data of Annual Nutrition Survey in Tokyo Metropolitan area. According to the widely adapted convention, 60mg of tryptophan were counted as equivalent to 1mg dietary niacin. Dairy intake of niacin equivalents increased with age and 40 to 49 years' group in male and 50 to 59 years' group were the highest intake. The average daily intakes of niacin equivalents by age group were revealed to be 26.2mg, 29.5mg, 32.0mg, 36.5mg, 32.8mg, 34, 3mg and 28.7mg, for groups of under 19, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 to 49, 50 to 59, 60 to 69, and over 70 years, respectively, for male 27.2mg, 30.9mg, 31.5mg, 31.8mg, 29.3mg, 25.7mg, respectively, for female of each age groups. The average of daily intake of niacin equivalents of children was 20.9mg. From these data, it was found that the average niacin equivalents intakes of all Japanese exceeded the Japanese Recommended Dietary Allowances of niacin. Major sources of niacin from food were fishes, cereals, and meats.7KJ00004311073報文Originaldepartmental bulletin pape