192 research outputs found

    Regulated interaction between polypeptide chain elongation factor-1 complex with the 26S proteasome during Xenopus oocyte maturation

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    BACKGROUND: During Xenopus oocyte maturation, the amount of a 48 kDa protein detected in the 26S proteasome fraction (p48) decreased markedly during oocyte maturation to the low levels seen in unfertilized eggs. The results indicate that the interaction of at least one protein with the 26S proteasome changes during oocyte maturation and early development. An alteration in proteasome function may be important for the regulation of developmental events, such as the rapid cell cycle, in the early embryo. In this study, we identified p48. RESULTS: p48 was purified by conventional column chromatography. The resulting purified fraction contained two other proteins with molecular masses of 30 (p30) and 37 (p37) kDa. cDNAs encode elongation factor-1γ and δ were obtained by an immuno-screening method using polyclonal antibodies against purified p48 complex, which recognized p48 and p37. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of p30 revealed that it was identical to EF-1β. To identify the p48 complex bound to the 26S proteasome as EF-1βγδ, antibodies were raised against the components of purified p48 complex. Recombinant EF-1 β,γ and δ were expressed in Escherichia coli, and an antibody was raised against purified recombinant EF-1γ. Cross-reactivity of the antibodies toward the p48 complex and recombinant proteins showed it to be specific for each component. These results indicate that the p48 complex bound to the 26S proteasome is the EF-1 complex. MPF phosphorylated EF-1γ was shown to bind to the 26S proteasome. When EF-1γ is phosphorylated by MPF, the association is stabilized. CONCLUSION: p48 bound to the 26S proteasome is identified as the EF-1γ. EF-1 complex is associated with the 26S proteasome in Xenopus oocytes and the interaction is stabilized by MPF-mediated phosphorylation

    γ-Tocopherol Accelerated Sodium Excretion in a Dose-Dependent Manner in Rats with a High Sodium Intake

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    We have previously reported that γ-tocopherol (γ-Toc) displays a natriuretic potency in rats fed a NaCl diet and administered 20 mg γ-Toc. In this study, we investigated whether γ-Toc has natriuretic potency at a dose lower or higher than 20 mg in rats given a NaCl diet. Male rats were fed a control diet or a NaCl diet and administered either placebo or 10, 20 or 40 mg of γ-Toc. The rat urine was collected for 24 hours (divided into 6 hour periods) and the 2,7,8-trimethyl-2-(2'-carboxyethyl)-6-hydroxychroman (γ-CEHC) level, the sodium excretion content, and the urine volume were determined. The 24-hour γ-CEHC and sodium levels in the urine of the NaCl groups given 20 mg or 40 mg γ-Toc were significantly higher than those in the placebo group. The peak levels of urine sodium and γ-CEHC in the NaCl group given 40 mg γ-Toc appeared at 0–6 h, which was a more rapid increase than that seen in the group given 20 mg γ-Toc. The 24-hour urine volumes of the NaCl groups given 10 and 20 mg γ-Toc were significantly higher than the urine volume of the placebo group. Our findings suggested that γ-Toc increased sodium excretion in a dose-dependent manner in rats fed a NaCl diet. Moreover, a high dose of γ-Toc may accelerate its metabolism and cause an increase in the rate of sodium excretion

    POEMS Syndrome in a 20-year-old Patient Diagnosed Following a Complaint of Reduced Visual Acuity

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    We report a case of POEMS syndrome in a 20-year-old patient diagnosed after visiting an eye clinic with a chief complaint of reduced visual acuity. A male university student aged 20 years was referred to our department complaining of blurred vision in both eyes that had persisted for 1 month. He also noted headache, nausea, and paresthesia in the lower extremities around the same time. The visual acuity of his right and left eye was 20/40 and 20/20, respectively. Optic disc edema and serous retinal detachment were present. Brain magnetic resonance imaging showed no intracranial abnormalities, while elevated cerebrospinal fluid pressure, reduced nerve conduction velocity in both lower extremities, hepatosplenomegaly, M proteinemia, high blood VEGF levels, osteoblastic and osteolytic changes in the spine, and atypical plasma cells in bone lesions were noted. From the above findings, the patient was diagnosed with POEMS syndrome. He received high-dose dexamethasone, thalidomide, and radiotherapy on the sacral mass, followed by high-dose melphalan with autologous stem-cell support, and showed subsequent systemic and ophthalmologic improvement. Here, we report the youngest case ever of POEMS syndrome with ocular manifestation. If patients have optic disc edema in both eyes with no intracranial space-occupying lesion, POEMS syndrome should be considered in differential diagnosis, regardless of age

    コウリツ ガッコウ ニ オケル ボゴ キョウシツ カツドウ ヲ ガッコウ ニ ヒラク トリクミ ボゴ キョウシツ コウカイ イベント タプカム DAY ノ ジッセン ホウコク

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    本稿は、神戸市立S小学校内に設置されたベトナムルーツの子どもを対象とした母語教室であるH教室において、2019 年度に実施した母語教室公開イベント「タプカムDAY」の実践について報告するものである。「タプカムDAY」では、H 教室生が「ホスト」を務め、日本人児童を「ゲスト」として迎えた。このように場面の構造を変化させることで、H教室生を場の「中心」に据えたまま他者の目(周囲の承認)を獲得することができ、また「文化的差異」を「引き受けさせられる『客観化された本質』」ではなく「主体的に活用する『手段』」に変換することが可能となった。母語教室の活動においては、そこに通う子どもを「〇〇にルーツを持つ子ども」としてひとくくりにせず、その中での多様性を尊重することが大切である。そして、そのような姿勢が学校全体で共有されれば、学校全体で多様性の実態を学ぶ機会を得ることができると考える。The paper reports on “Thập Cẩm DAY,” an open day at a mother tongue class H for children with Vietnamese roots at S elementary school in Kobe in school year 2019-2020. On “Thập Cẩm DAY,” H class students worked as “hosts” and welcomed Japanese children who came to the event as “guests.” This change in the structure made it possible for the H class students to get approval from others while keeping them at the“ center” of the field. H class students were also able to reinterpret“ cultural differences” as a “means” they can use through their own initiative rather than as an“ objectified nature” that is forced upon them by others. In mother tongue class, it is important not to consider children to be members of a homogeneous group as “children with roots in XX,” but to respect the diversity among them. Sharing such an attitude throughout the school will enable all students have the opportunity to learn about the reality of diversity.実践報告Teaching Note

    ワールドクラス ニ サンカ シタ ガクセイ コウシ ノ ニンシキ ノ ヘンカ

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    特集:阪大ふくふくセンターの使命と可能性Feature Articles : The mission and potential of Diversity and Community Engagement Research Cente

    Hypervascularized bronchial arteries affect lung cancer surgery

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    Background: The present study investigated whether highly vascularized bronchial arteries affect the intraoperative blood loss and the operative time of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) lobectomy for patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Methods: We retrospectively collected data on consecutive pathological stage I to IIIA non-small cell lung cancer patients who underwent VATS lobectomy with systematic lymph node dissection between January 2017 and December 2019. Patients were divided into the following two groups according to bronchial artery diameters on preoperative enhanced contrast computed tomography (CT) findings: ≤2 and >2 mm groups. Results: Among the 175 patients enrolled, risk factors for intraoperative blood loss >50 mL were being male (P=0.005), a history of smoking (P=0.01), percent forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1.0%) 2.0 mm (P2.0 mm (P200 min were being male (P2.0 mm (P2.0 mm (P=0.024), and experience of surgeon <10 years (P=0.047) in the multivariable analysis. Conclusions: Bronchial artery diameter was the most important risk factor of intraoperative bleeding and prolonged operative time during VATS lobectomy

    Human induced pluripotent stem cells generated from a patient with idiopathic basal ganglia calcification

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    Idiopathic basal ganglia calcification (IBGC) is a rare neurodegenerative disease, characterized by abnormal calcium deposits in basal ganglia of the brain. The affected individuals exhibit movement disorders, and progressive deterioration of cognitive and psychiatric ability. The genetic cause of the disease is mutation in one of several different genes, SLC20A2, PDGFB, PDGFRB, XPR1 or MYORG, which inheritably or sporadically occurs. Here we generated an induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) line from an IBGC patient, which is likely be a powerful tool for revealing the pathomechanisms and exploring potential therapeutic candidates of IBGC

    Simple derivation of skeletal muscle from human pluripotent stem cells using temperature‐sensitive Sendai virus vector

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    温度感受性センダイウイルスベクターを用いて ヒトES細胞/iPS細胞から骨格筋細胞を簡便に作製する技術開発 --神経筋疾患病態モデル構築と創薬研究への利用--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-09-13.Human pluripotent stem cells have the potential to differentiate into various cell types including skeletal muscles (SkM), and they are applied to regenerative medicine or in vitro modelling for intractable diseases. A simple differentiation method is required for SkM cells to accelerate neuromuscular disease studies. Here, we established a simple method to convert human pluripotent stem cells into SkM cells by using temperature-sensitive Sendai virus (SeV) vector encoding myoblast determination protein 1 (SeV-Myod1), a myogenic master transcription factor. SeV-Myod1 treatment converted human embryonic stem cells (ESCs) into SkM cells, which expressed SkM markers including myosin heavy chain (MHC). We then removed the SeV vector by temporal treatment at a high temperature of 38℃, which also accelerated mesodermal differentiation, and found that SkM cells exhibited fibre-like morphology. Finally, after removal of the residual human ESCs by pluripotent stem cell-targeting delivery of cytotoxic compound, we generated SkM cells with 80% MHC positivity and responsiveness to electrical stimulation. This simple method for myogenic differentiation was applicable to human-induced pluripotent stem cells and will be beneficial for investigations of disease mechanisms and drug discovery in the future

    Multiple Myeloma of Atomic Bomb Survivors -Autopsy Cases in the Nagasaki District (1946-1980)-

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    The present investigation was carried out with particular stress placed on the relationship between the autopsy cases of multiple myeolma in the Nagasaki district and exposure to the Atomic Bomb. A total of 10372 autopsy cases, all patients who had been born before the time of the Atomic Bomb explosion, were examined. Only 58 autopsy cases (0.6%) of multiple myeloma were detected up to 1980. There was no autopsy case of multiple myeloma which had been exposed within 1 km from the hypocenter. The patients who were within 1-2 km and over 2 km from the hypocenter at the time of the Atomic Bomb explosion were composed of 5 cases (0.6%) and 16 cases(0.5%), respectively. The group of non-exposed persons was composed of 36 cases(0.6%). In the patients who were within 1-2 km at the time of the Atomic Bomb explosion, the first 20 years (1945-1965), there was no autopsy case of multiple myeloma, although during the subsequent 15 years (1966-1980) there were 5 autopsy cases (1.2%). In control group, however, multiple myeloma during the first 20 years was 13 cases (0.5%), and it was 24 cases (0.6%) in the subsequent 15 years. It is possible that the frequency of multiple myeloma in exposed persons has increased in recent years. However, the proportions of myeloma among all autopsy cases during the 1946-1965 period and the 1966-1980 period showed no significant differences with other groups

    Establishment of induced pluripotent stem cells from schizophrenia discordant fraternal twins

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    Schizophrenia (SCZ) is one of the major psychiatric disorders. The genetic factor is certainly influential in the onset of the disease but is not decisive. There is no identified molecular/cellular marker of the disease, and the pathomechanism is still unknown. In this study, we generated human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from SCZ-discordant fraternal twins, and they could contribute to elucidation of the pathomechanism of SCZ