54 research outputs found

    Water an Eco-Friendly Crossroad in Green Extraction: An Overview

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    In this overview, the function of water and the increasing role of water as a green solvent and co-extractant based on its application in ancient times and the need of environmental thinking have been discussed. A brief summary of various extraction methods for natural products, the application of conventional and innovative processes, based on water and future insights and perspectives considering water as an eco-friendly crossroad in green extraction have been reported. Taking into account also the issue of wastewater, this paper calls for more effective use of water as a finite resource

    Insights and Perspectives on Plant-Based Beverages

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    The emerging demand for everyday food substitutes is increasing daily. More and more individuals struggle with allergies and intolerances, making providing alternatives for simple products like dairy milk mandatory. Plant-based beverages (PBBs) are currently trending due to the multiple diets that promote their consumption with or without a justification. PBBs can derive from various types of plants, not exclusively nuts. Some of the most well-known sources are almonds, soy, rice, and hazelnuts. Given the need for sustainable approaches to resource utilization and food production, novel sources for PBBs are being sought, including fruit kernels. The plant kingdom offers a palette of resources with proven bioactivity, i.e., containing flavonoids, phenolic acids, vitamins, carotenoids, and phenolics. Many of these beneficial substances are water-soluble, which could be transferred to the plant beverage compositions. The current review compares the vast number of potential formulations based on their specific nutritional profiles and possible deficiencies, as well as their expected health-promoting properties based on the raw material(s) used for production. Special attention will be given to the antinutrients, usually abundant in plant-based sources

    Polyphenols as Suitable control for Obesity and Diabetes

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    Modern life is characterized by physical inactivity and poor food choices, which is often a prerequisite for unhealthy weight gain and overweight/obesity. These factors unlock the emergence of a number of diseases including diabetes, cardiovascular problems, different types of cancer, etc. The pursuit of scientists to seek strategies to prevent, relieve and cure the patient leads to the usage of natural compounds of potential beneficial effect. Polyphenols are a large group of naturally occurring secondary metabolites mainly found in plants and beverages. The presence of these secondary metabolites seems to decrease the manifestation of miscellaneous disease-causing symptoms. The purpose of this review is to synthesize information about polyphenols and their potential in controlling obesity and diabetes. Polyphenols are considered as health-beneficial sources and thus could be involved in novel strategies for preventing diabetes and obesity complications

    Valorization of onion extracts as anti-browning agents

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    The enzymatic browning, whose main responsible is polyphenol oxidase (PPO, EC, is involved in the phenolic oxidation and colour alteration of minimally-processed fruits and vegetables. Currently, the research of new strategies to inactivate PPO is moving towards replacing synthetic additives such as organic acids and sulphites with natural inhibitors. The present study is focused on investigating the anti-browning performance of juices and distillates obtained from three onion varieties (white, yellow, and red) and Borettana onion wastes (inner layers). Their inhibitory activity on a commercial mushroom tyrosinase and some plant PPOs has been evaluated by spectrophotometric and electrophoretic analysis. The in vivo trials has been also carried out by monitoring over time at room temperature the colour change on potato slices under accelerated browning conditions. The effectiveness of onion samples in limiting enzymatic browning was affected by not only the enzyme source but also inhibitor type. Although distillates had higher anti-PPO capacity as confirmed by in vitro assays, juices showed better in vivo effectiveness. Hence, onions and their wastes can be valorised as a natural source of anti-browning agents to control PPO activity thus preserving sensory, antioxidant and nutritional properties of agro-food products

    BRAZILIAN ARCHIVES OF BIOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY A N I N T E R N A T I O N A L J O U R N A L Antioxidant and Stabilization Activity of a Quercetin- Containing Flavonoid Extract Obtained from Bulgarian Sophora japonica L

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    ABSTRACT This work aimed to study the antioxidant activity of a quercetin-containing flavonoid extract (QFЕ) obtained fro

    Етнофармакология и фитохимия на някои представители на рода Prunus

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    Representatives of the Prunus genera, found in almost every country and continent, have been recognized not only for their delicious fruits and nuts, but also because of their beneficial properties. To date, numerous cultivars have been phytochemically studied, leading to the identification of various compounds including terpenes, tannins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, carotenoids, fatty acids, and so on. Pharmacological studies on Prunus species have also revealed a variety of bioactive potentials including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, antidiabetic, brain protecting, and other evidence based uses. This review covers articles, retrieved from scientific databases, using “Prunus” as search term (“all fields”) and with a specific time frame set for search. Information about Prunus amygdalus, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus cerasifera, Prunus persica, Prunus domestica, Prunus avium, and Prunus cerasus was selected and summarized giving information about their ethnopharmacological uses, isolated phytochemicals, and pharmacological activities.Представители на род Prunus могат да бъдат открити в почти всяка страна и континент. Те са признати не само заради вкусните си плодове и ядки, но и заради полезните си свойства. Към днешна дата многобройни сортове са фитохимично проучени, което е довело до идентифицирането на различни съединения, включително терпени, танини, флавоноиди, фенолни киселини, каротеноиди, мастни киселини и др. Фармакологичните проучвания върху видовете Prunus разкриват различни биоактивни потенциали, включително антиоксидантни, противовъзпалителни, хиполипидемични, антидиабетни, предпазващи мозъка и други приложения, базирани на научни доказателства. Този обзор обхваща статии, извлечени от научни бази данни, използващи „Prunus“ като термин за търсене („всички полета“) и със специфична времева рамка, зададена за търсене. Подбрана и обобщена е информация за Prunus amygdalus, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus cerasifera, Prunus persica, Prunus domestica, Prunus avium и Prunus cerasus, давайки информация за техните етнофармакологични употреби, изолирани фитохимикали и фармакологични дейности

    Физико-химични показатели и сензорна оценка на ранно зреещи сортове праскови и нектарини

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    The present study was carried out to determine some physicochemical, composition and sensory attributes of earlyripening peach varieties: “Filina” (peach), “Gergana” (nectarine), and “Ufo-4” (flat peach). Fruit weight, shape and size, as well as color and firmness were evaluated. Image analysis was used to describe properties such as length, width, thickness, etc. Skin hue ranged from 33.45±10.70 to 42.75±29.87. Dry matter (%), ash content (%), total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, total sugar content, and protein content were employed to characterize the studied varieties. Results showed differences in all properties of the types. Ash content varied from 0.45±0.04% to 0.96±0.12% and pH from 3.95 to 4.46. “Gergana” had the lowest total soluble solids. A trained descriptive sensory panel evaluated the peach varieties in five categories with a total of twenty-five attributes. The fruit attributes were evaluated by a 15-point ascending scale. The panellists detected differences between varieties in each of the categories (aroma, texture, taste, internal and external appearance). These results offer and highlight new data in terms of early-ripening peach variety properties.Настоящото проучване е проведено с цел определяне на някои физикохимични, химични и сензорни качества на ранно зреещи сортове праскови: „Филина“ (праскова), „Гергана“ (нектарина) и „Уфо-4“ (плоска праскова). Оценени са теглото, формата и размерът на плодовете, както и цветът, и твърдостта. За описание на свойства като дължина, ширина, дебелина и др. е използван анализ на изображения. Оттенъкът на прасковената обелка варира от 33,45±10,70 до 42,75±29,87. Сухо вещество (%), съдържание на пепел (%), общо разтворими твърди вещества, рН, титруема киселинност, общо съдържание на захар и съдържание на протеин характеризират изследваните сортове. Резултатите показват разлики във всички свойства на сортовете. Съдържанието на пепел варира от 0,45±0,04% до 0,96±0,12%, а рН от 3,95 до 4,46. Гергана има най-ниските стойности на общо разтворими твърди вещества. Обучен сензорен панел оцени сортовете праскови в пет категории с общо двадесет и пет характеристики. Характеристиките на плодовете се оценяват по 15-степенна скала, в която 15 е максималната стойност. Дегустаторите откриват разлики между сортовете във всяка от категориите (аромат, текстура, вкус, вътрешност и външен вид). Получените резултати предлагат и подчертават нови данни по отношение на свойствата на ранно зреещи прасковени сортове

    Ispitivanje tehnoloških i senzornih svojstava mafina pripremljenih s chia sjemenkama i liofiliziranim prahom breskve

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    Research background. There is an increasing interest in foods with added nutritional value. This study presents the opportunity for the reformulation of muffins using chia seeds and lyophilized peach powder in view of the emerging societal challenges regarding unhealthy eating patterns and food intolerances. Experimental approach. Two new formulations were developed to eliminate the use of eggs and alter the flour content and type. Physical characteristics, texture analysis, water activity, microbial load, antioxidant potential and sensory profile aided in the evaluation of the newly developed products. Results and conclusions. The results indicate an inversely proportional relationship between the relative mass of the dough and physical parameters (density, volume and height) of all muffin formulations. The modification of the original recipe compared to the control sample led to decreased baking losses, increased total phenolic content, as well as enhanced nutritional value in terms of fibre content. The addition of chia seeds and peach powder led to positive sensory changes. The alteration of the original recipe resulted in significant effect on the colour, making the muffins darker and less yellow than the control sample. In terms of texture characteristics, the new formulations had a profile close to the control. Novelty and scientific contribution. Recipe reformulation without deteriorating quality attributes is important for the food technology field. Reformulation should comply with the new expectations of the modern consumer. The study targets an approach where new products with enhanced functional characteristics are presented. §Paper was presented at the 11th Central European Congress on Food and Nutrition CEFood2022, Čatež ob Savi, Slovenia, 27-30 September 2022Pozadina istraživanja. Interes potrošača za hranom s dodatnom hranjivom vrijednošću sve je veći. U ovom je radu prikazana mogućnost pripreme mafina prema novoj recepturi, s chia sjemenkama i liofiliziranim prahom breskve, čime bi se smanjile društvene posljedice nezdravih prehrambenih navika i time povezane intolerancije na hranu. Eksperimentalni pristup. Razvijene su dvije nove recepture pomoću kojih se izbjegava upotreba jaja i korigiraju količina i tip brašna. Novi su proizvodi procijenjeni pomoću sljedećih parametara: fizikalna svojstva, tekstura, aktivitet vode, broj stanica mikroorganizama, antioksidacijski potencijal i senzorna svojstva. Rezultati i zaključci. Rezultati pokazuju da su relativna masa tijesta i njegove fizikalne značajke (gustoća, volumen i visina) obrnuto proporcionlni u svim uzorcima mafina. U usporedbi s kontrolnim uzorkom, u uzorcima pripremljenim prema modificiranoj recepturi smanjio se gubitak pri pečenju, povećao ukupni udjel fenola i povećao udjel vlakana a time i poboljšala hranjiva vrijednost mafina. Dodatkom chia sjemenki i praha breskve poboljšala su se njihova senzorna svojstva. Promjene izvorne recepture bitno su utjecale na boju mafina, koji su bili tamniji i manje žuti od kontrolnog uzorka. Tekstura novih uzoraka bila je bliža onoj kontrolnog uzorka. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Razvoj nove recepture koja neće umanjiti kakvoću proizvoda je bitan u tehnologiji hrane. Nova receptura treba zadovoljiti očekivanja modernih potrošača. Svrha je ovoga rada bila prikazati novi proizvod s poboljšanim funkcionalnim značajkama

    Isolation, Characterization and Amino Acid Composition of a Bacteriocin Produced by Bacillus methylotrophicus Strain BM47

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    Poznato je da bakterije roda Bacillus proizvode široki spektar proteinskih antibiotičkih spojeva što inhibiraju različite saprofitne i patogene mikroorganizme. U ovom je radu opisan i identificiran kao bakteriocin peptid iz soja bakterije Bacillus methylotrophicus BM47, prethodno izolirane iz prirodnog termalnog izvora u Bugarskoj. Ispitivanje je antimikrobnog djelovanja in vitro nepročišćene suspenzije bakteriocina iz B. methylotrophicus BM47 pokazalo učinak na fitopatogene plijesni Fusarium moniliforme, Aspergillus awamori, Penicillium sp., Aspergillus niger te na Gram-negativnu bakteriju Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antimikrobno djelovanje nepročišćene suspenzije bakteriocina djelomično su inhibirali enzimi tripsin, Alcalase®, Savinase®, proteinaza K, papain i Esperase®, dok katalaza nije imala učinkovito djelovanje. Nepročišćena je suspenzija bakteriocina bila otporna na promjene u pH-vrijednostima, ali je bila osjetljiva na djelovanje topline i većine ispitanih organskih otapala i detergenata. Radi dobivanja udjela aktivnog proteina, sirovi je ekstrakt bakteriocina pročišćen pomoću brze tekućinske kromatografije proteina (engl. FPLC) i jake anionske kolone za ionsku izmjenu. Analiza tricin-natrij dodecil sulfat – poliakrilamid gel elektroforezom pokazala je da pročišćeni bakteriocin ima molekulsku masu od 19 578 Da, dok je visokodjelotvornom tekućinskom kromatografijom utvrđeno da sadržava 17 vrsta aminokiselina s najvećim molarnim udjelom serina (29,3 %), valina (10,3 %), alanina (9,8 %) i tirozina (7,1 %).Members of the bacterial genus Bacillus are known as producers of a broad spectrum of antibiotic compounds of proteinaceous nature that possess inhibitory activity against different saprophytic and pathogenic microorganisms. In the current research, a peptide synthesized by Bacillus methylotrophicus strain BM47, previously isolated from a natural thermal spring in Bulgaria, was identified and characterized as a bacteriocin. In vitro antimicrobial screening of the crude bacteriocin substance of B. methylotrophicus BM47 showedn activity against the plant pathogenic fungi Fusarium moniliforme, Aspergillus awamori, Penicillium sp., Aspergillus niger and Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The antimicrobial activity of the crude bacteriocin substance was partially inhibited by the enzymes trypsin, Alcalase®, Savinase®, proteinase K, papain and Esperase®, while catalase was not effective. The crude bacteriocin substance was relatively pH resistant, but sensitive to the action of heat and most organic solvents and detergents tested. To obtain the active protein fractions, crude bacteriocin substance was purified by fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) using a strong anion exchange column. Tricine sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis demonstrated that the purified bacteriocin had molecular mass of 19 578 Da. The amino acid analysis performed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) revealed that the isolated bacteriocin consisted of 17 types of amino acids, with the highest mol fraction expressed as percent of serine (29.3), valine (10.3), alanine (9.8) and tyrosine (7.1)